I’m a skeptical man.
I never believed the CDC’s lies.
I never for an instant bought into Fauci’s deceptions.
I’ve always seen the global warming movement for what it is, an excuse for governments to seize and centralize power.
I understand how the Federal Reserve and the US Military industrial complex have worked together for generations to steal from the people of the world by inflating the monetary supply.
I see through the global deception of governments and central bankers who have created wars and fake emergencies to create the very conditions that will allow them to introduce the social credit system and the central bank digital currencies with the goal of enslaving the human race.
I understand that the media is completely compromised, that Big Tech works with the NSA to surveil us all, and that the CIA is the most evil organization to exist on this planet.
I never gave Q-Anon a second glance because I saw it as an obvious psy-op by the CIA.
But there was one psy-op that I fell for hook, line and sinker...
I believed that Elon Musk was a good guy.
I believed that, of all the powerful, rich people throughout the world, here was one who bucked the trend. He wasn’t only out for profit. He wasn’t only out for himself.
Elon put his fortune on the line to help humanity. He wants to make the human race multi-planetary. He actually cares about human rights. He understands the importance of freedom of speech.
He does care, right?
Not only did I see Elon as someone who actually believed in freedom, but he is a guy who has been fearless in standing up to countless cartels; from the automobile companies that put Tucker and Delorian out of business, to the oil cartel, electricity, coal, and even Russia’s space monopoly. Not only did he take them on, but he kicked their collective asses.
I had high hopes.
I hoped that Elon truly valued individual freedom.
I hoped that Elon could help us fight for freedom of speech, and dismantle the cancer that is mainstream news.
I hoped that Elon was someone who may launch a new phone that actually didn’t spy on us, powered by a global network that Klaus Schwab and friends couldn’t shut down if we don’t submit to digital ID’s.
And while Americans continue to argue the 20th century issue of whether or not we have the right to carry guns, I hoped that Elon would help us figure out a way to defend ourselves against the coming danger of real-life AI-autonomous terminator robots and flying assassin drones.
If anyone could, Elon could.
But now my hopes are dashed.
Last week Elon annouced Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter. And I, and freedom loving people all over the world were crushed.
Not just because the lady Elon picked to run Twitter was a leader in the organization that is dedicated to crushing individual freedom and enslaving the human race, but because my Elon Musk fairy tale has been popped.
There is no way that someone who talks about the importance of freedom of speech would actually hire a propaganda master who actually sits on the World Economic Forum's Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee.
It seems impossible that a real freedom lover would hire someone who held the position of Ad Council Chair, and was complicit in spreading the COVID lies that wrecked countless lives, our economy and our Constitution.
So this made me wonder...
Could Elon have simply made an honest, but fantastically huge mistake?
Is this just Elon Musk’s Bud Light moment?
Or did he never care?
Is it possible that all of his talk about freedom of speech is a Q-like psy-op?
Is it possible that Elon is, in fact, in bed with the WEF?
Is it possible that Elon is working with the CIA?
Is it possible that the reason that he has pushed electric cars is not because of the so-called environmental advantages, but because they offer the WEF elites unlimited ability to control our driving ability in the guise of carbon credits?
Is it possible that Elon has had help from the highest levels to kick the collective asses of the cartels he has taken on?
I’ve thought a lot about this. My conclusion?
I don’t know.
How can we know until the dust settles?
Part of me still wants to believe in the fairy tale that is Elon Musk. I still want to believe that there are good people, and that although I believe that power corrupts, I still think (hope) there can be exceptions to this.
Maybe this truly is his Bud Light moment.
But unlike Tim Poole, I’m not going to wait for a couple months to see how Ms. Yaccarino does at her job.
And if Elon Musk keeps her in that position, I will not trust him either.
I understand that Elon may have hired her simply because she’s good at bringing advertisers on board. But if this is true, remember the parable of the scorpion and the frog. Yes, she’s the scorpion and he (and us) will be stung.
Elon said that when he bought Twitter that it was not about the money, that it was about standing for freedom of speech. If this is true, then he has to stand unequivocally for freedom.
With this move, Elon has lost a tremendous amount of trust with a great many people.
It is a betrayal, not just against us, but against freedom itself.
Betrayal is not easy to recover from.
I hope he does the right thing.
As a final word, I want to say that the most important thing I’ve learned, or rather remembered, from Elon’s CEO announcement is that true freedom can only be found in our individual relationship with God. All men are fallible, and the more power they get, the more corrupting influences they have. We can’t trust in people, only in God.
As far as political freedom, We the People, have the power – if we exercise it. Our rights come from God, not from government, and we must stand up for our freedoms. We must be brave and follow our divine inspirations.
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It is immensely difficult today to know whom to trust, especially if that person is in a position of power. Don't feel bad. As for Elon, I have always thought he was crazy to some degree. Not sure if that is crazy/unhinged or crazy like a fox.