Free Speech = Free Speech

There are many things in this world that require negotiation, but there are some things that we need to stand strong on, such as the core principles of freedom.
The Daily Northwestern, which is the school newspaper for the Medill School of Journalism, recently apologized to readers and promised not to report news that will make students feel unsafe or upset.
I'm sure you've heard many stories of universities having "safe spaces" and not allowing certain speakers onto campus because the students don't want to hear it. But the above example is from a journalism college. Journalists are supposed to dig into the hard truths about life and report on them, not shy away from them.
The fact is, the world is not a safe place.
This is happening all around the world.
Recently, I was listening to Radio New Zealand (I like to listen to news from different parts of the world), and a radio talk show host gave her opinion that the nearby Pacific Islands were leeches on New Zealand. She was simply having a discussion, and it only lasted a minute or two, but she was fined $3,000 and had to apologize. For what? Saying her opinion?
But in the USA, we acknowledge that freedom of speech is a basic human right, and it's absolutely essential for a free country.
We, as Americans, need to be crystal clear on this; let people speak their mind. We need to stop being the thought police. If we are to have freedom, we need to give people freedom, even if we don't like what we hear.