Political Thoughts of the Moment

Here are some of my thoughts regarding the state of our country and the political power struggles going on right now...
My Prediction.
A few months ago I made a wild prediction about who is going to win the Democratic Nomination, and I still think my prediction is accurate (see here).
Protecting Whistle Blowers.
I totally agree with the concept of protecting whistle blowers. In fact, this is a very serious issue that is needed to protect the integrity of our country. So, while the Democrats are riding high and mighty about how important it is to protect whistle blowers, how about Edward Snowden? Or Julian Assange? Or other real whistle blowers who uncovered real crimes that the government was perpetrating against Americans? The Democrats don't care about these real whistle blowers though. They only care about a fake whistle blower who will further their agenda to destroy Trump.
At the Very Least, Give Trump Credit for This.
There is one thing that Trump has done better than Obama, Bush and Bill Clinton; he has resisted the Military Industrial Complex. But the media will never give him credit for it. This has to be the hardest thing for any President, because the military, which to a large part is the Deep State, has a choke hold on American Politics. Take for instance the latest scare tactics used to prevent Trump from getting 50 soldiers out of Syria. We're talking about only 50 soldiers! And the media, and people on both sides of the isle went bonkers! Watch this absolutely fake news from ABC...
America needs to get out of the endless wars that we are fighting! Why the hell are we still in Afghanistan, after 19 years?!! In 2018, we dropped more bombs on Afghanistan that ever before!
Jeffrey Epstein Was Most Likely Murdered.
Surprise, surprise, Jeffrey Epstein was likely murdered. According to NPR, "A forensic pathologist hired by Jeffrey Epstein's family said he believes Epstein's autopsy suggests homicide rather than suicide." Well duh. Did anyone ever believe that he hung himself with paper sheets?
Here's what was going on, in my humble opinion. Jeffrey Epstein was an intelligence agent for some country. He had a party island of underage girls, and he'd invite high level politicians to visit, and then he would get them on camera having sex with underage girls. From that point on, the politician was was "owned" by said country.
Which country? It doesn't matter because they all probably do this.
Give People Freedom.
I have a friend who blames the religions of the world for causing more death and war than any other activity that people do. He thinks we would be much better off without religion. But he's missing a crucial point, it's not religion that is the problem, it's people trying to force their opinions on others. We would be in a much better place right now if people would simple mind their own business and stop trying to force their opinions on others.
Stop being offended. Let people speak their mind without shutting them down, even if they are racist jerks. Let them speak, then at least you know where they stand. Live and let live.
Coming Together as a Country.
As someone who intentionally doesn’t identify as either Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, I want to make an observation about the huge and dangerous polarization that is happening in our country.
I believe that one of the keys to solving the divide is to make the effort to understand each other better. But here’s the thing… the Right understands the Left, but the Left does not understand the Right, nor do they make an effort to understand them.
The Right understands the Left because it’s all anyone hears. Every celebrity, every late-night talk show host, most journalists, most teachers and most TV hosts are on the Left. 99% of people with a mainstream voice are on the Left, so everyone in the US understands the Left’s message every day. We are inundated with celebrities tweeting, making videos, performing skits and making jokes. But NONE of these celebrities try to understand the issues. They just perpetuate the problem.
The Right does NOT have a mainstream voice, except for maybe Fox News, but Fox News has its own agenda.
More than this, there are people who don’t define themselves as Left or Right. This doesn’t mean that they are wishy-washy. Libertarians, for example, don’t fit into the Left or Right narrative.
If we are to come together as a country, it is incumbent on Liberals to hear out the other side. Really listen instead of just dismissing all Conservatives as bigots and rednecks. Stop with the hate. Stop with the hate Trump echo chamber and learn WHY people support Trump.
What will the Left learn if they actually listen? You tell me!
Please remember, our country is not our politics.
We are a vibrant culture that is so much more than our country's political power struggles. We have much more in common than that which divides us. Be grateful for our wonderful country and the fact that we are free! Focus on the good and enhance the good. Focus on people being people, not whether someone is Right or Left.
Also, stay calm.
Politics are very messy and emotional right now, more so than I’ve ever seen it. There are powerful forces at play that WANT you to become emotional, angry and fearful. Why? Because people are easy to control when they are emotional. Politicians gain power when you are fearful and angry, and the media makes more money when you are angry and fearful. Don’t play that game. Stay composed. Stay rational.
What say you? Leave your comments below.