Today's Music Discovery.
I thought I’d share a music selection that I think you will enjoy.
FIRST UP is Jeff Tweedy, with “Let’s Go Rain”. Love this song.
SECOND is California Stars by Wilco.
THIRD, is a great song by Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors.
FOURTH, is a classic by Little Feat called, “Fat Man in the Bathtub”.
FIFTH, is one of the most iconic movie songs from the greatest of all time. You’ve seen this, but I think it’s time for a revisit.
Before I leave Aretha, did you ever see the tribute to her where all the greatest female singers of our time got on stage and sang with her? This gives you a clear indication of how absolutely wonderful Aretha is, because she is so much better than the other ladies. Celine thinks she’s her match, but there is no way.
SIXTH, this is a fairly recent song from Yael Naim called, “New Soul.”
What do you think of these songs? Do you have a suggestion for my next music sampling?