Hi from Glenn!
I hope you are having a great day!
I have two quick points, and a request…
FIRST, my interview with Brian Peckford is up.
Brian is a fascinating guy who was instrumental in creating the Canadian Charter, which is equivalent to the US Bill of Rights. I talked to him on Monday about his new Magna Carta, and his lawsuit against the Canadian government. I think you will really like this discussion. Please check it out here, and please subscribe to my new Rumble Channel.
SECOND, next Wednesday I’m going to have another special guest on for a live Q&A Webinar.
John Bush and I will be talking about homeschooling and giving parents the training, motivation, and resources to transition away from government schools to homeschooling, private school, and community-driven education. I am VERY passionate about this crucial issue. Please invite anyone you know to this event.
When: Jul 6, 2022 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Glenn Meder interviews John Bush
At the appropriate time, please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 318549
NOW, a request...
Please share this newsletter with anyone and everyone you know who values freedom, and encourage them to sign up.
Thank you!!
Glenn Meder