I’m writing a book, and I’d love to ask for your assistance.
It’s a spiritual book that will provide young adults and not so young adults a foundation in practical spiritual concepts. The title of the book is, “Walking the Train Tracks”, and each chapter is a short interaction between me and my son (when he was about 10 years old). Each chapter will paint a picture of a setting and situation, with a spiritual lesson imbued in it. It will be a gentle book of loving wisdom shared between father and son. I think the world needs this right now.
I would love your help to fine-tune the writings and spiritual message and decide on the order of the lessons and give me insight into what lessons need to add.
Here is a sneak peak at lesson one so you understand the type of book I am writing.
The two rails of the abandoned train track wandered lazily through the cornstalks like a slow stream. The father’s old sneakers quietly squeaked on the steel rail as he walked sure footed next to his 10-year-old son. The faint smell of diesel wafted from the splintering railroad ties. The father glanced over at his son, who was typing on his phone.
The father stopped. He looked lovingly at the boy and cupped his face in his hand, “Put the phone away now.” He watched his son’s distant eyes return to the present. The father held his son for a long moment and let the silence sink in. “You’ve been chatting on your phone for the past ten minutes. Nothing that is happening on your phone is as important as what is going on around us right now.”
“Forget about the past. Forget about gossip, chatting to others or posting pictures or videos. Don’t worry about tomorrow.
Be here, right now. Be a part of the symphony of life that is happening around you at this moment. Listen to the wind caressing the dried grass and the buzz of the occasional grasshopper that flies by your ear. Smell the wood. Feel the granite stones grind under your feet. See how the leaves vibrate on the wind. Feel the sun on your skin. Listen to the sound the breeze makes when it blows past your ears. Feel how your hair gets blown around.
Wake up to this moment.
“Relax and enjoy walking on the train tracks with me. Be grateful for this moment that we have together.”
The son opened his mouth ready to speak and the father held up his hand and motioned for quiet. The boy paused and then closed his mouth again. The father gave his shoulder a squeeze and with a quick smile looked up at clouds then continued his slow balancing act on the steel rail.
The son also looked up. Two hawks flew in wide circles around each other. The boy had a funny thought that they seemed to be dancing together. He wondered if the birds were friends. They flew higher and higher until they vanished in the sun’s blaze. A hawk’s cry came from somewhere in the light. The boy closed his eyes and imagined himself flying with the birds. He felt the wind against his face and for a brief instant felt like he was soaring high and looking down on two figures walking on the train tracks. The boy opened his eyes and instantly forgot about the hawks.
The boy listened to the sounds around him. The sounds seemed to get louder, more distinct. He started to walk and noticed the clicking of the granite stones, punctuated by the occasional ping of a kicked stone dancing off the metal. He heard the buzz of a grasshopper in flight. He felt the tingle of the sun tickling his skin. A gentle breeze blew by his ears. He heard a faint humming underneath it all. The boy tried to figure out where the humming was coming from.
A feeling of peace enveloped him.
The father walked slowly, not facing his son but fully aware of what he was doing. He glanced back and saw his son stop and examine an insect that was crawling on his hand. The father smiled because he knew his son was experiencing the true beauty of the moment.
The father was also enjoying the moment. His awareness was wider though. He saw a Soul that he loved taking an important step towards loving life. He thanked God.
The father slowed and allowed his son to catch up with him. Their eyes met and light sparkled. The father laughed as he tussled his son’s hair.
I plan on releasing one chapter per week to my premium members, and I’d love your feedback. Please tell me if the chapter rings true. Does it properly paint the picture? Is the lesson as powerful as it could be? Thank you!
I like this. But I think I might be more engaged in a dialog, Socratic, so to speak, where the father asks the son to be still and then what he hears, what he smells, what he sees, etc. The father helps him go deeper through encouraging him to listen again, what else he may see, etc.
Goosebumps. Great flow and topic, Glenn!