The Single Most Dangerous Threat to Our Freedom.

I love the USA. Period. I love the USA.
Many people say that they love the USA, but what does this mean? What specifically do they love? I think it's important to be precise with our language.
I love the American people.
I love our society.
I love how generous we are.
Do I love the government though? This is where it gets interesting...
I love our wonderful Constitution, because it codifies our deep seated values of individual freedom and independence. I love the Constitution because it LIMITS the power of our government. I love the checks and balances of our system of government because it prevents the people in power from grabbing more power, because people in power (both on the Right or the Left) always want more power.
Let me repeat that last point, "People in Power Always Want More Power." This is a fact that's been proven throughout history, and it's as true now as it has ever been.
That is why I am very concerned over one specific issue facing the USA right now; massive vote manipulation on a scale that completely eliminates the concept of a free and fair election, and thus bypasses, subverts and effectively nullifies the Constitution.
No, I'm not talking about Russia. Nor am I referring to China, or even North Korea...
I'm talking about Google and Facebook. These companies hold MUCH more power over the USA than Russia or China could ever hope to. They wield almost total control over the flow of information in our society, and the employees who work in these companies are ready and willing to use this power, regardless of whether it will completely subvert the USA's free election process.
I believe that this is the most serious issue facing our country right now, and it's something that you should care about regardless of your political affiliation.
What am I referring to? Watch this video...
And another...
So how much power does Google have?
90% of all search is done on Google.
YouTube is the second most searched website, and YouTube is also owned by Google.
Google controls which websites they want you to see.
They control what order the sites will be displayed.
Type a few letters into the search bar, Google suggests what you should be searching for.
When you search for a video, they control what videos play next.
If you upload a video, Google determines whether the video is appropriate.
They also control gmail and they control whether an email (such as your favorite newsletter) goes into your inbox or your junk mail.
This is huge power, and it's wielded without any transparency. They can do what they want without anyone knowing how they are being manipulated. Should we trust these countries with this power? Can we trust the employees of these countries to not use this power to get the results that they want?
The answer is very clearly NO. This power can subvert the freedom that we Americans enjoy. There has been evidence lately that the employees of these companies have no intention of just sitting back and letting our free election system work as it should. They are determined to use their power to get the results they want.
Just to be clear, the point I am making has nothing to do with which political party you claim allegiance to. This is about the Constitution of the United States, and maintaining free and fair elections, regardless of which way they go.
I believe very strongly that we must protect our country and our Constitution. I have reached out to my Senator to set up a meeting with him to talk about this issue. I've never urged anyone to do anything like this in the past, but I do so now. Call your Representative or Senator and tell them about this issue.
What specifically can and should we do? Ted Cruz explains the action that needs to be taken very clearly in this video.
Please tell me your thoughts below.