My Nomination Predictions for 2020

I shudder at the thought that we will soon be in the next election year. This is going to be a REALLY tough one. Both sides are going to be in a knock down, drag-out fight regardless of the collateral damage to the country.
I'm going to roll out my crystal ball and make a very early prediction of who I think is actually going to be the nominees for each party.
ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET, it's going to be Trump. But I think he's going to drop Pence in favor of Niki Haley. I think this will be a good move for him.
THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET will be a much bigger surprise.
My prediction is based on what I've observed about how the Democrats work. The Democrats want the country to swing WAY to the left, but they know the country is not going to support that yet. So their strategy is to put the most Socialist candidates out there and have them duke it out, each trying to see how far towards the Socialist spectrum they can swing the country. But in reality, I don't think that the Democratic Party has any intention of running any of the current candidates. The current group of candidates are fodder and none of them could beat Trump. Instead the Democratic Party will bring in a surprise candidate at the last minute. I suspect that candidate will be either Michelle Obama or Oprah. This late candidate will run as a moderate, and will take the Trump camp by surprise. Their strategy will be to make the battle about classy versus non-classy. This will be a very powerful move for the Democrats.
THE LIBERTARIAN TICKET will be... well unfortunately it doesn't matter. Even though the vast majority of Americans support Libertarian views far more than either of the other two parties, the Libertarian Party will continue to be as useless as soggy bread.
What say you? Please comment below.