Hi from Glenn!
I have two quick messages…
I had a great interview with Tony Heller the other day. We discussed science, the scientific method, the corruption of science and the truth about global warming.
The scientific method and the thought process of questioning approved narratives is what brought us out of the dark ages (which was “believe what we tell you to believe or else”), and into the age of reason, which created all advances of civilization, technology and more.
Now we are falling back into the dark ages because of the corruption of the scientific method.
It was a great interview. Please see it here.
Also, on a related topic, see this article titled, “Here's The Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled By Society's Top Institutions.”
Please tell me what you thought of the interview…
You know that when you save something to "The Cloud", that just means that you are saving your info on some company's server somewhere, right? These companies then scan your content and spy on you.
What if there was another way?
There actually is a simple way that you can create your own server in your home that saves your photos in a way that you can share with others. This server could manage your passwords, be your own messaging service, etc.
Join Dave Croisant and I Tuesday at noon (central) to learn how to be self-reliant, private and secure online.
TOPIC: Skill Session: Dave Croisant on Creating Your Own Private Server
WHEN: Sep 19, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
HOW: Please click here to join the webinar.
ALT: Or listen by phone. Click here to get your local number.
WEBINAR ID: 873 4144 9587
PASSCODE: 561406
I hope to see you there!
I know that it may be harder to join these calls at noon, instead of the 7pm ones, but since I am in Europe for a while, 7pm is 2am for me. So I don’t do those very often.
Take care!
I didn't get to see it yet. I am curious if the Tue webinar will be recorded and available for later viewing.