To Help You Sleep

I am not a good sleeper. Never have been.
Once I get to sleep, I'm down for the count. But getting to sleep, that's tough.
So, I've had to really do some good research on things that can help me sleep. Here's what I've found...
The BEST Pillow! I've tried many pillows, and the best by far is the Sobakawa pillow that is filled with buckwheat hulls. It provides excellent support for your neck and it's cool. I will never go without this pillow! Check it out here.
Stay Cool! I am a very hot sleeper. I have restless legs, but I discovered that it's not really restless legs, but rather it's my legs getting hot where they come in contact with my mattress. I looked all around for a solution, and found this. It's expensive, but I absolutely get better sleep because of it.
Ambient Noise. I have the fan running at night because I love the ambient sounds. Here's another option if you have a computer nearby.
This article titled, Military Secrets to Falling Asleep in Two Minutes has been helpful too.
Tell us your secrets for falling asleep in the comments below.