I wish you a warm welcome from The Liberty Zeppelin. Our goal is to serve humanity by helping to secure the legacy of freedom for ourselves and future generations. We celebrate our inherent, inalienable rights and we recognize the prosperous society that good, productive people have created by realizing those rights. And we also recognize the need to peacefully stand up to the power-mongers who seek to strip us of our freedoms.
What an amazing letter you have written! I too, am passionate about getting the truth out to people.
You are so, so right that God is in control. I have to remind myself of that every day, which gives me
peace amidst alarming plans at work. And may God bless you in all you are doing...keep up the good and courageous work. I will be sharing your letter to as many as I can. What a precious gift from
What an amazing letter you have written! I too, am passionate about getting the truth out to people.
You are so, so right that God is in control. I have to remind myself of that every day, which gives me
peace amidst alarming plans at work. And may God bless you in all you are doing...keep up the good and courageous work. I will be sharing your letter to as many as I can. What a precious gift from
God to know that He is our FREEDOM.
Blessings from dg.
I wish LibertyZepplin the greatest success on the their very important venture and achieve all of the goals
they set. There’s nothing more important than our freedom and liberty…
If we lose our freedom, it will be lost forever and we will never get it back.
Amen to that! That's why we all need to unite together and fight these demons!