Hi from Glenn.
Today I want to talk about freedom.
But before I do, I want to tell you that we had a fantastic webinar the other day titled, “Freedom & Privacy Coins!” in which I talked with Marc “Morpheus” Goldman about cryptocurrency and a specific type of crypto currency called privacy coins. I think it’s very important that people get at least some of their money out of the financial system, and privacy coins can fulfill an important roll in that regard. Here’s the replay, which will be up until tomorrow (Friday) at midnight.
My guest on the webinar was Marc Goldman, who is the most knowledgeable person I know about crypto. If you want to take his crypto course, here’s a link. Use the coupon code GLENN to get a great discount.
Now, let’s get into freedom…
I am not totally happy with the last newsletter I sent to you. I work hard to keep a balanced perspective and I try to not offend people regardless of their beliefs. If you were offended by what I said last week, I ask that you take a pause….
…maybe a couple pauses…
Then instead of being offended, really think about what I said. Ponder it and ask whether there is a possibility that we are being manipulated and brainwashed. And then consider that it may not just be everyone else that is being manipulated, but YOU may also be under a spell.
I may be also. I will tell you that for as adamant as I am about thinking for myself, if I listen to the news and mainstream media, I also begin to fall for their narrative. It is very hard to get away from the brainwashing and to actually think for yourself.
The only way to NOT fall for the narrative is to…
Actively be a truth seeker.
Be suspicious about the media’s motives.
Don’t watch mainstream news, talk shows, etc.
Don’t identify with a particular political party.
So how do I keep my balance while staying informed?
I watch independent journalists that I have vetted and I trust to also be truth seekers, and even then, I remain skeptical of their points of view.
I look at who is being censored, because often these are truth-seekers who are at least asking questions that the mainstream doesn’t want you to ask.
I pray and keep my heart open to God’s Love.
And, I focus on and remain rooted in eternal principles, such as individual freedom, equal justice, peace and prosperity.
I never let anyone think for me.
For example, one of my guiding principles is individual freedom, which is a divine right that comes from God. So how would the world look if we ran government…
…through the lens of freedom?
First, here is a great definition of individual freedom…
“Individualism is an idea of society that champions individual liberty, creativity, and self-reliance. A thriving society cannot be engineered by the collectivist designs of central planners, sociology professors, or government economists. Rather, it is is the combined effects of individual actions and the spontaneous collaborations of free people that produce economic growth, cultural vitality, and social wellbeing.
Individualism is captured in the idea of America: a nation of individuals, each endowed with economic freedom, self-reliant in applying their own energy and creativity to advance their own circumstances and, in collaboration with others, contributing to an expanding economy, a stronger society, and growing well-being for all.”
In other words, live and let live with freedom and justice for all. Let me live my life as I choose, and you live as you choose. Treat each other with respect, and don’t force your views on me or take my stuff.
Now let’s look at some issues that we are dealing with in our world…
Have you ever heard of anyone fleeing a country because the people had too much freedom of speech? Of course not. Our Founding Father’s knew this. As George Washington said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” And Benjamin Franklin said, “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”
Freedom of Speech is a fundamental principle that is protected in our First Amendment because it is absolutely necessary to freedom. It is not up to the government or anyone else to determine what is disinformation or misinformation. That is for each person to decide for themselves. In fact, we MUST resist all efforts by the government to limit our freedom of speech, because this is how tyranny starts.
It can be hard hearing other views that you don’t agree with, but real life doesn’t have “safe spaces” in which your ideas can’t be challenged. All ideas and points of view can and should be challenged. Let people say what they want to say because that is their right. At the very least, you will know who to stay away from.
People are free to be who they want to be and do what they want to do. If someone is gay or transgender, that is their decision and it must be respected. And in the same light, other people are also free to not agree or not approve. Regardless of what you believe, no one has the right to force their views on others. You have your belief, let them have theirs.
The LGBTQ political movement is pushing their views on others though, and that is counter to the views of freedom.
You can’t force other people to use specific pronouns or speak in a specific way, because this violates people’s freedom of speech.
