I love thinking about how vast the universe is. Every star you can see in the night sky is in our galaxy, yet what we can see is only a small portion of the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. For every star you can see, there are that many, and countless more galaxies, each with billions of stars. I’ve heard it said that there are literally more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the entire planet.
With that thought, I want to share two things with you. The first is a new study that shows an incredible link between the design of the human brain and the universe itself. Awesome.
The second is more mind twisting. Listen to this podcast in which Don Hoffman explores the nature of reality itself. You may not agree with it, but it’s certain to stretch your mind and make you think in way’s you’ve never thought before.
Please tell me your thoughts in the comments below.