Today I want to summarize my thoughts about world events and 2020. Here’s how I want to break down my thoughts.
I can’t believe that people are still falling for this.
The science is clearly being distorted.
The media will never de-escalate the situation.
Government will always try to steal your liberties.
My thoughts on the election.
It all comes back to the Fed.
Yes, mandatory vaccines are coming.
Why is this all happening now?
Yes, these are my thoughts and opinions and I’m not trying to change your mind. You believe what you want to believe.
FIRST, when I first wrote about my thoughts of what is really going on in April, there was one thing I was absolutely certain of; I knew in my heart that Americans would see through the propaganda and fear mongering within a few weeks. I was confident that Americans had an inherent distrust of authority, were skeptical of government power grabs and wouldn’t look to the government to protect us from a virus, which is something they have no ability to protect us from. Americans, in my mind, were self-reliant and had an abundance of common sense, right?
I am shocked and disheartened that people are still buying into the obvious manipulation that is going on.
I can’t believe that people are still scared of this illness, even though the numbers show us a death rate that is no greater than a medium influenza rate (see below). Yes, I think elderly and nursing homes should be extra vigilant, as they should with all illnesses, but there is no way that this is especially dangerous to the main population.
I can’t believe that people in Australia, Britain and parts of the USA are consenting to illegal mass house arrests (lockdowns are not quarantine, but rather are house arrests, and they are illegal).
Where is our ability to see through propaganda and our backbone to stand up against tyranny?
The government and the power elite have now created a fool-proof way to steal our freedoms from us, now and forever. Even if they come up with a vaccine that everyone takes, they can just create a whole new fear campaign about the next global pandemic. We have proven that we are scared, will submit to their propaganda and we look to the government to take care of us.
SECOND, the science is clearly being distorted for political power-grab purposes. This should be obvious based on the huge number of doctors and scientists who have been censored on this issue. I have never believed that medical science properly understands holistic health, how to stay healthy, the proper role of the gut-biome and how our immune system works. Nor have I ever trusted drug companies.
Think back in time to a year ago. Did you believe that the medical industry properly understood all of these things? Yes, medical care, especially regarding mechanical functions like a broken leg, is amazing. But I think modern medicine is clueless in many areas.
Getting dirty is good! We develop immunity by interacting with people and by getting dirty. Our immune system works by getting exposed to things. Stressing the immune system is necessary. This is how our immune system works and how it’s always worked.
So what are we doing instead? We are sanitizing everything with chlorine and using so much hand sanitizer that it must clearly be hurting our bacteria biome, which is not just in our gut, but is on our skin and everywhere. We’re limiting our contact with people and not breathing on each other or touching each other.
On this point, I recommend a book by Dr Robynne Chutkan titled, The Microbiome Solution: A Radical New Way to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out.
She has adopted the motto, "Live Dirty, Eat Clean" to encourage us to get dirty (literally), while eating good, organic food and drinking clean water.
She points out that modern medicine still sees humans as separate from our environment; that bacteria, parasites and even viruses are bad, thus the need to constantly chlorinate the environment and lather up with hand sanitizer.
The truth, however, is that we are in a symbiotic relationship with our little microscopic friends and that our bodies have evolved to deal with our environment. Stress to our immune system is not a bad thing, and in fact can be a very necessary aspect of life. Even some organisms that have been previously viewed as harmful parasites are now shown to have positive health effects.
For example, scientists are just now figuring out that the gut-biome is clearly linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Parasites, such as roundworm have been shown to cure allergies, hook worm is the only known cure for Celiacs disease, and whipworm can treat MS.
Personally, I do not use hand sanitizer. I shake people’s hands and hug them (if they are open to it), and I certainly still try to live my life. Yes, I wash my hands, but honestly, I’m trying to make a conscious effort to not be as scared of germs as I used to be.
As for the current illness that is going around, I encourage you to look at the facts with links to studies that back up the claims (source)…
Lethality: According to the latest immunological studies, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) of covid-19 in the general population is about 0.1% to 0.5% in most countries, which is comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968.
Treatment: For people at high risk or high exposure, early or prophylactic treatment is essential to prevent progression of the disease and avoid hospitalization.
