I'm Announcing a New Product on December 11th!
I'm excited to announce that I will be launching a new product on December 11th! This is a product that I've been working on for a very long time, and I think you are going to LOVE it!
I'd like to tell you three things about it...
FIRST, it is nothing like anything I've done before. You're going to be very surprised.
SECOND, it's not just me who is launching this product, but rather it's a family creation. My son and father have been especially involved with it.
THIRD, there is a lot of my family history injected into this product, and our hope is that it will be something that your whole family enjoys.
And like I said, YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT! I will tell you more soon! Please keep an eye open for my next email.
(I'm very excited to tell you about it!)