My Favorite Articles from 2019!

I wanted to compile a list of my top five favorite articles from SOCRATES GOLD in 2019. They're not in any particular order.
FIRST, I have to start with the article called, "It Sounds Disgusting, But...". This article, quite frankly, made me question something that I simply "knew" was true; that parasites are bad for you and they should be purged from your body. The evidence, in fact, shows that many so called "parasites" actually are quite beneficial, and makes a very interesting case for allergies, asthma and even MS could be the result of us not having certain parasites in our bodies.
SECOND, in this article I showed you how the robot revolution is coming, and it's truly going to change the world. Please watch the videos in this article. They are eye-opening.
THIRD, probably my favorite from last year was this video. It's such an inspirational story and it cuts to the heart of the American Spirit.
FOURTH, I also love this video. It is absolutely wonderful music.
FIFTH, I think one of the most helpful articles was this one.
Tell me what you thought of my picks and if you had a different favorite. Thanks!