Have You Heard About Facebook's New Currency?

If you haven't heard, Facebook is coming out with it's own currency, called Libra. Unfortunately, I think it's going to be big.
I say unfortunately because Facebook already has too much power over our lives. I personally don't trust Mark Zuckerburg as far as I could throw him, nor do I trust the people who work at Facebook, or Silicone Valley in general.
A recent article in The Atlantic had this to say, "In the name of eliminating inefficiency and injustice in the financial system around the globe, Facebook’s new cryptocurrency threatens to replay what’s become a familiar story—of tech companies blithely reshaping the world around them, and significantly increasing their power over people’s lives, while being accountable to no one."
I completely agree with this statement. Libra is going to make Facebook significantly more powerful than it already is, and for this reason, I don't want anything to do with Libra.
I recommend this article from The Atlantic that explains Facebook's new currency.