You may choose to identify as another gender, but that doesn’t mean that you are actually that gender. In a thousand years archeologists will be able to dig up your bones and determine whether you are a man or a woman. It is in your bone structure and it’s in your DNA. This is, in fact, what science says. So, just because a man identifies as a women doesn’t mean that he should be able to compete as a woman, or be able to go into a woman’s bathroom, or if you are a criminal, you don’t have the right to go to a woman’s prison. Society has made tremendous progress with women’s rights, and now men are reversing this progress by imposing themselves on women.
Most importantly, you don’t have the right to indoctrinate children into your views.
Parents have the freedom and the right to raise their children as they see fit. This is their God-Given right and their responsibility.
Parents have the right to determine how their children will be raised, what values they will learn, what schools they go to, and they have the responsibility to protect them. No person, group, organization or government has the right to indoctrinate children, nor do children have the right to make decisions for themselves, because their brain hasn’t developed enough nor have they had enough experience to know when other people or groups are using them.
Yes, there are exceptions, such as when children are abused or neglected, but these exceptions are only exceptions and should not be used to justify government intervention for non-exception cases. One area of abuse in which the government must intervene relates to any parent, doctor or any other adult who helps the child through sex-change or hormone treatments, which is clearly abuse. But, just to be clear, an adult can choose to have sex-change operations or hormone treatments, because they have freedom to make their choices.
As Martin Luther King JR said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” American society has taken a big step backward in recent years by the Leftist’s insistence on looking at people as part of a race or group of people instead of as individuals, each with our own circumstances, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, relationships and challenges. The only way to achieve freedom and respect for all people is to completely ignore race, color, gender and other factors and to look at people as individuals. We uplift others by seeing the best in others. All people are loved equally by God.
We should not be the policeman of the world. Although it sounds noble, we have to get our own house in order. Our primary focus and highest purpose must be to ensure individual freedom of Americans, and if we do this we will be the beacon of freedom for the world. We will show other people that they can also choose freedom for themselves.
Although most people don’t think of sound money as relevant to freedom, it is essential. Money is how people preserve their wealth that they created through their creativity and hard work. Inflation is caused by a government that is stealing money from its citizens through immoral practices of printing (creating) excess cash. The US Government and Federal Reserve has betrayed the trust of its citizens, and has corrupted our money. We need to open up our money to the free market.
If you don’t have privacy you can’t have freedom. Government and big tech have betrayed our trust because they watch us and record everything we do without our knowledge and without our consent. We must preserve our privacy in order to reclaim our freedom.
On a final note I want to say that the US Constitution was specifically created to protect our individual freedoms by limiting the power of the government, because those in power ALWAYS want more power. We must protect and cherish the Constitution if we want to preserve our freedom.
I hope this rings true for you. I hope you are also a freedom fighter.
Have a great day!
Glenn Meder
First off, I want to know when I am going to benefit from my 'white privilege'? <sarc> DH and I just had an interesting convo today regarding critical thinking and thinking for ones self. He was questioning what we are 'being told' about the eastern European situation. We had a great discussion.
While we have never 'met', Glenn, I have to agree with every point made here. One point I made to DH was that there are too many today who can't or won't think for themselves these days. And the saddest part is that one can no longer engage them in respectful and thoughtful discourse. They shun cognitive dissonance. They cannot discern that there could be an alternative reasoning. Okay, some ppl are just freaking stupid. I had to get that off my chest LOL
I agree, Glenn, with perhaps two exceptions. There must be some laws that protect against someone' right to swing their fist interfering with someone else's right to not have their nose hit. For example, that includes not being able to kill your spouse if you disagree, run a red light and maybe hit a pedestrian, drive drunkenly, not kill your children (including abortion) if you decide that you do not want to be a parent, after all, and the like. Also, I notice you have not mentioned responsibility. Montessori categorized responsibility as the ' other side of the coin of freedom'. Unless we want anarchy and the "law of the jungle", there must be responsibility accompanying freedom. I would love to hear what you think about responsibility. It is refreshing that you speak out about what you perceive and think.