Hi. My name is Glenn Meder. If you’re looking for a unique, authentic view of the world, you’re in the right place. I am a truth seeker. I combine scientific analysis with spirituality, a love of freedom and a healthy dose of skepticism of power brokers. My goal is to weave together many topics and cut through the distractions and misdirections to get to the truth of current events.
I am an independent voice who is trying to share truth as I see it in a highly manipulated world. I’m not one of these media giants who has millions of followers and millions of dollars. I am putting myself at risk by saying what I say, so please support me. The only money I make is from people who become premium member. If you think that my newsletters are valuable, please support me and others like me. Your membership helps me produce more fantastic content.
FIRST, watch my webinar about the root cause of the chaos in the world right now. This webinar will truly open your eyes. This analysis is spot on, and it explains the root of everything going on right now. This webinar is based on this very important article I wrote on April 14, 2020.
SECOND, Your Brushstrokes of Life. Young people are under a tremendous amount of pressure to figure out what they want to “be” and “do” in their lives. This pressure is greater than ever before. This article will help.
THIRD, A Fresh Rant about Water Purity. Teaching people about water is my specialty. Three facts you need to embrace are; 1) we live in a toxic world, 2) if you are serious about your health, you need to avoid these toxins by consuming only the purest water and 3) it is YOUR responsibility to ensure your health.
EPISODE 2: What is at the Core of the Current Chaos? This webinar is based on my April article that dives into the core reasons and the key players behind the chaos happening in our world right now.
EPISODE 3: A Deeper Dive Into the Fed Created Chaos. In this episode I do a deeper dive into the Fed and how I believe they are at the core of the chaos that is happening in the world right now.
EPISODE 4: Relax into Life. Episode 4 is a short episode that I hope will help you relax into the hard times we are living through, and the even harder times to come.
EPISODE 5: New Zealand Should Become the Switzerland of the South Pacific. This is a very specific one that talks about how the economic changes that are coming will affect other countries, specifically New Zealand. Quite honestly, I’m worried for NZ. I am a NZ citizen (dual-national). Both my parents are from there. All my relatives live there. It’s the most beautiful place in the world. But it is very vulnerable, and it’s going to become moreso.
EPISODE 6: The Right is Wrong, The Left is Crazy and Libertarians are Impotent. Episode 6 explores how both political parties have failed us, but the real failure is the Libertarian Party.
EPISODE 7: A Special Message to Dwayne Johnson. Episode 7 is a special episode that is intended for just one person, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
EPISODE 8: We Must Wake Up! This is a very important podcast in which I explain the endgame of the Fed and the global elite with the lockdowns and their global reset.
EPISODE 9: My EndGame. This is a follow up to my last episode in which I discuss what I believe our endgame should be, and I explain what my "call to action" is. I also discuss splitting the country up, and I have a unique take on it.
EPISODE 10: Your Brushstrokes of Life. For this episode I want to explore how you identify yourself and how you let others identify you. This is a very important video for everyone, but especially for people who feel lost and who don't know how they fit into this world.
EPISODE 11: America is Broken: Do You Want To Fix It or Do You Not Care? In this episode I try to build a bridge between liberals and conservatives, because this country is more divided than ever and if we are to survive as one nation, we must understand each other. I don't know how well this will work, but let's give it a try.
I hope these articles will help you live a happier life…
Your Brushstrokes of Life (one of my most popular articles)
*Premium*My Predictions for the Near Future!
*Premium* Complete Webinar Replay: The Fundamentals of Money, Part 1
Articles & Videos about Water.
FREE ONLINE COURSE: Emergency Water 101. This is a high-level training course that I put together to teach people about how to properly treat water in an emergency according to Red Cross and FEMA guidelines. You won’t find this level of education anywhere else.
PREMIUM ONLINE COURSE: Storing Water for an Emergency. This is a premium video course I put together that shows you how to get prepared for an emergency by storing water in the proper way. I created this course because there is so much bad information on the internet. You won’t find this education anywhere else. This is a premium course, but this welcome video is available to anyone.
*Premium* Lesson 1: The Big Picture
*Premium* Lesson 2: Importance and Limitations of Stored Water
*Premium* Lesson 3: Red Cross Recommendations for Storing Water
*Premium* Lesson 4: Two Types of Water
*Premium* Lesson 7: Ready-To-Drink Water: Overview
*Premium* Lesson 11: Hierarchy of Water Needs.
*Premium* Lesson 12: Helping Your Neighbors Without Giving All Your Water Away
*Premium* BONUS: Q&A Webinar
*Premium* COMPLETE WEBINAR: Safe Online Purchasing with Privacy.com
*Premium* Webinar: Passwords: 5 Keys to Staying Safe Online.
If You Absolutely Refuse to Use a Password Manager, Do This Instead.
*Premium*My Predictions for the Near Future!
*Premium* You Should be Listening to this Economist
*Premium* Must Watch Video: Endgame for the Dollar
*Premium* Complete Webinar: The Fundamentals of Money, Part II
*Premium* Complete Webinar Replay: The Fundamentals of Money, Part 1
*Premium* COMPLETE WEBINAR: Safe Online Purchasing with Privacy.com
*Premium* Webinar: Passwords: 5 Keys to Staying Safe Online.
*Premium* Webinar: How and Why You Need Secure Email.
PREMIUM ONLINE COURSE: Storing Water for an Emergency. This is a premium video course I put together that shows you how to get prepared for an emergency by storing water in the proper way. I created this course because there is so much bad information on the internet. You won’t find this education anywhere else. This is a premium course, but this welcome video is available to anyone.
*Premium*Lesson 1: The Big Picture
*Premium*Lesson 2: Importance and Limitations of Stored Water
*Premium*Lesson 3: Red Cross Recommendations for Storing Water
*Premium*Lesson 4: Two Types of Water
*Premium*Lesson 11: Hierarchy of Water Needs.
*Premium*Lesson 12: Helping Your Neighbors Without Giving All Your Water Away
*Premium*BONUS: Q&A Webinar
Hi Glenn. I'm so glad to have discovered your Substack through listening to your webinar via G. Edward Griffin. Can you clarify your premium payment options? In your Substack you still offer $100 annual support which appears to offer access to your many webinars & focused programs. When I clicked on it, I was taken to the payment page so I think it's still available. But you said that wasn't the case in the webinar I watched, saying you were only offering the lifetime option?