I wish you a warm welcome from The Liberty Zeppelin. Our goal is to serve humanity by helping to secure the legacy of freedom for ourselves and future generations.
We celebrate our inherent, inalienable rights and we recognize the prosperous society that good, productive people have created by realizing those rights. And we also recognize the need to peacefully stand up to the power-mongers who seek to strip us of our freedoms.
Yes, there have always been people who wanted to conquer and enslave humanity, but now they have the tools at their disposal to do so. Not only this, all the pieces are in place. This is why they want to have digital IDs, central bank digital currencies and absolute surveillance.
The good news is that this control system is not yet fully in place, which means that NOW is the time that we must step up and stop it from happening. In ten years it will be too late. Nor can we afford to outsource this fight for freedom to a political savior. That will not work.
The only way that we can secure our legacy of freedom is if We the People stand up right now and reject it. This fight is not just for us, it’s for our children and grandchildren. We need to find our inner mother bear and be fierce about this.
The single most important key that we need to remember is that our rights come from God, not from the State. This means that the government does not have the authority to take away our rights.
This is our mission at the Liberty Zeppelin. We want to provide a top notch newsletter that gives you a simple tool to spread the word to others. Individuals working together can cause real change.
Please watch our launch announcement. And I have a transcript below it.
Glenn: Hello welcome everyone to the launch party of The Liberty Zeppelin!
My name is Glenn Meder. I’m super excited for this launch. Today I want to explain what the Liberty Zeppelin is, our mission, our vision, and what we want to accomplish with your help. We will have a couple guests on with us today that I know you will want to hear from.
But first, I want to introduce you to my son, Eric Meder. I am very happy to be working with my son. You have no idea. I’m very proud of him, because he is an extremely capable young man. He has a great head on his shoulders, he’s a hard worker and he’s very wise.
Hi Eric.
ERIC: Hello everyone, I’m very happy to be here, and I’m really excited for this launch. I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for showing up. We have such a wonderful community, and it motivates both Glenn and I everyday. I check the emails, and I respond to a lot of people, so maybe I’ve spoken to you before on there. We’ve been working really hard to launch Liberty Zeppelin and we’re going to give you a sneak peak today. I think it’s a great step in spreading freedom and fighting against censorship, so I think you’ll all really like it.
While Glenn is talking today, I’ll be looking in chat, I’ll send links if you mention something, and if you have questions I’ll save it for later.
GLENN: Eric is going to be on with me today, and he will also be monitoring the chat. If you have questions, please ask them in the chat. We’re using the Rumble platform today, so all we have is the chat. We don’t have a separate place for you to ask your Q&As. So Eric will try to take note of your questions and we will try to get to them later.
So, let’s talk about the Liberty Zeppelin and why you should care about it.
Because I think you should definitely care about it, and I think you will care about it.
I think you’ll be excited about it.
The Liberty Zeppelin is a new inspiring newsletter that is designed to uplift humanity by celebrating our inalienable, inherent rights and the wonderful society that good people have created because of these rights. We want to open people’s eyes to the coordinated advance of tyranny in the “free” countries of the world.
Make no mistake. This move towards tyranny is highly coordinated. It’s coordinated across all countries of the world, and it’s being orchestrated by the psychopaths in the World Economic Forum, government leaders, the media and Big Tech and Corporate leaders.
They have been constructing a technological infrastructure designed to enslave the human race. And I know that sounds like hyperbole. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but it isn’t. Their goal is literally to enslave the human race.
They are putting the pieces in place, and most of the pieces are already in place. A large piece of the puzzle is technological surveillance. But it’s more than this too.
All systems are being reengineered to push this new system. It started with the universities-obviously. They’ve been crazy for years. And it now has a very strong footing in large corporations.
They want to eliminate the free market system and replace it with their ESG system. And on the surface, a lot of what they want to do is couched in terms that will be very attractive to many people.
The ESG stands for environmental, social and governance.
So who doesn’t want to take steps to improve the environment. We all do, right? And they say they want to create a more equitable living system for everyone. Sounds great, right? If you don’t scratch the surface and if you chose to believe their lies, their plan sounds good.
But let’s be clear, these psychopaths do not care a whit about the environment. All they care about is their own power, and they would burn the forests of the world down if that was what it took to maintain their power. Nor do they care about me or you, your children or anyone other than themselves.
