Hi from Glenn!
I’ve just returned from a seven month European adventure with my wife. We had a great time, and we’re considering going back for a few more months soon. While it sounds like an extravagant vacation, many things came together to allow us to have this adventure.
First, sadly, our dog died recently. Non-dog lovers may not understand how much we loved our dog, but we would never have left him for longer than a week when he was alive.
Second, my son has moved to Europe, and we wanted to see him and help him get adjusted to his new country.
Third, while I’m not wealthy, I am blessed to have a business that allows me to work from anywhere. So we have been living as digital nomads.
Fourth, I had a realization that changed my perspective on life...
As you know, there are some very troubling things happening in the world right now. The advance of tyranny is very real, and the chaos and destruction that is happening in the Western world is a highly coordinated distraction campaign.
I consider it my mission to wake people up; to get them to look beyond the distraction of the moment so they can see the big picture: that the power-hungry psychopaths are putting the pieces in place to enslave humanity.
Yes, it’s a frightening scenario. But I don’t want to live in fear.
Fear distorts. Fear shuts down the critical thinking part of your brain. Fear makes you susceptible to brainwashing and manipulation.
We saw this during COVID. People lost their minds out of fear, and this fear prevented people from asking rational questions, such as how a paper mask is supposed to stop a virus that is magnitudes smaller than the holes in the mask. Or the assertion that people should not try preventative measures such as Ivermectin or vitamin D (which have both proven to be very effective at reducing symptoms). Fear’s ability to shut people’s rational thoughts down is why the government and media want us to live in perpetual fear.
But fear also shuts you down spiritually. I believe it’s important to keep my heart open to God’s love (the Holy Spirit), which is the source of all life, happiness, and wisdom.
It is a fine line between awareness and fear. I want to be aware, but I do not want to live in fear. I realized that I was living in fear, and I wanted to change that.
So, how do we remain aware and not scared? Here’s what I have come up with...
Mainstream media is pure propaganda and brainwashing. It is vital that you look to other independent truth seekers for different perspectives on the world. This is what we try to accomplish at the Liberty Zeppelin. But since we are independent, we aren’t supported by big money or the government. It’s up to you. Please support our efforts to keep freedom alive by becoming a premium member! Thank you! (If you are already a premium member, thank you!!!!)
First, open your heart by being grateful for the many fantastic things in your life. How does gratitude prevent you from living in fear? Fear can’t live in a grateful heart.Â
Second, follow your inspiration. Before traveling to Europe, I prayed and contemplated. I removed fear from the equation, and asked myself what I wanted to do. I also asked God what he wanted me to do. I was inspired to do an extended trip to Europe, and we followed our inspiration wholeheartedly.
Third, do one act of love (kindness) for someone each day without thought of reward or recognition. If you do an act of kindness and then look for recognition for it, you are doing it to stroke your ego. It must be for pure reasons. This will open your heart.
Fourth, I try to look at my life and the world objectively and without judgments. I want to enjoy life, while not getting caught up in the emotion of the moment. 95% of problems that people experience are because of emotions. Again, this is a razor’s edge. I don’t try to shut my emotions down, but I experience them while maintaining control, and then I let them go as quickly as possible.
Fifth, the single most important thing is to trust God. Everything that happens in your life is the best possible experience for you to grow in the way that God wants you to grow.
In other words, love life, live your best possible life and turn it over to God. You can do no more than this. Take care!
Thank you for letting us receive your newsletter without having to have a subscription that cossts $. Wish I could donate, but on bidenomics and SS, barely have enuf for food (at this moment, the 6th of Feb, we only have $200 left in the bank - after our necessary bills are paid. Can't eat much on that!! (maybe I'll lose some weight - wishful thinking....)
Wise words.
Thanks, Glenn.