Hi from Glenn!
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know how I feel about the state of the world. And I think you agree.
It’s like every part of society is a rubber band stretched to it’s limit, and somethings going to snap. And when something snaps, will it all fall apart?
Our society, and indeed our whole way of life seems to be very fragile.
How did we get here? Why are we so fragile?
It sounds weird, but the exact thing that makes us so strong, also makes us so fragile.
Our society is strong because of our interdependence. We have created a global supply chain system that allows us to move anything from one part of the world, to another part of the world very quickly. This is why farmers can grow blueberries in Peru, and they can be picked and then shipped to every grocery store in the US while they are still ripe. This allows us to eat blueberries in the middle of winter.
This is the beauty of our “just in time” delivery system. And, when everything is working well, this is a wonderful thing.
But what happens when this system breaks down? Either by an Act-of-God, or intentionally?
We have become so dependent upon this global supply chain, that very few people can feed themselves if something goes wrong.
In this way, we are fragile. And this is the strength and weakness of our society.
You’ve heard the term anti-fragile, right?
Communities can be anti-fragile, as can people.
We, as a society, should also put mechanisms in place that ensure a level of independence. That if something were to go wrong with the global supply chain, we could still supply ourselves with what we need to live on.
That, on a community level, is a big project, and it probably won’t happen until something dramatic happens that makes us learn our lesson.
But we, ourselves, can become anti-fragile. We can take steps to be independent, or more independent.
The most important step we can take to do this is to have a sustainable food supply.
With that in mind, I’ve teamed up with my long-time friend, Marjory Wildcraft to hold an educational webinar about what it takes to become self-reliant with your own food supply.
WHAT: Free educational webinar titled, "How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation Even If You Have No Experience, Are Older, And Out Of Shape"
WHEN: This is a 72 hour event. From today until Saturday.
HOW: Watch it now, here.
In this webinar, Marjory talks about:
• The status of global food shortages
• How long the crisis will last
• How much space you need to grow food
• The easiest, highest calories foods you can produce
• A complete plan for producing all the food you need
• And how you can get started today (regardless of the season)
Click here to register for the free webinar about growing your own food.
You do not need any experience. It doesn’t matter if you are young, old or even out of shape.
Marjory will show you the fastest, easiest and simplest ways to produce enough calories to survive any threat to our food supply.
This is vital information in these uncertain times!
You can watch the webinar right now. This is a 72 hour event, so from now until Saturday night.
Thank you!
Glenn Meder