You Crazy Anti-Vaxxers!
California has a new law on the books that "cracks down on inappropriate use of medical exemptions that allow kids to skip some or all vaccines and still enter school."
"Doctors will no longer be the final authority on medical exemptions and could be investigated if they write too many. Opponents say physicians may now be afraid to provide waivers, even for kids who need them." (source)
Please watch this video, and then I will continue the discussion below (let's see how long YouTube keeps this video up).
Here's my problem with this; who is in charge of our lives? Are 'we the people' still free? Do we still have dominion over our own lives as per the Constitution?
This is not an issue about vaccines. It's an issue of freedom. Freedom to live our lives as we will, freedom to raise our children as we feel is best, and freedom to trust who we want to trust.
Vaccines are not harmless. Even if you take out the claims of autism, etc, there have been MANY harmful effects of vaccines on individuals (see my previous article). I believe that taking vaccines is not something you should automatically do because someone in authority says you should. It should be something that you research and think carefully about. And it may not be a single answer of "I'm all in" or "I'm all out".
Yet, the power-hungry government elite want to force you to follow, and submit to the government's authority. Instead of allowing educated discussion on this issue they shut people down by labeling them "anti-vaxxers". This name calling is a classic strategy for discrediting people and their beliefs without having to engage people in thoughtful discussion. Don't like discussing the climate issue, shut people down by calling them "climate deniers". Don't want to discuss how America interferes with other countries elections, shut them down as conspiracy theorists.
Yes, there are good people on both sides of the debate, and we should be able to have honest, reasonable discussions about this important issue.
Here's the thing, it doesn't matter if you think anti-vaxxers are crazy. This is America and we are a free people. Stand up for freedom and don't participate in the name calling.
What do you think?