I, like most Americans, don’t care whether someone is gay or straight. Nor do I care if a man wants to dress like a woman and call themselves a woman. I grant others freedom to live their lives, as I expect my own freedom.
I supported the fight for gay rights when the fight was about freedom, because individual freedom is what makes America great.
Individual freedom and blind justice is morally right, and it is worth fighting for.
But now the LGBTQ+ fight has morphed into something else completely.
It has morphed from a fight for freedom into one of “bake us a cake” or else...
Which then morphed into, “use our pronouns or it’s hate speech”...
Which morphed into, “let men use women’s bathrooms, or you are a homophobe...”
Then, “let men compete in woman’s sports and erase all progress made by feminism over the past century...”
“Let men in drag do sexual dances for children,” but no, we aren’t grooming children...
And even, “we will convince your children to physically and permanently maim themselves” and you have no say in the matter.
This movement is NOT about freedom anymore.
In fact, it’s the exact opposite.
It’s not right to force your views on others.
It’s not right to use the government to force people to provide products or services that go against their beliefs.
It’s not right to force people to use pronouns that you choose.
Or to force young women to see naked men in locker rooms,
Or for stronger and faster men to compete against women,
Or for you to interfere with how parents decide to raise their children.
And let’s be clear, this is not a simple, harmless agenda. This agenda is being force on our society by very powerful corporations, organizations and the government itself through insidious means.
Lately, we have seen many companies advance this agenda, including Bud Light, Jack Daniels, Ford, Target, North Face and many more. The latest example is Bud Light, which has received a terrible backlash from their Dylan Mulvany ad.
The boycott is working...in a way.
Bud Light sales have crashed.
Anheuser-Busch’s stock value has tanked.
So we are waiting on the day that the executives at AB will apologize and declare that they are in fact, not part of the racist, incredibly destructive Woke agenda.
But I’m here to say that THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
Even if sales of Bud Light collapse to 1/10 of what they were, the executives will not apologize. Instead, they will double and triple down on their woke priorities.
In fact, just last week Bud Light released a press release titled, Bud Light and the NGLCC Continue to Empower LGBTQ+ Owned Small Businesses Across America.
Not only will Bud Light not apologize, get ready to see many companies jump on the woke bandwagon. Get ready to be overwhelmed by woke corporations.
Here are seven reasons why Bud Light (and other corporations) will never change their woke positions.
Universities are the damp rags where the woke disease flourishes. Universities have been pushing out woke graduates for more than a decade, and we haven’t taken this Pandemic of Wokeness seriously enough. We have taken it for granted that freedom and common sense will prevail in the end. Now the woke religion of white-bashing, male-hating, anti-freedom, gender-confused young people are in key positions in large corporations and organizations. They have tremendous power and they plan on using it to force their religious indoctrination on the rest of humanity.
The most important method for predicting the path a company will take is to look at what is in the best interest of the executives that run the business. In the past, to succeed, executives had to increase profits by increasing sales and by making their business more competitive, more streamlined and more efficient.
But now the rules have changed.
Most corporations are embracing the ESG system, so the incentive plan for executives is now different. ESG is the new social credit system that is being rolled out by the World Economic Forum and all Western governments. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is new system is aiming to replace the free market system. On the surface, it sounds great to many people. The new incentives will focus on environmental controls, diversity in the workplace and other social factors, such as equity and trans rights. Who doesn’t like the fact that we will now be taking care of the environment. And who doesn’t like equality for all people?
In reality though, they will not be improving the environment. They don’t care one iota about the environment. The elites will fly around in their private jets while the peons (me and you and the 99% of the population) will have controls on how much we can travel. As an example, right now go on Google Flights and do a search. Every flight has a carbon score next to it.
You will soon receive a monthly carbon allotment, and if you exceed this allotment your electric car won’t charge fully for the remainder of the month. You won’t be able travel more than 30 miles for the week. Your credit card (or Fedcoin wallet) will not allow you to purchase another flight. Of course, people who fly private jets won’t have any restrictions on them, especially if you are one of the approved elites.
And remember that equity is not the same as equality. Equality, which is what America has always strived for is equality of opportunity, but it was up to you to work and make something of yourself. This merit-based system is crucial to a well-functioning society. But equity means equality of outcomes. In the past, we used to call this communism, but equity sounds so much nicer.
And their idea of diversity is completely superficial and racist. If you look at the people that make up a board of directors, are their skin colors the right mix? Do they have a balance of male and females? They certainly are not talking about diversity of ideas, or philosophies or beliefs. Everyone must look different, but they have to embrace the one and only religion of wokeness.
But, let’s be clear, we are not talking about a gentle system that respects people’s rights. This ESG system will be fully integrated into society and it will be connected to the frightening surveillance system and new Central Bank Digital Currency. The result will be the technological enslavement of the human race.
It seems counter-intuitive, but in a highly regulated environment such as is being created by ESG, competitiveness is not the only factor, maybe not even the main factor. Instead of being punished by the company for collapsing the sales of Bud Light, they will be rewarded for taking risks and pushing the envelope on social progressiveness. Yes, maybe Bud Light will die because of their efforts, but their efforts furthered the cause.
