I Am Proud to Announce ZAM-POP!
Last week I gave you a sneak peek at a new product I’ve been working on with my father and my son. Today's the big reveal, and I'm super excited!!!
For as long as I can remember, there is one thing that makes every one of our family get-togethers complete. It's a crazy fast card game that we call ZAM-POP!
This game has been in our family for generations. I first learned to play it when I was nine. I remember being so proud that I was able to play an adult game. I was barely able to keep up with the rest of the family because it's so fast, but I figured it out and from that point on I was hooked for life.
Every time we share it with friends, they love it as much as we do! So I know you will LOVE it too!
And you are my special guests to be the first to see the ZAM-POP! pre-launch.
We are excited to share this game with you! It’s fast-paced and play is simultaneous, which means every minute is packed with action and fun. There is no time for checking phones or watching TV while you play. ZAM-POP! engages everyone at the table in crazy competition and loads of laughter.
Take a look at ZAM-POP! and let us know what you think!
The family that plays together sticks together!
Glenn, Al and Eric Meder