Over the past couple days I had an experience that shook me and my self-confidence. I received a blistering series of emails from someone I’ve been friends with for over 30 years. We’ve always disagreed on politics, but we’ve always been able to live and let live.
Apparently, that has changed. I received a series of emails that were more an attack on me and my integrity than challenging what I’ve written. My friend started out by disagreeing with my article about cherishing the Constitution. Apparently he didn’t agree. I’m fine with that, but then he got personal.
It’s funny how sometimes friends can be more cruel than strangers. At first I tried to address each point that he brought up, but as I did his responses became more personal. So, I told him that I will not accept attacks on my integrity, which is the one thing I hold dear. I wrote that I don’t consider us friends anymore and asked him not to contact me again.
His response? He didn’t say anything about me cutting off the friendship, but rather continued his attack in multiple emails.
Apparently the loss of an old friend wasn’t enough to cut through his anger and self-righteousness.
The thing is, he did make me question myself. Over the past couple of days I’ve been praying and asking for guidance, questioning if I am doing what God wants me to do.
One of the things he accused me of was “making money off of promoting fear and doubt”. This is the thing that hurt the most because I constantly question whether my warnings of the things to come are actually helping people or just creating fear. I have worked very hard to educate and not be a fearmonger.
The fact is, I’ve written a number of articles that are scary. But these articles are my sincere effort to share my perspective of what’s happening in the world right now. These articles are scary because of the truth (from my perspective) of what is headed our way due to the totally irresponsible actions of the Federal Reserve and our government. They are scary because of the power grab people in power are making, and the attack on our Constitution. Mostly, they are scary because the vast majority of people in our society are letting the Fed, government and media get away with their big scam job against us.
I think I have a good handle on what is coming our way, and my intention is to be a Paul Revere and warn you about these things before they hit. I have no desire to move the political discourse or to create a movement, but rather my goal is to help you, the individual. I also try to be a trusted voice that is neither Left or Right, but represents truth, no matter where it falls.
What I don’t know is whether my efforts are helping you understand what is coming or whether they are simply scaring you. My hope is that if I give fair warning and it allows you to become more prepared, physically and spiritually, then you will be able to be a voice of calm and compassion when the storm actually hits. In every article I write I try to include an uplifting and spiritual perspective.
As for me “making money off of promoting fear and doubt,” if I wanted to get rich I would certainly choose a different profession. At the time of writing this article, my premium subscriptions are barely paying for my costs for keeping this newsletter alive.
But, I make no bones about the fact that I am an independent voice. I am not making a salary from my writings. The only money I make is from people who become premium subscribers, and I get occasional affiliate commissions from things I promote.
This is how free markets work. I provide something of value (a trusted voice) and if you like what I provide and if you agree that the cost is reasonable, you can purchase it. There is nothing underhanded in this honest and straightforward approach.
My friend pointed out two other points that I’d like to address. First, he claimed that I was not living up to my mission of serving God. He thinks that I’m not sharing God’s Love enough in my writings. But here’s how I see it. 1) Each person’s relationship with God is personal. I know God loves me and I do my best to try to stay tuned into what God wants me to do. 2) I do try to share spiritual concepts in every article and every newsletter I write.
Second, my friend accused me of not speaking in my own voice, and parroting what other people are saying. I don’t agree. Yes, I listen to many other people because I am always learning. In my opinion, two of my greatest skills are 1) curiosity and 2) to find the “masters” of any given subject. I am very good at this.
But while I listen to many different voices, I don’t think any of them are properly putting the pieces together. I believe that my article from April 14 is still the best summation of what is happening now, and still to this day I haven’t heard anyone put all of these pieces together.
My voice is my own, as is my perspective on life.
I am going to continue to pray for guidance. I believe I am providing a valuable, trusted voice and I hope you agree.
I’d love to get your advice on the job I’m doing and how I can improve. Thank you!
Thank you. You have been right on in all of your articles. Thank you for being willing to put into words what we all need to hear. Just because we don't like the message doesn't mean we should shoot the messenger! Keep up the good work!
Keep going Glenn! I appreciate your vulnerability and sharing how challenging it can be to speak your truth as a leader. There are many who are not ready to hear the truth, but you are striking a chord that opens the door, even if there is pushback. We need more heart based leaders such as yourself to lead the way just as many other leaders have done during other critical past times.