Feb 3, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Your letter was excellent!! I agree with everything in it. I forwarded it to everyone on my email list.

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Thank you!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

As usual, Glenn, your commentary nails it. We either come together and stand up for ourselves and humanity or those who wish us ill will destroy us.

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Thank you!

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until we become a sovereign nation again and do it correctly, it's my understanding that they actually DO have the right to enforce their tyranny upon us since WE are EMPLOYEES of The U.S. Inc. and THEY are OUR boss. This explains it all>>> https://states.americanstatenationals.org/videos/

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I've heard this from a few people, and it really boggles my mind. The Constitution is the law of the land. Yes, of course the people in power scheme and connive to take power, but our rights come from God, no one else. We are not employees of the US, the US is our country. We own it. We can take back our freedoms from the people who seek power over us.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

I agree. Most Americans have no idea how our government is supposed to work. It's not being taught in schools any longer it seems. I was born in 1952, but even as a child I had the idea that the Supreme Court had the final say in EVERYTHING; but now I know different. I know that if any decision made by the Supreme Court violates the Constitution then it is unlawful and the States need not follow the decision. Our state governments need to take back the powers given to them by our founding fathers via our Constitution.

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Yes, exactly. The supremacy clause in the Constitution is conditional on the Federal government following the Constitution.

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appreciate and agree with your commentary. However, I presume a premium membership costs money. Please forward me your most recent income/expense statement and balance sheet so I can see where the money you receive is actually going. Way too many companies/entities like yours always wanting money but God knows where the funds are going. If you cannot provide the information requested, that would make me believe you are hiding something. Same goes for any person, group, politician, non-profit, etc. asking for money and donations. You can email me at jscan48@gmail.com. Thank you. Jim

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Author

James, this is ridiculous. You say, "way too many companies like yours always wanting money...". What are you talking about? I'm one guy. And yes, money is important to make any venture sustainable. You don't have to get a premium subscription. I'm not forcing you to. That is what free markets are. In fact, as a premium subscriber to my newsletter you don't get much extra. If anyone likes my message and wants to support me, they are free to do so. If not, then don't.

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Thank you Glenn. I agree, it is time for all of us to stand up for those freedoms we still have. I urge folks to sign this petition......https://conventionofstates.com.......for your state to become free. There are many great organizations out there today fighting for our freedom. I am now donating to a lot of them and when there is a FREEDOM RALLY closer to my home, I plan on attending. RFK Jr. is amazing and you can find his work at..... https://childrenshealthdefense.org. There are many other great groups out there if you search. Please keep us posted with these kind of newsletters and also what we can do. Thank you for who you are and what you do!

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Thanks Linda. I actually disagree with the convention of States. We don't need any more amendments, we need to enforce the amendments that we already have. After the States take back the power of the 10th amendment then maybe we can talk about other amendments, but why would another amendment help us if we can't enforce the ones that we have now. Plus, if a convention were called, if may not go like you think it would go. You might have a repeal of the 2nd amendment or something like that.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Great issue, Glenn! I agree with what you say, and have promoted such ideas myself, though in a different way, in my book The Voice from the Back Row: Off the Bandwagon; I intend to be among the resisters and am looking for people in my area who feel the same way. There are so many ways in which attempts to suppress us, our thinking, our decisions, our ability to take care of ourselves exists.

I do take exception, though, to the specific quote you have used. Winston Churchill is great, but the idea that it is the British who are the bulwarks of freedom is a bit specious. Yes, they are very courageous and were formidable resisters of Hitler, They were also international colonizers (who Ghandi, one of the freedom fighters in your video, resisted) and their policies have resulted in worldwide divisions under the theory that people divided against each other will not bother their former colonizers (British). Note the India/Pakistan conflicts and the Israel/Palestine conflicts, which do not have to be but serve as distractions away from their former overlords. In addition, the British are not exactly ethnically inclusive either. They are mostly northern European (including the Viking heritage); that ethnicity is more representative of white privilege (nothing wrong with white people, just privilege) than of any kind of global justice or inclusiveness or freedom. So, Churchill, great, and British, honor them for their courage and service, but the idea that they (only) are the representatives of freedom - questionable. Elizabeth

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Thanks Elizabeth. That's not how I read the quote. He said, "It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe...", so it was Britain and the rest of humanity who had the heart of freedom. In other words, we all resisted evil.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Hopefully a republic we can keep. Not sure if you have come across these, but here are some points of reference regarding the two-tiered society if you have the time and interest:

Atlantic Council; Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker (2021)


UK ministry of defence; Human Augmentation (2021)


Biometric Update; Trust Stamp integrating biometric hash solution with Mastercard on children’s vaccine record system (2020)


South China Morning Post; Brainwave-tracking start-up BrainCo in controversy over tests on Chinese schoolchildren (2019)


The Rockefeller Foundation; Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (2010)


NASA; Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (2001)


WIRED; The Future of Money (1996)


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Great links. Thanks!

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

So Walmart Corporate in Arkansas is willing to take the hit in sales in order to bring its customers into line with governmental policy? That does stretch my credulity just a bit.

I can see a black market forming already. For a slight additional fee, I, who am anointed, for a small fee will be willing to shop in Wallyworld for you. I would bet it won't take more than a week to see that work around. Also Wallyworld has a large mail order presence. How are they going to screen for that? I can see an even bigger market for counterfeit vaxx cards. Fortunately for all of us, government wonks are mostly brain dead. Look up the COBRA effect in economics. It is a famous unintended consequence of short sighted government intervention.

I did taxes for seven years at a volunteer center that was supposed to be for old folks and for the "poor". Despite a tax code so voluminous that no one has ever read it completely through from start to finish, people lie awake nights figuring out new scams on how to cheat on their taxes. The rich don't have a lock on cheating on taxes, the poor match them scheme for scheme. The only difference is the rich pay somebody to show them how to cheat on their taxes, the poor can't afford a tax lawyer, so they scheme on their own and they are very creative.

Trudeau leads the way in brain dead politicians. One might think the Canuks had enough of the Trudeau clan with the first iteration. And they like to snigger at our politicians.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Couldn't have said it better myself, we have to remain strong God is our witness and our strength

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Thanks Carol.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Very well said! I agree with you 100 percent! Thankyou

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Thanks Connie!

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