Hi from Glenn!
I hope you’re doing well today!
Today I’d like to share my latest podcast with you. This one is titled, “America is Broken: Do You Want To Fix It or Do You Not Care?”
In this episode I explore the huge chasm that divides people on the Right and the Left, and I try to build a bridge between both. Is this even possible? I don’t know. But I have a unique perspective on it that I haven’t heard anyone else talk about, so I want to give it a try.
I want to say that I do not consider myself to be either a Republican or Democrat. My goal is to shine the light of truth on current issues, as I see it. You can take my perspective or leave it, but I think you will get something good out of this video.
Please comment below. I’d also love it if you could subscribe to my YouTube channel, because although my channel is new, people do judge me based on the number of subscribers I have.
Also, please note that I am an independent voice who is trying to speak up for our freedoms, and in today’s world, this can be risky. If you find my perspective on current events to be valuable and refreshing, please become a premium subscriber. (These articles and videos take days to put together, and the only way I get paid is from my premium subscribers.) Thank you!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Glenn Meder Podcast, episode 11. This episode is titled, “America is Broken: Do You Want to Fix It or Do You Not Care?”. My goal with this podcast is to hopefully build a bridge between the good people in the USA on both sides of the aisle. I’m especially reaching out to the good Democrats, the people who are open minded and who sincerely want the best for this country and the people of this country.
My podcast is new, as is my YouTube channel, but my newsletter has been alive and well for a number of years and it’s sent out to over 20K people.
I really do appreciate it if you support me. We are living in crazy times, and propaganda is rampant. I mean, it’s really crazy and it’s scary. Very few commentators are grounded in the truth anymore, and the people who do try to seek truth are putting themselves at risk. This is why I encourage you to support me and other independent voices who are standing up and putting ourselves out there.
So again, please support me by being a premium subscriber or even by sending me money by paypal, because your support is the only salary I make.
Now, a lot has happened this past week, and I know there are a lot of people who are really freaked out and there are just as many who have no idea that people are freaked out or why they are freaked out.
I want to start by telling you of a conversation I had this past week with an old buddy from junior high. He lives in Portland, Oregon, I called him for some business advice, but then it turned towards politics. We talked for a good hour on political issues, and I’m happy to say that although we totally disagreed on everything, it was still a good-natured call.
I’ve had other friends who have been nothing but nasty to me because we disagree on politics. My mother had a call with one of her friends earlier this week, and they’ve been very good friends for almost 30 years, and her friend asked her a question on politics, I guess it was her litmus test, and she didn’t like my mom’s answer, and she said, “This conversation is done.” And she hung up on her and hasn’t heard from her since.
The first point I want to make is that the vast majority of people on both sides are really good people. Many people have forgotten this. There is a lot of nastiness out there, and this nastiness is fueled by the media. There are a tremendous number of people who have bought into the media’s narrative that conservatives are all white racists, which I can tell you is absolutely false. But this nastiness is very dangerous, and the thing that is really disturbing is that many people simply believe what they are told, and they don’t question it.
Regardless of what side you are on, I recommend that you stay spiritually grounded. One of the ways to do this is to see the good in other people. We are all God’s children. We are not this physical body, we are not black or white, we are not our emotions and we are not our political beliefs. We are each Soul, and God loves each of us.
By seeing the good in others, we also see the God in others. By seeing the good in others, we bring out the good in them.
So stay spiritually grounded. Continue to focus on what you are grateful for. Keep your heart open to God’s Love. And trust in God. I know that trusting in God is hard to do when you see the world going through so much chaos.
I also think it’s important to stay levelheaded and to detach yourself from all of the propaganda and mass manipulation that is going on right now. One of my main messages over the years has been to think for yourself and don’t automatically trust what the media is telling you. The propaganda is absolutely in full swing right now.
There are huge power plays happening. The best thing you can do is to be skeptical about everything you hear, and don’t get emotionally attached to any news story or news outlet.
And here’s where there is a huge divergence of understanding between people on the Left and the Right. People on the right have learned that they definitely should not trust the media, politicians or big tech. But people on the left still completely trust what they hear. This was the main take away for me when I was talking to my friend in Portland. He had no idea what I was talking about.
