My Favorite Podcasts
Photo by Jonas Mohamidi from Pexels.
I wanted to share some of my favorite podcasts with you, and then hopefully you will share your favorite podcasts with us! I'm always on the look out for a new great podcast.
COUNTRY LIFE. This is a one hour show produced by Radio New Zealand that talks about country living in New Zealand. It's a great show. It's relaxing. And for me, it gives me a slice of living that is, unfortunately, quite different than my own. Listen to it online here, or on your favorite podcast app.
AFTER ON. This is a fantastic podcast by Rob Reid. He gets the top experts in different scientific fields and does a deep dive into various subjects. It's really cutting edge stuff. Fantastic!
RICH DAD RADIO. Robert Kiyosaki is the best selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and many other books. Robert is a crusty guy, but he's a true expert on money and he's one of the best educator's out there. I can say that I never truly understood money until I read his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I strongly recommend his June 15th show with Robert Duncan.
CONAN O'BRIEN NEEDS A FRIEND. If you are looking for something more lighthearted, Conan is pretty good. He's my favorite of the talk show hosts, but he gets more personal in his podcast.
SMARTPASSIVEINCOME. If you are interested in learning more about creating an online business, there are tons of "experts". But one of the guys who started it all and is the best person to listen to is Pat Flynn.
What are your favorite podcasts? Share in the comments.