We are living in precarious times. Most people feel that there is something fishy going on in the world, and they are certainly right…
We are facing a globally coordinated fear and distraction campaign.
We are scared of the powerful mob that lashes out to anyone who is brave enough to question what we are being told.
Medical doctors and scientists are being censored and their lives and credibility are being destroyed, to shut them up.
The media is marching lockstep to push a narrative that is distracting people from the real financial scams that are happening behind the scenes.
Facebook, YouTube (Google) and Microsoft are actively censoring the free expression of ideas.
Scientific organizations are being used to push a narrative instead of seeking the truth.
Government officials are shutting down the free market, killing small businesses and stealing our freedoms en-mass.
Yes, massive financial repercussions are on the way. Yes, the government will continue to try to steal more of our freedoms. But there is one thing that will make the whole house of illusionary cards come tumbling down; FREE SPEECH.
Here’s the thing; we don’t need authorities to tell us what the truth is. We can figure it out for ourselves. Free speech is a basic human right that is inherent in all humans, no matter where they live. It is especially enshrined in the US Constitution, but this sacred document itself is useless if we aren’t brave enough to stand up and protect our own freedoms.
I encourage you to challenge the narrative that we are being told about how dangerous COVID is. There is an agenda behind what we are being told. I do not believe that COVID is nearly as dangerous as they are saying it is. Here’s the truth. There are controversial videos on the web, like this one and this one, but just because the authorities don’t like what they say, they don’t have the right to take these videos down.
Facebook and YouTube are censoring information like never before, and this censorship is NOT based on science or honest reporting.
Medical doctors who speak up are being shut down and discredited.
Science shows that masks don’t work (and this video).
Beyond this, I wrote an article a few weeks ago that shows that wearing masks, sterilizing the world we live in and slathering up with hand sanitizer actually weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to illness.
So why are masks being shoved down our throats? To make people submit to government authority and to pit neighbor against neighbor.
Already, people in Ireland, England and Germany are protesting the face masks, lockdowns and infringements on our freedoms, but Americans are not yet protesting for freedom. Quite frankly, this surprises me. I’ve always thought of Americans as people who demand our freedoms and question authority, but apparently not.
My main purpose of this article is not to dive deep into the real truth about what is going on, but rather my point is to clearly show the way forward. The way forward must be for us to choose FREEDOM. It really is a choice of freedom versus power.
Our individual freedoms will guarantee the best results for the whole. At the forefront of individual freedom is freedom of speech. We must allow people to speak their minds. We must allow a free dialogue of ideas, and a building of ideas.
As a last point, I want to share this video. Please watch it before it too is censored.
Please comment below.
Exactly no one cares to look behind the curtian at the wizzards pulling the strings. The young are being drown by debt they cant pay because the federal reserve elitist have stollen the americsn dream. Fyi the federal reserve is no more federsl than federal express
I have been screaming this for months. I joined makeamericansfreeagain.com and citizens for free speech. I constantly post factual data and follow independent media not msm. I refuse to wear a mask and i agree with you. I am stunned that there has been little pushback here in America. I keep searching for a protest in my vicinity and have yet to find one. I am stunned by the willing release of our freedoms. If they don't take a stand soon all will be lost. Can so many just be that clueless? If so, then I'm left speechless and it must be true that all the toxins we are exposed to has left this country completely dumbed down.