He has no idea that there is mass censorship going on right now. He says, for example, that he follows the science regarding the illness, yet he has no idea that thousands of doctors and scientists have been censored and silenced regarding this issue. Science and the scientific method absolutely require freedom of speech. We need to be able to question what we hear, and challenge what we hear. Science is the quest for truth, and truth should be able to handle any challenges and questions. Censorship, and especially censorship of top doctors and scientists, should be a massive, gigantic red flag for everyone.
But my friend has no idea that many top scientists and doctors are being silenced, because he doesn’t question what he hears and all of the media and all of social media is controlled by the left, so he hears one unified message.
And this brings me to my next point. Almost everyone on the left has no idea why people on the right love Trump so much. How can they love such a crass man? Especially when Trump is not conservative. He has not cut spending. He has not cut the size of government. He’s not an angel, and he certainly doesn’t seem to live up to the standards of the religious right. So why is Trump loved so much?
I’ll tell you what I believe it is, and I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but this goes to the core of the problems in this country right now. If people on the left care at all about the future of this country, I really ask you to please hear my explanation.
But before I explain why the Red states love Trump so much, I want to review something I told you in a previous podcast. The differences between the red states and the blue states have gone far beyond simple disagreements. What we have now are fundamental value differences.
Please consider the following points very carefully…
First, many on the Left, and indeed the prevailing message from the Left, is that America is evil and that we are one of the worst countries in the world. They think that our past was evil and by erasing our past, they believe they can remake America.
On the other hand, the vast majority of people in the Red States have a very favorable view of the USA. They see America as the beacon of freedom for the world. Red State people embrace our past, and are proud of the remarkable growth we’ve made as a country.
These are not small differences.
Second, the Left believes that capitalism is evil and they want to rebuild us into a new system that is not merit based; one that is based on equal results, not equal opportunity. They believe in socialism and a universal income. They believe in a highly regulated economy and in giving more power to the government and the ruling elite. And they believe in taking from one group of people and giving to other groups of people.
The right, however, embraces capitalism, the free market and individual freedoms, and they believe that the core value of individual freedom is what made our country the wonderful place that it is. They believe that history has proven the success of free markets, while socialism has consistently failed. They believe that small businesses are the engine of growth for our country and have lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.
Again, these are not minor differences, but rather they are diametrically opposed.
Third, the Left says that all white people are racists and that our entire society is racist. They believe that our system is based on a patriarchal system that must be torn down. They don’t believe in gender norms and that gender norms need to be broken down.
People on the Right believe that the right answer for racism is to ignore skin color totally, to look at people as individuals and not groups of people and to ensure that justice is blind. People on the Right see the Left’s approach as being inherently racist, because they insist on looking at everyone in terms of groups, and that any action that chooses certain groups over others is, by definition, racist. People on the right, or at least most people on the right, don’t care if someone is gay or transgender, but they don’t want these beliefs forced on their children.
Again, these are opposite beliefs.
People on the left want the US to become part of the global community. This means much stronger treaties and further weakening the constitution. The Right wants to be friendly with other nations, but not be tied into any agreements that infringe upon our rights or impose other people’s views on us.
The Left thinks that government control is the solution for environmental issues, while the Right thinks that free markets generate the best environmental solution.
The Left embraces the collectivist mindset, and they don’t believe in freedom of speech if the ideas don’t align with their ideas. The Right believes in individual rights and freedom of speech.
This is just a quick snapshot of the differences between liberals and conservatives, and of course, not all Democrats believe all of these things, and most certainly don’t believe them to the depths that the radical Leftists believe them, but the fact is that they have voted in radical Leftists. The radicals have taken over the Democratic Party, which is a fact that I don’t think many Democrats understand yet. Most Democrats simply believe what they hear on the media, much moreso than Republicans or Libertarians.
So this gets me to the point about why the Right loves Trump so much.
It comes down to this…
The Left controls 99.9% of the voice in this country. All of the major media companies. Disney, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, PBS, New York Times, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, most websites, the vast majority of newspapers. Every late-night talk show. All celebrities. And they control all of big tech and the social media companies.
The Left controls ALL of the outlets and they are all in sync with their message.
The result is that the Right is constantly pummeled by the values of the Left, and the Left is absolutely overpowering and relentless. And this has been happening for decades, but it has really picked up speed in the past 5 to 10 years because of social media and the power of big tech.
The Right has no voice. They have very few outlets.
People on the right are totally shut down and shut out.
People on the Right have their values attacked every day from every single angle, and they have very few ways to fight back against this message. This is exhausting and they are sad at losing their country, and their identity.