Age profile: The median age of covid deaths is over 80 years in most countries and only about 5% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. In contrast to pandemic influenza, the age and risk profile of covid mortality is thus comparable to normal mortality and increases it proportionally.
Nursing homes: In many Western countries, up to two thirds of all covid deaths have occurred in nursing homes, which require targeted and humane protection. In some cases it is not clear whether the residents really died of covid or of weeks of stress and isolation.
Excess mortality: Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by covid, but by the effects of lockdowns, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 40% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital.
Antibodies: By summer 2020, global hotspots such as New York City and Bergamo had reached antibody levels of approximately 25%. Capital cities such as Madrid, London and Stockholm were around 15%. Large parts of Europe and the US, however, were still below 5%.
Symptoms: Up to 40% of all infected persons show no symptoms, about 80% show at most mild symptoms, and about 95% show at most moderate symptoms and do not require hospitalization. Mild cases may be due to protective T-cells from earlier common cold coronavirus infections.
Long covid: About 10% of symptomatic people report post-acute or long covid, i.e. symptoms that last for several weeks or months. This also affects younger and previously healthy people with a strong immune response. The post-viral syndrome is known from severe influenza, too.
Transmission: According to current knowledge, the main routes of transmission of the virus are indoor aerosols and droplets produced when speaking or coughing, while outdoor aerosols as well as most object surfaces appear to play a minor role.
Masks: There is still little to no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of cloth face masks in the general population, and the introduction of mandatory masks couldn’t contain or slow the epidemic in most countries. If used improperly, masks may increase the risk of infection.
Children and schools: In contrast to influenza, the risk of disease and transmission in children is very low in the case of covid. There was and is therefore no medical reason for the closure of elementary schools or other measures specifically aimed at children.
Contact tracing: A WHO study of 2019 on measures against influenza pandemics concluded that from a medical perspective, contact tracing is “not recommended in any circumstances”. Contact tracing apps on cell phones have also failed in most countries.
PCR tests: The virus test kits used internationally may in some cases produce false positive and false negative results or react to non-infectious virus fragments from a previous infection. In this regard, the so-called cycle threshold or ct value is an important parameter.
Medical mismanagement: In the US and some other countries, fatal medical mismanagement of some covid patients occurred due to questionable financial incentives and inappropriate protocols. In most countries, covid hospital mortality has since decreased significantly.
Lockdowns: The WHO warned that lockdowns have caused a “terrible global catastrophe”. According to the UN, lockdowns may put the livelihood of 1.6 billion people at acute risk and may push an additional 150 million children into poverty. Unemployment, bankruptcies and psychological problems have reached record levels worldwide.
Sweden: In Sweden, total mortality without lockdown has so far been in the range of a strong influenza season. 70% of Swedish deaths occurred in nursing homes that were not protected quickly enough. The median age of the Swedish covid deaths is 84 years.
Media: The reporting of many media has been unprofessional, has maximized fear and panic in the population and has led to a massive overestimation of the lethality and mortality of covid. Some media even used manipulative pictures and videos to dramatize the situation.
Vaccines: Several medical experts warned that express coronavirus vaccines may be risky. Indeed, the vaccine against the so-called swine flu of 2009, for example, led to cases of severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions. In the testing of new coronavirus vaccines, too, serious complications and failures have already been reported.
Virus origin: The origin of the new corona virus remains unclear, but the best evidence currently points to a covid-like pneumonia incident in a Chinese mine in 2012, whose virus samples were collected, stored and researched by the Virology Institute in Wuhan (WIV).
Surveillance: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the covid pandemic may be used to permanently expand global surveillance. In several parts of the world, the population is being monitored by drones and facing serious police overreach during lockdowns.
THIRD, I also made a very important point in April about the media that I think has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Here’s what I said…
“I can tell you that I DO NOT TRUST the media. They are hardwired to create fear and panic. The more fear and panic they can create the more money, influence and power they have, period. People in the media are great at appearing like normal people, but they manipulate the masses. They provoke and stir things up. They always look for the thing that will ratchet up the tension. They will NEVER de-escalate a situation. COVID-19 is their ultimate dream situation.”
