Hi from Glenn!
I am happy to introduce you to our first issue of The Liberty Zeppelin. Please read it, enjoy it, and share it far and wide!
Our goal at The Liberty Zeppelin is to serve humanity by helping to secure the legacy of freedom for ourselves and future generations.
There are two ways to read The Liberty Zeppelin…
FIRST, download it as a beautifully formatted PDF newsletter that remembers a more classic layout for newspapers. View it online, or print it off and share it with others. Download it here…
SECOND, you can read each article online. Here are the articles…
At the Liberty Zeppelin we provide a top notch newsletter that you can use to spread the word of freedom to others. We want to open people’s eyes to the coordinated advance of tyranny in the “free” countries of the world.
Make no mistake. This move towards tyranny is highly coordinated across all countries of the world, and it’s being orchestrated by the psychopaths in the World Economic Forum, government leaders, the media and Big Tech and Corporate leaders.
While there have always been people who wanted to conquer and enslave humanity, now these psychopaths have the tools at their disposal to do so. Not only this, all the pieces are in place. This is why they want to have digital IDs, central bank digital currencies and absolute surveillance.
The good news is that this control system is not yet fully in place, which means that NOW is the time that we must step up and stop it from happening. In ten years it will be too late. Nor can we afford to outsource this fight for freedom to a political savior.
The only way that we can secure our legacy of freedom is if We the People stand up right now and reject it. This fight is not just for us, it’s for our children and grandchildren.
Please read The Liberty Zeppelin newsletter.
If you believe in our mission, please support us. We are a reader-supported publication.
If you haven’t seen our launch video, please watch it here.
Thank you!!!
Glenn Meder
Food for the soul.
Thank you.
Great job! Thank you