Yet, while the people on the Right are assaulted every day with the Left’s view of the world, people on the Left don’t have a clue about the Right’s perspective on any issue. They never hear what the Right believe, except through the filter of others on the Left. But not only do they not understand what the right’s perspective is, unfortunately, the vast majority on the Left don’t care. They don’t want to learn about the conservative viewpoint. They just accept what the left leaning media tells them about the Right’s message.
And this is why people on the left don’t care about censorship. First of all, censorship is not happening on the left, so they don’t know about the censorship that’s happening. More than this though, the Left doesn’t believe in free speech. If you aren’t following the Left’s narrative, they don’t want to hear it.
And this is something that people on the Right simply don’t understand. The Right embrace free speech and they welcome hearing ideas from all sides and they will happily debate their views. The Left typically does not do this. They don’t want to debate ideas, but rather they want to shut down alternative ideas.
So I want people on the Left to understand this. The values of people on the right are constantly and relentlessly attacked. Conservative viewpoints and values are shut down at every turn. Any conservative who speaks up is shouted down, labeled a racist, and eventually censored. In short, the Left is crushing the Right. This is really a devasting thing to do to people. In a way it’s like a form of violence against conservatives.
This is why people on the Right love Trump. Because he’s the only person that they’ve ever seen who can stand up to this relentless assault from the Left. Over the past four years, Trump has endured constant attack every single day from all sides. It’s almost inhuman how he has been able to withstand this attack. And I think this is one of the things that has really pissed off the Left. No matter what the Left has thrown at Trump, which was enough to crush 99.9999% of any other man, Trump never folded. He never caved. More than this, he continued to fight back.
And yes, when Trump fires back he’s often quite rude, and that is not in line with the values of the right, but that is who Trump is. Conservatives are willing to overlook Trumps rudeness because the Right see the attacks on Trump as a reflection of the attacks that they and their values receive every day on all sides.
Conservatives are attacked every day on social media, and most have figured out that it’s simply not worth it anymore to say anything on Facebook or Twitter, or the nastiness of the Left comes out in full force. And in the past year, the thought police, or what FB and YT call “fact checkers”, which is a totally ridiculous name, have come out in force censoring any alternative or conservative view that doesn’t meet the Left’s narrative.
I believe that conservatives love Trump so much because he shows them that someone can stand up to the bullies, even if they are a very mean gang of bullies. And this is a very important point to understand, and hopefully it gives you another perspective into what’s going on.
So let me stay on the point of the big tech companies, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which is owned by Google.
For years, the argument posed by many has been that these are private companies and they can do what they want. But that’s just not the right perspective. These big tech companies are the most powerful the world has ever seen, and they receive government protection.
When these companies first started, they lobbied to be labeled as platforms instead of publishers. This meant that they were a place that people could post their own content, and since the platforms themselves didn’t control the content, they couldn’t be held liable for what is said on them. For example, if someone posts a copyrighted image on Facebook, Facebook can’t be prosecuted because they are just a platform. In the same way, if someone threatens someone else and it results in a murder, Facebook or YouTube can’t be held liable because it was the person who posted it who is at fault, not Facebook or YouTube. And this argument holds up if Facebook doesn’t make judgements about what is being posted, but as soon as they start censoring what is being said, with no accountability for the censorship, they should lose this right.
But guess what was part of the latest stimulus bill? This protection for big tech was just extended and enhanced. In other words, FB and YT and Twitter were just granted immunity for whatever censorship they do.
Which brings me to my next point. For a very long time, people on the Left kept telling people: if you don’t like the rules imposed by tech giants, go create your own platform with different rules.
So the right did that. In 2020, one of the most popular apps on the iphone and android devices was Parler. There were over 8 million downloads. Their slogan was simply, “Unbiased Social Media”.
So now, the right finally have their own place to communicate their ideas with each other, right? Of course not.
All of the tech juggernauts, supported by the leftist media came together and crushed Parler. in a matter of days, Google and Apple kicked the Parler app off of their phones, Stripe shut down their ability to process payments and with the final killing blow, Amazon kicked Parler off their servers.
Parler then tried to go to other server companies, but no other servers would take them, and the lawyers whom Parler hired, quit because they would have been ostracized and would never have been hired by big tech or leftist controlled companies again.
