Hi. My name is Glenn Meder and I am the creator and editor of SOCRATES GOLD. If you are looking for fantastic, interesting and unusual articles that will improve your life, scroll down!
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FIRST, My Perspective of COVID-19. I wrote this article in the middle of April to describe what I think is really going on behind all of the coronavirus fear mongering, the lock downs and the subsequent riots. This analysis is spot on, and it explains the root of everything going on right now. I have been very surprised that I haven't heard anyone else figure out the root of the problem, even today.
SECOND, Your Brushstrokes of Life. Young people are under a tremendous amount of pressure to figure out what they want to “be” and “do” in their lives. This pressure is greater than ever before. This article will help.
THIRD, A Fresh Rant about Water Purity. Teaching people about water is my specialty. Three facts you need to embrace are; 1) we live in a toxic world, 2) if you are serious about your health, you need to avoid these toxins by consuming only the purest water and 3) it is YOUR responsibility to ensure your health.
I hope these articles will help you live a happier life...
Your Brushstrokes of Life (one of our most popular articles)
*Premium* My Predictions for the Near Future! (Very important article)
*Premium* Complete Webinar Replay: The Fundamentals of Money, Part 1
Articles & Videos about Water.
FREE ONLINE COURSE: Emergency Water 101. This is a high-level training course that I put together to teach people about how to properly treat water in an emergency according to Red Cross and FEMA guidelines. You won't find this level of education anywhere else.
Lesson 1: The Real Threats to our Water Supply.
Lesson 2: How to Provide Your Family With Safe Drinking Water.
Lesson 3: Assessing the Danger.
PREMIUM ONLINE COURSE: Storing Water for an Emergency. This is a premium video course I put together that shows you how to get prepared for an emergency by storing water in the proper way. I created this course because there is so much bad information on the internet. You won't find this education anywhere else. This is a premium course, but this welcome video is available to anyone.
*Premium* Lesson 1: The Big Picture
*Premium* Lesson 2: Importance and Limitations of Stored Water
*Premium* Lesson 3: Red Cross Recommendations for Storing Water
*Premium* Lesson 4: Two Types of Water
*Premium* Lesson 5: The Dangers of Improperly Stored Water
*Premium* Lesson 6: Bottled Water, The Simplest Solution.
*Premium* Lesson 7: Ready-To-Drink Water: Overview
*Premium* Lesson 8: Ready-To-Drink Water: Step 1 & 2
*Premium* Lesson 9: Ready-To-Drink Water: Step 3, 4 & 5
*Premium* Lesson 10: Ready-To-Drink Water: Step 6 & 7
*Premium* Lesson 11: Hierarchy of Water Needs.
*Premium* Lesson 12: Helping Your Neighbors Without Giving All Your Water Away
*Premium* BONUS: Q&A Webinar
*Premium* COMPLETE WEBINAR: Safe Online Purchasing with
*Premium* Webinar: Passwords: 5 Keys to Staying Safe Online.
If You Absolutely Refuse to Use a Password Manager, Do This Instead.