Thanks Glen. Important article! A dose of sanity as well as education on this topic.

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All technology is easily corrupted and controlled. I will never blindly trust any of it. A/I is nothing more than a new spying tool and privacy theft tool. Every time they tell you it is for your convenience and protection, it is just the opposite.

It is getting to the point where you cannot tell what is real and what is fake in the digital world. If the silly A/I customer service donkey employed by my health care system is the wave of the future, then that dumbo needs to be fired.

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Artificial Intelligence is a dreadful weapon of tyranny in the wrong hands.

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Both. Like everything else in life.

- Luc

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Thanks for writing this, Glenn.

After I read this quote:

"Since corporations are not required to be transparent about what they do, and governments act without transparency, there is no way to provide proof of exactly how these entities are joining forces against us and abusing their power."

I was reminded about a time years ago when I looked up the trend in requests for personal data from Google by the government -- to discover that the number of requests for personal data had been doubling every 4 years (19% annual growth rate). There are only two explanations:

--The world has 19% more terrorists in it each year, from any one year to the next

--The U.S. government is attempting to create a totalitarian police state

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Yes, absolutely. The government is colluding with Big Tech to get around Constitutional constraints, and since there are no consequences for their actions, they are not even really hiding their overreach anymore.

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