So their excuse for shutting Parler down was the attack on the Capital building. And yes, I want to clearly and unequivocally state that I do not agree with the violence and destruction that happened. But if you just listen to mainstream news, you may have missed that this was planned as a peaceful protest. Over 500,000 people protested peacefully, and yes, a few pissed off jerks stormed the Capital. They shouldn’t have done it, but it wasn’t a planned thing, but the Leftist media claims that this was domestic terrorism or an insurrection, which is absolutely ridiculous.
And by the way, most of the organization for this event happened on Facebook and Twitter anyway, not on Parler.
But you will never know this by listening to the media. In their minds, this was the worst thing to happen ever in the history of America, or at least that’s how they are spinning it.
And again, I’m not defending the destruction or violence, but let me give you insight into how hypocritical the people on the right see this. Remember this from just a few months ago…
<Insert video>
Now, before I get off of this point, I want to show you another quick video from the president of Mexico who quickly condemned the actions taken by the big tech companies….Yes, Mexico is now becoming the beacon of freedom. But this action was also condemned by Germany, France, Poland and even Uganda!
<insert video>
Now, there is one more thing I will say, and I know this will be met with resistance, but hear me out. Conservatives totally and completely believe that this election was stolen from them, and that all of the checks and balances to protect against this type of thing were undermined. And regardless of what you hear on leftist media, there is a tremendous amount of evidence for this, but again, if you only listen to mainstream media you will think that this is a totally bogus perspective.
And to add fuel to the fire, now the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump, which has nothing to do with the Capitol Building. This is obviously about stopping Trump from running again in four years, but the Right sees it as it as just one more attack on them and their beliefs.
But I want to go back to my main point and the title of this episode, which is, “America is Broken: Do You Want to Fix It or Do You Not Care?”. And my message is primarily to democrats, because I believe that democrats have no idea how far they have pushed conservatives and crushed their values. Conservatives understand completely what liberals believe and how they perceive the world, but liberals don’t understand the conservative viewpoint. And I know what you are saying to the screen right now, “Yes, I do. I totally understand the conservative viewpoint,” but you don’t. You only understand the left’s view of the conservative’s viewpoint.
The fact is, I think the Left have pushed conservatives as far as they can. The Red States are a pot that is boiling over, and people on the Left have no idea.
So my question for Democrats is this…
What do you want? What is your goal?
Is your goal to crush conservatives? If so, I’m very worried about what is going to happen. If the Left keeps pushing their agenda and their values on the Right, I don’t know how far the Right will allow themselves to be pushed. I think their backs are against the wall, and the Left keeps pushing.
If your goal, however, is not to crush conservatives, but rather to save America and bring the country back together, as much as possible, I applaud you for this, but you had better open your eyes quickly.
I urge you to stop buying into the media fueled hate. Stop buying into the propaganda that the right is just white racists. Let go of the anger and hatred you’ve had for Trump over the past four years. I urge you to dig deeper and understand the real reason behind the Right’s love of Trump. Understand that it’s not for the reasons you think it is, or for the reason you’ve been told it is.
It’s because of the Left’s unstoppable and relentless attack on the values of freedom and independent thinking.
· Conservatives feel that the country they love has been stolen from them and that every check on Constitutional power failed.
· They feel that their country is being destroyed. That their values are being completely undermined.
· They believe that their country is in the middle of complete collapse into a socialist or even a Nazi-like system, and that conservatives will be made the scapegoats.
· There is no doubt in conservative’s minds that the first item on the agenda of the new administration is to seize everyone’s guns, and if they are successful in doing this then America will definitely turn into a Nazi-like state.
· Conservatives are sick of being called racists, even though they aren’t.
· Conservatives have been hardest hit with the small business destruction, and they feel that people on the left don’t seem to care in the slightest.
· That the Constitution is being shredded.
· And to top it off, conservatives are just now starting to realize how much power they have given to the big tech companies, who are using that power to crush freedom of speech and especially conservative values.
This suppression of conservative values and conservative voices is a cold war that the right didn’t realize it was fighting until it was too late.
And I know that there are some liberals who will listen to this and will say, “Good. Let’s crush the conservatives.”
But that’s not who this message is for. I hope this message will reach the good people on the left and they will open their eyes. America is a wonderful place because we can have different perspectives. We have free speech. We respect people’s rights to voice their opinions. We need to work together to stop those powers who aim to kill freedom of speech, and who want to crush the Constitution.
There is one thing at the foundation of our culture, and that is freedom. Right now, too many people are choosing the path of power, which is directly counter to the value of freedom.