ESG is why corporations are openly racially discriminating now. It’s why big corporations are pushing trans ideology to everyone, including children.
So. for example, you certainly remember the Bud Light fiasco. They totally ignored their core customers and promoted a trans man who looks like a cartoon of a woman – and this upset a lot of people. At the time, I wrote an article saying that there was simply no way that Bud Light would ever change course or apologize, even if sales went to zero.
Why did I say this?
Because they are replacing the free market system with the ESG system.
So let me explain what I mean. We need to stop thinking about corporations as entities themselves. The company Anheiser Busch is not actually making the decisions, right? It’s the people in the company that make the decisions, and ultimately people make decisions for their own best interest.
The executive career path is no longer about profits that you make for the corporation. Yes, that is part of it, but profits have been replaced with ESG, which includes the trans agenda.
In other words, it would be career suicide for an executive at Bud Light to apologize for the Dillan Mulvany incident, even if Bud Light is run into the ground. Any executive that made that decision or went public with such a reversal would have a very difficult time getting a promotion or career advancement, especially if he/she wanted to leave the company and go to another corporation.
The corporate incentive plan is different now. This is why you see Jack Daniels putting ads on TV with trans men. This is why corporations are enforcing chosen personal pronouns within the corporate structure. And this isn’t just in the US either, this is global.
The World Economic Forum is changing our systems from the inside out to reflect the values of the psychopaths themselves. They are fundamentally changing the incentive plan and the career advancement plan for executives and government leaders.
Jacinda Ardurn, the absolutely crazy dictator from NZ retired from her prime minister position in NZ and got a senior position in Harvard. And we have not heard the last from her.
But most importantly is the digital surveillance component of what they are doing. All governments are trying to implement digital IDs, which is how they will centralize all of your data in one place. Centralization of power is bad. And data is power.
Like I say over and over again, information is power, and when they have information ABOUT you they have power OVER you.
They are working to create central bank digital currencies, which will replace cash with digital payments so they have total surveillance. And this fits in very well with their social credit system that they are putting in place.
As an example of what a social credit system means, look up any flight on Google Flights right now, and you will see a carbon score by each flight.
And most people just disregard this. They think that Google is just making us aware of the carbon we’re using; so they think it’s some higher-purpose-awareness-thing. But that is NOT at all why this is there. This is part of the social credit system that they are putting in place. This is one of the control mechanisms they are putting in place.
Soon, we will all receive a carbon credit allotment. They’ll tell us that this is the amount of carbon usage that all humans should abide by in order to save the planet. So this is why they keep pushing this climate crisis lie right now. Of course, the elites won’t be limited in this way, but all of us peons will be.
And they will track how much carbon each of us uses, and this amount will be recorded in our digital ID. This is why they want the centralized digital ids.
And they will sell this system to us.
At first they will just want to make us aware of the amount of carbon we use- so we can use less.
Soon after that, we may be required to pay more to offset our carbon usage.
In a couple years it will change. If we use too much carbon for the month, we may find that we’re suddenly not able to buy a plane ticket. Or that our electric car may not fully charge. Or maybe our electric car will be restricted to a certain driving area.
This is why they want us all to have electric cars, and smart homes. They want to track us, spy on us and control us. That is what all of these initiatives come down to: control.
So that’s an example of how the social credit system will work. They will also have diversity things in it, so if you post something on social media that is against a sexualized book being in school libraries, or if you speak up at a school board meeting against Critical Race Theory being taught in schools, or if you misgender someone and don’t call someone by their preferred pronouns then you will get a hit to your social credit score.
Every single move you make will be monitored by AI (artificial intelligence). And your social credit score will be linked to your central bank digital currency, and they will penalize you or reward you instantaneously.
You will literally be trained like a dog in pavlov’s experiment.
This is digital slavery. And this is the system that they are putting in place.
It is real. Most of the puzzle pieces are in place already. The technology is already here. They have been working towards this for a long time.
And very few people see the big picture of what is happening.
Yes, there are a lot of people who were upset at Bud Light’s trans incident, and they boycotted for a while, but now the boycott is fading. And of course, the company didn’t change their actions at all.
And there were a lot of people who were upset at Target’s gender ideology radicalization aimed at children, and they boycotted for a while, but then the boycott faded. And now Target is doubling down and they are getting even more radical.
