How Bad is the Coronavirus Outbreak in China?
You've heard about the coronavirus outbreak in China, right? There's more to this story than what you are hearing.
First of all, the coronavirus is a type of virus that includes the strain that causes the common cold, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and MERS.
What makes this virus so dangerous apparently is that it is highly infectious, and it has a long incubation period, which means that people can have it, and can be contagious for 12 days without feeling any symptoms. This means that it has plenty of time to spread, and it could go out of control before we know what hit us.
Chinese officials are reporting that it started in Wuhan at a seafood market that sells wild animals.
One thing is for sure...
China is taking this very seriously. I have a friend who lives in China, about 500 miles away from Wuhan. He says that everything is shut down. The streets are empty. Stores, grocery stores, restaurants, malls are shut down. No one is moving. Over 50 million people are quarantined. Can you imagine?
It hit at a bad time too, because this is Chinese New Year, which is when hundreds of millions of people travel to their hometown, and many people traveled before the quarantine took effect. So it has spread, but we don't know how far it has gone or how massive the impact could be.
There is another issue that I haven't heard much about, and that is the massive economic effect that this could cause. Like it or not, China is the manufacturer for the world. If China stays shut down it will have a massive effect on the rest of the world.
I hope not. I wish everyone well in China, and I encourage you to take precautions in case you need to stay at home for an extended period of time.
Here's another resource to keep an eye on/
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