It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.
Winston Churchill
Hi from Glenn!
Please read the above quote carefully, and contemplate on it. It is profound.
I believe that we are at a turning point. The power elite have laid out their carefully constructed net and they are ready to pull the net in and enslave us all. I do not mean this figuratively; I mean it literally.
Governments are working with Big Tech and Big Business to enslave us, and they have put all the pieces in place. Even as the virus narrative falls apart, and the Canadian truckers push back on the authoritarian government tactics, Walmart is introducing vaccine passports in Quebec that will require the unvaccinated to be escorted by staff as they shop.
“Under the new rules, those who show proof of vaccination will be free to shop. Those who don’t show proof of vaccination will be told to wait in a blue box until a member of staff is available to escort them as they shop. This member of staff will then follow them around the store and make sure they don’t buy any prohibited goods.”
Let’s be clear, this policy is NOT about protecting people from the virus. Rather it is specifically designed to punish unvaccinated people (in other words, people who disobey the government). They will be escorted around the store because they will only only be allowed to buy groceries and pharmacy products, and will be prohibited from buying anything else.
They are creating a two-tier society, and those who don’t obey the government are severely punished, while those who do obey the government are allowed to live a fairly normal life. This will not end when the virus ends. Their goal has nothing to do with keeping us safe, but rather they have a very specific plan to control us.
This is happening all around the world, and it will soon happen where you live.
If you love freedom, and you want the USA to remain free for your children and grandchildren, the time is now. We must stand up to this encroachment on our rights and freedom.
Here’s what you need to remember…
Our rights come from God, not from the government.
In recognition of our Divine Rights, the Founding Fathers created our wonderful Constitution.
The purpose of our Constitution is to protect our inherent freedoms by limiting the power of those in power, because people in power always want more power.
Be crystal clear on this, the USA is NOT a Democracy. Rather we are a Constitutional Republic. There is a significant difference between the two. Democracy is mob rule, while a Constitutional Republic defines our core values that are protected no matter what.
As a Constitutional Republic, the Constitution is the foundation of our legal system. All laws that contradict the Constitution are illegal laws.
The Founding Fathers knew the dangers of a centralized government, so the Constitution created decentralized power. It gives very limited powers to the Federal Government, while all other powers are reserved for the States and We the People. Very few people in the USA understand that States actually have more authority than the Federal Government in most things.
The does not mean, however, that the State can become tyrannical. Our rights come from God, and the State’s primary responsibility is to protect our individual freedoms, primarily from the Federal Government.
One of the ways the Federal Government encroaches on our freedom is with Federal bureaucracies (also called the “swamp”), which are unelected people who create rules and regulations that tell us how to live and infringe upon our freedoms. These Federal bureaucracies, such as the Department of Education, the USDA, OSHA and the CDC are illegal, in that the Constitution does not give the Federal Government the authority to create these entities.
It’s important to remember that although past generations have allowed the Federal government to get bloated and take these powers which they don’t have any right to take, the law has not changed. The Constitution is still the law, and these organizations are illegal organizations. The law is on our side, not theirs.
Our path forward is to reclaim our freedom by having strong leadership at the State level to protect us from a tyrannical, power-hungry central government, much as Governor Desantis has done in Florida. But Governor Desantis has stood alone. We need twenty States standing together to stand up to the Federal Government so that we the people can get our freedoms back.
Most importantly though, We the People must stand up. We must demand freedom. We cannot sit back and allow others to fight for freedom for us, we must all do it.
This is the only way that we will keep our freedoms. This is the only way to restore the USA as the beacon of hope and freedom for the world. This is the only way to crush the corrupt power-brokers in the Federal government.
Please watch this very insightful video on why good people obey harmful mandates…
I hope those in my audience are one of the 35% who will stand up, do the right thing and be a leader. Yes. Courage is contagious! Because when you refuse to wear a useless mask in a store, you give power to others who want to do the same thing. When you go to a school meeting and speak up for your right to shape the values of your children, you give power to others who think the same way. Our rights come from God, not from government. We have to be crystal clear on this.
Now is the time to be a lion.
Please forward this issue to everyone you know who loves freedom!
Glenn 💛
I agree. Most Americans have no idea how our government is supposed to work. It's not being taught in schools any longer it seems. I was born in 1952, but even as a child I had the idea that the Supreme Court had the final say in EVERYTHING; but now I know different. I know that if any decision made by the Supreme Court violates the Constitution then it is unlawful and the States need not follow the decision. Our state governments need to take back the powers given to them by our founding fathers via our Constitution.
Your letter was excellent!! I agree with everything in it. I forwarded it to everyone on my email list.