In the US, they are trying to find all kinds of ways to get people to accept the Digital ID, so now they are trying to sell the digital id as a way to protect minors from porn on the web. And this is very attractive to many people who are concerned about this issue, but, let me ask you, do you think these psychopaths who are actively trying to push radical sexual ideology on your children have any desire to protect your children from porn on the web.
We have to stop looking to the psychopaths in power to protect us from the psychopaths in power.
We have to stop listening to the highly coordinated propaganda that is disguised as mainstream media.
So, I’ve gone on a big tangent here. I want to get back to the Liberty Zeppelin. Because, ultimately I am optimistic. Yes, I know that the new world order that they are trying to put in place is scary, but like I said, I am optimistic.
They don’t have this system in place yet. They are still working in the shadows. Although, they are definitely becoming more brazen. They think that they have this thing all wrapped up.
But remember that they aren’t actually in charge.
God is in charge...
Every person listening to this probably has a different belief as to what exactly that means and how that will play out, but here’s how I see it.
We are each divine creations. We are each a soul, a divine creation of God and a child of God. Our freedoms, and our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from god, not from the state, and therefore no state has the authority to take away those freedoms.
And it also means that we each individually (and as a country) have the spiritual freedom to decide for ourselves. We can decide whether to open our eyes to the march of tyranny or not. We can decide whether we want to keep trusting the psychopaths in power. We can decide whether we want to keep listening to their lies and whether we want to believe those lies. And ultimately, we can decide whether we want to be enslaved or not.
But here’s what it really comes down to. What I’m talking about is not about ourselves. I am talking about our legacy. What world are we going to leave for our children? And our grandchildren?
Are we going to leave a legacy of freedom for our children, or are we going to leave a legacy of enslavement.
Because if we allow them to put this system of slavery in place, future generations will forever be enslaved. This is a very complex and tightly woven net.
Now may be the only time that we will be able to stop this enslavement. Once they have it in place, it will be almost impossible to eliminate.
I often get the question, aren’t you scared for yourself and your family by making a stand like this?
I think people who ask that question have to change their perspective. And this is what I mean...
I was talking to a personal defense instructor recently. He’s a friend of mine. And he said that women who are attacked often give up without much of a fight.
But, he said, put that same woman with her children, and if her children are in danger, she becomes the absolutely ferocious mother bear protecting her cubs and she will die before she let’s anything happen to them.
That is the mental switch that we need to have right now. I am talking about our legacy. I’m talking about our children. We must stand up to this tyranny now.
Now is the time.
Again, our rights come from God, not from the state. They do not have the authority to take away our rights. If there is any one sentence that I want you to remember it is that. Our rights come from God, and not from the state. The government is our servant, not our ruler.
Nor can we look to a political savior to save us. A lot of people look to Donald Trump, or to RFK Jr. to save our future. But that is not right. If we outsource our fight for freedom, we will lose it – possibly forever.
We simply cannot outsource our fight for freedom.
We the people have the power. We have to stand up to the psychopaths in power.
That is what the Liberty Zeppelin is about.
You need to defend freedom, you need to educate yourself. Find what you believe in. Use discrimination in the information that you consume so you are not brainwashed.
Freedom will prevail as long as truth survives. This is why they are trying desperately to crush freedom of speech. Freedom of speech must survive. We have to fight for it.
Shine the light of truth on their lies.
As long as freedom of speech survives, freedom survives. We must protect freedom of speech at all costs.
Here are our core beliefs –
Don’t make it a left versus right thing. The Liberty Zeppelin is neither left or right. Rather, we are about freedom.
Don’t try to force your views on others. That is not what freedom is about.
Don’t get in someone’s face and yell at them.
If you do nothing else, simply share ideas, such as…
Our rights come from God and not the State, which means that the government does not have the authority to take our rights away.
Our political representatives are our servants, not our masters.
We need to cherish the constitution, which is our line in the sand that tells power seekers that we will not allow them to encroach on our rights.
Any federal law that is contrary to the Constitution is an illegal law, and that the states and the people have the power and the duty to nullify such laws.
Share ideas even if the government makes it illegal to do so. Especially then.
This is our mission with the Liberty Zeppelin. And I hope you will support us in this mission.
Eric, I’ve been ranting for a while. Have I missed anything?
