💛 The Liberty Zeppelin (January Edition) is Here!!!
From Glenn Meder. You're going to love this issue!!!
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you are having a fantastic day!
I’m happy to present our January issue of the Liberty Zeppelin. I know you’re going to love it! Before I give you the link to the January issue, I’d like to remind you what the Liberty Zeppelin is and why we do what we do. . .
The Liberty Zeppelin is a new inspiring newsletter that is designed to uplift humanity by celebrating our inherent, inalienable rights; to recognize the prosperous society that good, productive people have created by realizing those rights; and to peacefully stand up to the power-mongers who seek to strip us of our freedoms.
I have chosen this as my mission in life right now because I want to leave a legacy of freedom for my son and future generations. Freedom is under a highly sophisticated, global assault, so we must get people to open their eyes right now.
If you agree with this, please help us. You can do this in three ways…
FIRST, share, share, share! Forward this email on to others, and you can also print out the newsletter and physically hand it out to people. Go door to door if you want.
SECOND, support us! We are not backed by government, a big company or big money. We’re just a father and son team who care about the USA, our freedoms and our children’s future. It’s reader supported.
THIRD, share the newsletter with your State and local leaders. Freedom will be protected on the local level.
FOURTH, if you appreciate the free market, and want to reach more than 55,000 people who also love freedom, please advertise with us! Reach out to us at advertise@libertyzep.com
Thank you!!!
Now, here is the January edition of the Liberty Zeppelin. Here is the PDF version that you can also print out if you so desire. . .
You can also view each article online, which may be better for mobile reading and for commenting on the articles. . .
Headline article: Artificial Intelligence: A Boon for Humanity or a Dreadful Weapon of Tyranny?
Letter from the Editor: January Issue
Unleashing Free Speech: A Technique for Evading Government Censorship.
As a final note, thank you for caring about freedom!
Glenn Meder
P.S. If you love our mission, please consider supporting us. Support from good people like you will determine whether we are able to succeed in our mission. Plus, members receive benefits, such as having access to our Underground Livestream every month.
Hello Glenn,
Regarding social media platforms using AI to affect users (page 7, right column) would you consider LinkedIn in this category. Full disclosure - of the three (3) platforms you listed, LinkedIn is the only one of which I am a regular user for professional reasons.
Secondly - I find the inclusion of Twitter (now X) as "freedom of speech-minded" companies (page 8, right column) quite odd given the recent history after E.Musk acquired it...
Thanks for all the information shared.
A comment on the 3rd of your 5 points...the govt. has since 1890 when the Congress passed the Sherman Anti-Trust act, has made the enforcing of contracts subject to approval by b/creeps and all business people are vulnerable to coercion and/or jail at any time. Please read "The Abolition of Anti-Trust" by Gary Hull for more info about this long road to Fascism.