The key point is, “They will NEVER de-escalate a situation.” As long as we continue to buy into their propaganda, they will continue to push it. Stop believing this crap that they are pushing. Dig deeper. Question. Be Skeptical.
FOURTH, not only is this the ultimate dream situation for the media, but politicians love it too. Power seekers are attracted to politics, and they hate the Constitution because it limits their power. But we’ve seen over the past seven months many local and State governors who crave power over people instigate illegal power grabs. They lock people in their homes, which is illegal. They close churches, which is illegal. They close small businesses while keeping Walmart open. They’ve told people that they can’t go to the beach or walk outside, which is the most ridiculous thing that totally goes against science, but they don’t care. They are greedy for power, and the only thing that will stop them is us.
FIFTH, Biden won the Presidency, or at least that’s what all the media is shouting to the world. If you remember, in the first debate the moderator asked Biden if he would wait to declare victory until the election results were independently confirmed, and Biden said yes. But he did it anyway.
I know that any Democrats in my audience will be pissed off at me for saying this, but the winner is not yet clear. And I believe that there is a clear and obvious reason why the media is trying very hard to convince everyone that the issue is done…
Right now, every Conservative in the country believes that the Democrats stole the election, and there is significant evidence that there was massive voter fraud (see this and this). On the other hand, every single Democrat believes that Biden is the winner and that any claim otherwise is ridiculous.
The lawsuits will proceed and we will eventually see who the president actually is (I think you might be surprised). But here’s the truth as I see it…
If Biden’s win stands, then the Republicans will grumble and complain, but in the end we will have peace.
But if Trump actually wins, the Democrats will go ballistic. Cities will burn.
One has to contemplate on which option meets their overall objectives, because as I also stated in my April article, at the heart of all of the chaos is serious financial changes that are going on behind the scenes, which is certainly the case.
Here’s a good perspective on what could happen and how the stage is being set…
SIXTH, which is why I have always stated that all of the chaos starts with the Fed. Regardless of which person becomes President, we are certain to see a serious financial collapse soon. The Fed is the real seat of power in this country, and globally, and during times of transition it is very important that people don’t point fingers at the Fed. They hide in plain site.
SEVENTH, but it’s clear that financial control is not the only thing they are after. They have destroyed the free market, which is primarily small businesses. Small businesses are hard for them to control, while big businesses are very easy for them to control. So, we’ve seen the latest salvo in the control game when TicketMaster said that they will soon require all customers to prove that they have received the COVID Vaccine. Soon Walmart will also require proof of vaccine, as will airlines, large hotel chains and many other businesses.
Get ready to be attacked on all sides about this vaccine. They are going to try to force it down your throat, literally. The main goal, I believe, is not the vaccine itself, but they want you to submit to their will.
EIGHTH, so why is this all happening now? As I said earlier, we are in the middle of a financial rejiggering of the entire financial system. Right now there is a serious economic war going on. The Federal Reserve is trying to implement its new digital currency, but the only way it will work is if most other countries in the world sign onto it and again agree to be subjected to the Federal Reserve and IMF.
IN SUMMARY, I am very disheartened about how we the people are letting the government and the media scare us. I believe that anyone who thinks critically about this issue and does their own research, as many doctors and scientists have already done, will come to the conclusion that something doesn’t smell right with what is going on. This whole think stinks to high heaven, and I for one, am not going to buy into this mass delusion.
Like always, you believe what you want to believe. Please comment below.
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Look at and Corbett Report for even more info. Glenn, you are correct.
I think the "powers" struggling to maintain control have finally cracked the code on what constitutes a successful mass manipulation operation - make it hit home and make it personal (regardless of truthfulness)! I think it behooves us all to thoughtfully challenge herd mentality where we can (and it my experience, it's one mind at a time). Some 'tools' I've used include this particular video from Tony Heller (a good perspective on pandemics): and this one is tackles climate change:
Both should get any thinking mind to open and realize the mass alarmism afoot. It's worked in my world :)
Wholeheartedly agree with you otherwise Glenn. Blessing to you and your family for joyful Thanksgiving!