ERIC: Yeah, I’ve got a little bit I will add to it quickly. As you were saying, freedom of speech is so important, because the information that we take in shapes our reality. It shapes the opportunities that you think you have, the mindset and ultimately how you view the world. That’s why people want to censor you. They want to control how you view the world and how you think.
They do this through layers of pressure. A lot of that is the risk of being canceled or losing your livelihood. A great example of this is comedians. There are a lot of comedians that apologize for jokes that they made like 15 years ago, and they’re funny jokes, and I’m sure that the comedian still thinks that it’s a funny joke, but they apologize because they don’t want to be canceled. They’ve seen it happen to their friends, and it’s a scary thing to lose your livelihood.
The same thing goes for scientists, many scientists say that gender is on the spectrum now, and even by challenging them and saying that there’s only 2 biological genders, you are called transphobic.
And another one is corporate jobs, they threaten people if they speak up, and if you don’t call someone by the right pronouns you could lose your job or your livelihood.
Now is the time to speak up, and support other people who speak up as well.
I’m really optimistic, like I said, I read emails everyday, and I see all the support. It really inspires me. A few years ago, I felt certain things, but I myself was too scared to speak up. I saw all my friends, they didn’t have the courage to speak up either.
But after seeing the beautiful community that we have, I feel very optimistic, I feel comfortable to get on here and speak in ways that could have ostracized by society, and it’s just because I believe in freedom and because of you guys. So thank you, and let’s keep shining the light of truth.
GLENN: There are a lot of publications out there. There is a ton of stuff out there that you can read and listen to. But I want The Liberty Zeppelin to be different because I don’t want to just report on the latest move that they bad guys are making, and I certainly don’t want to be caught up in the division. They constantly try to divide us.
We are dealing with extremely sophisticated propaganda. I want to see through that and cut to the heart of what our core goal is: to secure a legacy of freedom for future generations.
That is our goal, but I can’t do it alone. So I hope you are excited about the Liberty Zeppelin.
There are a number of ways that we need your support. First of all, this is a reader supported publication. I’m just a guy. I’m not rich. I don’t have a government grant, nor do I want a government grant. I don’t have a big corporation behind us. We are bankrolling this from our own pockets. My goal is to make this into a fantastic publication that will truly inspire people to take back our freedoms from the tyrants.
So if you believe in our mission, please go to LibertyZep.com and support us.
Second, please share this launch party replay with everyone you know, everyone in your church, business associates, etc. Ask them to watch it and tell them to sign up for the newsletter.
So, just to be clear, the newsletter is free. You can go to LibertyZep.com and sign up for free to receive the newsletter. You don’t have to pay for it, because we want to get the word out to as many people as we can. But if you can support us, please do.
Another way that you can support us is that we want to find truly gifted writers and thinkers who will help us with the mission. If you are a great writer, or if you know of someone, please reach out to us at editor@libertyzep.com
Eric, what other kinds of support are we looking for?
ERIC: I want to emphasize the importance of reader support. Our success will depend upon reader support, so I want to thank you for supporting us.
Because, as Glenn said, we’re just two guys. Right now, Glenn and I run the Privacy Action Plan and the Liberty Zeppelin, it is a lot of work for 2 people, and we have a big mission.
We don’t have deep pockets. We didn’t take any loans, funding, or investments from the bank when we started these businesses. We did this because we do not want any Government funding, and we want to be 100% in control of what we are doing. We are able to make enough to sustain us, but we want to grow this and spread our message even farther.
We are investing a lot into this time wise and also money, we have hired an editor, and are planning to grow it aggressively.
We are able to do this because of you. And we want to provide you with the best content and information possible. We are very grateful.
One of the most common questions we get asked from people is “What can I do, I feel so powerless”, well just by supporting small freedom businesses like ours, you are supporting freedom. Not only are you getting valuable information, but you are supporting our message and allowing it to be spread with more people.
We have set our monthly payment to be $10/m or $100/yr, we try to make it affordable for everyone but enough to support our work. The Liberty Zeppelin is a free newsletter because we want to have a very large reach, but we encourage you to support us because it is what allows us to make this content.
And there are some bonuses for people who do support us. If you support us, you will receive the articles 5 days early every month for you, so you will see each issue before everyone else, and we will also be holding a monthly live “Underground Censored News Livestream” where we all come together and talk about news that is underground or censored and discuss what we all think of them.