So I have a few requests for you…
First, I urge people on the Left to start trying to really understand the other side, and build a bridge to the people on the Right. People on the Right have accommodated people on the left and have tried to reach out. It’s the people on the Left who are disconnected from the people on the right, and the main problem is that they don’t care to step out of their bubble.
Second, I urge you to stop dismissing conservatives as just white racists. I can tell you that I know many conservatives, and none of them are racists. Not even a hint. They are really good people, just as most Americans are. Try to see the good in people and try to understand their perspective. By seeing the good in people, you bring out the best in them.
Third, question what you hear on mainstream media. They are manipulating you, and they are trying to stir up your emotions against a huge group of people. Step outside of your information box. I suggest that you take one week in which you listen to Glenn Beck. Then take one week to listen to Tom Woods, who is a libertarian and a very wise man. And then take one week to listen to Ron Paul. I also suggest Ron Paul’s book, “Revolution”. I guarantee that you will have a healthy change of perspective if you do this.
Fourth, I encourage you to research the thousands of scientists and doctors who have been silenced about this illness. Because if you say that you believe in science, censorship of science should be a huge red flag for you. Actually listen to what the doctors say, don’t just go to a left leaning sight to hear what they want you to think about them. Think for yourself. Maybe start by going to the Great Barrington Declaration, which has been signed by over 13,000 top doctors and scientists, and each one of them are risking their jobs by signing it. Look at alternative videos sites, such as LBRY.tv or you can go to ISE.media. And Tom Woods has a lot of good research in this regard.
Fifth, when you do this research, and you find that censorship on a massive scale is really happening, start to question why they are trying to censor scientists and doctors. Ask yourself whether it is possible that what you’ve been hearing about the illness is not actually true, but rather the fear has been used as a means to control you? Listen to my podcast episode 2 and episode 8, to see that there is a deeper thing happening in our world right now.
Sixth, consider this point, the purpose of the Constitution is to limit the power of people who seek power, because those in power always want more power. This has been true for all of human history, and it remains true today. This the entire purpose of the Constitution. So cherish the Constitution and protect the Constitution!
Seventh. The most important point in the Constitution is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech, especially as it pertains to social and political issues, and scientific issues, is absolutely fundamental to freedom.
So speak up against censorship and the politically correct mob who tries to cancel anyone. Allow conservatives and libertarians to speak and listen to their voice. They have something valuable to say.
And for the conservatives out there who are freaking out right now, the path forward is clear; continue to live by your highest values, spread the message of individual freedom, and continue to cherish the Constitution. Then, relax into God and trust.
I also think it’s important to separate yourself as much as possible from big tech, and I’ll get into that more another time.
I want to leave both the Left and the Right with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr, from his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize…
“Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”
In a previous episode I said that I believe the best thing to do may actually be to break up the country. Give the Left both coasts and leave the fly-over country to the Red States and call that new country the Free States of America. From my perspective, if such a split can be done in an amicable way, that would be the best way to give freedom for both sides to follow the values they love.
So, I want to finish by reminding you that I am an independent voice, and if you like what I have to say and if you trust my perspective please sign up for my weekly newsletter at GlennMeder.com. I don’t work for anyone else. I don’t make a salary. The only way I make money is from the support from my premium newsletter members. So again, please go to GlennMeder.com and sign up as a premium member. It’s only $5 per month, which is an extremely small price to pay to support someone whom you trust, and to support someone who is standing up to the government corruption. I am fully aware that I am risking a lot by saying this stuff. So support me.
Also, please like my new YouTube channel and give my videos a thumbs up. Share this video with everyone you can, because this needs to be said.
I also am on Apple podcasts now.
But the most important thing is to sign up for my newsletter. The censorship is a real thing right now. Email is the only certain way to hear from me.
So again, please go to GlennMeder.com and sign up, preferably as a premium member.
Thank you very much.
To all Americans, conservatives in America are under attack. I personally feel disenfranchised and no longer have a voice in this country. My greatest concern is the right will be pushed too far and will have no choice but to fight back. Civil war is not out of the question. We saw what happened at our Capital when a group of misfits attacked our government. I pray that we all come to our senses and find a way to co-exits. Glenn, I appreciate your insights and willingness to seek out a solution.
Thanks for your comments and I pray that Trump is not impeached as we need his voice to counter the left regardless of what you think of him.