My Important Interview with Steve Penny
Investing, Gold, Silver and the Coming Financial Crisis
Hi From Glenn!
Yesterday I did an interview with a fantastic financial guru. I did this interview because, as you know, I’ve been talking about the coming financial crisis for quite a while. While no one knows exactly when it will hit, there is no doubt that the tidal wave is coming our way.
And I know it’s not a pleasant thing to think about, but it’s important to face the truth head on. In so doing, you can protect your family and get yourself in a good position for the future.
Steve has excellent insight, so I think you will really enjoy this video. (Premium members please watch the premium version of this video which includes some bonus footage in which he answered your questions).
Ask questions in the comments or you can ask questions on YouTube.
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If you decide to invest in stocks, I recommend Charles Schwab website for buying stocks. This is what I use, and if there is enough interest I will do a video about how to use it.
During the video, we mentioned Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money Series, which is fantastic.
If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country. This newsletter is currently not bringing in enough money to support itself, so your support will definitely help.
Do you have questions?
I listened to Steve Penny interview. Very interesting. Questions. I'm a 72 year old retired Police officer. Fixed income. Old dog new tricks? Never had a trading account. Know nothing of trading. Learning curve? Has this ship sailed for me?
In regards to buying silver, I would very much like to buy some (maybe even quite a bit), but I am absolutely overwhelmed by the MANY different kinds of silver out there. Here are just a FEW examples:
*American Eagle coins
*Canadian Maple Leaf coins
*Great Britain Britannia cons
*Australian Kangaroo coins
And then there is there other silver products out there such as silver rounds and silver bars. And just as there are many different silver coins to choose from, there are also many different choices among the silver rounds and silver bars. And then, what about the sliver junk coins? That is yet ANOTHER possibility to purchase.
It's easy for everyone to say, "An economic collapse is coming. Go out and buy silver". But WHICH silver do we buy?? I am totally paralyzed by the overwhelming choices of silver. I don't know which specific silver is the best to get or what to stay away from. And for the many other people out there that has also never bought gold or silver before, I'm sure they are just as clueless as I am with buying precious metals.