Also, we will be putting everyone who supports us into a raffle, and at the end of this week we will be giving away some great prizes. We will be giving away three lifetime memberships to the Privacy Action Plan, which is valued at $599 each. We will also be giving away two one-on-one privacy consultations, and we will also be giving away a free Above phone, which is a de-Googled, privacy-phone to one lucky winner. These phone are awesome. They are what we teach about in our privacy course, and they are what we use.
Now a couple other quick notes.
Also, if you run a business, please contact us about our very attractive advertising packages. Reach out to us at advertise@libertyzep.com and we will share our advertising packages.
If you are a salesperson who wants to work from home, help us sell advertising to freedom-loving companies.
Finally, we are also looking for someone who can help us with the layout.)
GLENN: Very quickly, the newsletter is currently siting at 200 paid subscribers right now. We have a goal of getting to 1,000 subscribers as soon as possible. I hope we can do that by the end of this month. That is really what we need in order to make this a viable business venture.
But after we reach that, we want to go much higher, because they more subscribers we hit the better we can make the newsletter.
I also have a couple more ideas on how you can support us. Please subscribe to our Twitter channel. Twitter is the only social media platform that we will use and support. But it is really important to have a high number of followers because people judge us in this way. If we look for writers, or if we want to interview someone important, they will judge our worth in this way. It’s social proof, so please follow us on Twitter.
Also, subscribe to our Rumble channel. We absolutely refuse to post any videos on YouTube. YouTube is owned by Google, and Google is evil. If we post any videos on YouTube then Google makes money off of us. And we don’t want to support them at all.
Rumble is a free speech platform, and again, it is vital that we support free speech companies.
Great, so should we give everyone a sneak peak at the first issue?
<Shared Screen. Discussed the articles>
Future issues will have more articles. But we don’t want to just add articles as filler. We want them to be the best possible articles that further our mission. We are considering having a few articles with alternative focuses too, just to mix it up a little bit and to make it more interesting for people. For example, we could have articles on health, how to run your own business and the environment, but these articles would also have to reinforce our mission and focus on truth that the mainstream is lying to us about. For example, we are looking to have an article on EMF radiation.
I hope you are excited about our mission. I hope you see the tremendous value in what we are trying to do. I want to create something awesome; a trusted newsletter that makes it easy for you to share the profound, yet simple ideas that are at the heart of freedom.
My favorite quote from Leonardo DaVinci is, “There are three types of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, and those who do not see.”
You and I are the people who see. We can’t ever impact those who will never see. But we can open the eyes of “those who see when they are shown”. Those are the people I am trying to reach, with your help.
I hope to see the readership grow dramatically, so we reach as many people with the message of freedom as possible. I hope to increase our revenue so we can pursue our core mission and hire a top-notch staff that will continue to improve the newsletter.
<Guest Speakers>
GLENN: Thank you so much for your support. I am humbled by the fact that we have a number of people who care about this issue and choose to listen to what we have to say. This has become my life. I have always cared about freedom and the Constitution and our inherent God-given rights, but I didn’t realize that this was my mission until the COVID plandemic and the globally coordinated move towards tyranny. That is when I realized that this is what is most important to me, and that this is my mission in life. We created the Privacy Action Plan because privacy is essential for freedom. And The Liberty Zeppelin is also part of my mission.
Again, I am optimistic. Cautiously optimistic, but I also know that we will go through some very difficult times and that we have a lot of work to do to open people’s eyes. And like I said, we can’t do this alone. Please don’t just read the newsletter, or even support us financially and then be done with it. We need to be together on this thing. We need to work together to spread the word and open people’s eyes...That just gave me an idea, that we should do an issue that is completely focused on churches and their role in protecting our legacy of freedom.
Anyway, thank you for your support. Please share this replay and keep an eye open for the newsletter.
Take care.
What an amazing letter you have written! I too, am passionate about getting the truth out to people.
You are so, so right that God is in control. I have to remind myself of that every day, which gives me
peace amidst alarming plans at work. And may God bless you in all you are doing...keep up the good and courageous work. I will be sharing your letter to as many as I can. What a precious gift from
God to know that He is our FREEDOM.
Blessings from dg.
I wish LibertyZepplin the greatest success on the their very important venture and achieve all of the goals
they set. There’s nothing more important than our freedom and liberty…
If we lose our freedom, it will be lost forever and we will never get it back.