More than this, if they ever thought of apologizing and reversing course, the executives would be committing career suicide. Executives don’t live and breath for the corporation they work for now. For their actions, the Bud Light executives now have many opportunities for advancement outside of Anheuser-Busch.
Another reason that Bud Light will continue to stand strong is that society will soon be overwhelmed by large companies doing the same thing. Anyone who tries to boycott woke companies won’t have any place to shop anymore. So large corporations think that we will fold under the pressure. It will just be too difficult to boycott them all. It will be a complete lifestyle change.
If the free market continues in any sense of the word, it will supply us with real solutions. But we have seen governments crush small businesses. Millions of small businesses were crushed with the COVID lockdowns, and many more will be crushed with the continuing increased regulations. This is good for governments wanting to impose ESG, because big businesses can be easily controlled. Small businesses can’t be controlled, so they have to be crushed.
Even small businesses that don’t want to have anything to do with ESG will be forced to comply by the large corporations. According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, “In recent years a rising number of multinational corporations have pledged to work only with suppliers that adhere to social and environmental standards. Typically, these MNCs expect their first-tier suppliers to comply with those standards, and they ask that those suppliers in turn ask for compliance from their suppliers—who ideally ask the same from their suppliers.”
Beyond this, this practice will probably extend to suppliers only selling their products and services to companies that comply with ESG, so it will be very difficult for any company or entrepreneur to break out of this system.
Large investment funds, such as Blackrock, are pressuring corporations to adopt the racist and destructive ESG policies. These funds will be able to keep businesses that are hit by boycotts alive by rewarding them with continued and possibly increased investment regardless of how profitable they are. This is one of their cornerstones of their control.
The final nail in the coffin for the free market system and our individual freedom will be the Central Bank Digital Currency. Most people don’t understand the significance of CBDCs, because we have digital money now, right? Isn’t that the same thing as credit cards?
The main difference with CBDCs is that they will be PROGRAMMABLE currency. The CBDC will be tied into your digital id, which will track every single thing you do, buy and say. If you have a high ESG score you will be rewarded and if you have a low ESG score you will be penalized. Use too many carbon credits for the month and you will be penalized. Buy products that aren’t ESG approved and you will be penalized. Write an article about trans strip shows as being harmful for children and you will get penalized. Support the freedom truckers, and you will get penalized.
What happens when you get penalized? You may not be able to purchase that airline ticket. You may not be able to buy certain products. You won’t be able to fill up your tank of gas. You won’t be able to get a credit card, or make any money from online publishing sites. Your FedBucks may expire faster. The result will be total control. Technological slavery.
Make no mistake, this is how they are rolling out the social credit system that will enslave humanity. It is a massive plan. It is highly coordinated. And they large corporations are helping to create the infrastructure that will make this happen.
Don’t wait for an apology.
Get ready to be inundated with similar tactics by large corporations.
Get ready to feel helpless and that you can do nothing to stop it.
Yes, they are powerful. We are talking about a cartel of central bankers, governments and governments working together to enslave us all.
But I believe that their whole house of cards can crumble.
First, we need to wake up. See what they are doing for what it is. This is about total control, nothing else. Don’t buy into the environmental and other social causes because they absolutely do NOT care about any of these issues. This is about enslaving us so the elites can rule over all.
Second, boycotts are not enough. Boycotts are temporary. We have to send a clear message that we will NEVER buy Bud Light or any products by Anheuser-Busch InBev every again, unless they categorically and firmly change their ways and reject the ESG. This also goes for Target, Jack Daniels, North Face and all other companies that support the ESG religion. Yes, this will require a change in your lifestyle, but that is better than the future they have planned for us. It’s important to also not invest your money in any fund, such as Blackrock, that supports ESG. Research which companies your 401K invests in, and make sure that they don’t support ESG.
Third, we can’t fight this at the Federal Level. Our Federal government is completely compromised, and it doesn’t matter who gets elected. But we can fight this at the State level. The Constitution gives the power to the States. The WEF is using the ESG to centralize power, but the Constitution specifically decentralizes power. At the State level we have to fight digital IDs, ESG, CBDCs and everything else they are trying to do. WE ARE IN THE RIGHT. WE ARE FOLLOWING THE LAW, THEY ARE NOT.
Fourth, support companies that specifically reject the ESG and the Woke religion, even if these products are more expensive.
Fifth, become an entrepreneur and start a company that is specifically anti-Woke and anti-ESG. If you aren’t an entrepreneur type of person, then find such a company to work for.
Sixth, support independent journalists who are truth seekers and reject mainstream media, which is absolutely and totally controlled by the elites.
Seventh, trust in God and don’t be scared. Fear is a tool that they use to control people. We have to be confident, happy and dedicated to peace and freedom.
Yes, we can collapse this house of cards they are creating.
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Does anyone have a list of companies that reject ESG?
Well said, Thank you.