As I predicted earlier this year, tensions with China are definitely heating up. This is a very dangerous thing.
The trade war between the countries is nothing compared to the currency war that is going on behind the scenes, but what I’m worried about is actual war.
Here’s the gist of what’s going on…
China holds a lot of US dollars. China is the second largest foreign holder of US debt at $1.1 trillion.
But China isn’t stupid. The US dollar has been the best option for a while now, but they see that the Federal Reserve has lost control of the dollar. They can see that we are printing the dollar into oblivion - meaning that we are inflating our dollar supply so much that the dollar will soon rapidly lose its value. They realize that the US dollar is not a good investment anymore.
For this reason alone, it’s in China’s best interest to get out of dollars and purchase something else that will hold its value better. Most economists will say that China can’t get rid of dollars because there is no other reserve currency that they can turn to, but China doesn’t have to hold much currency at all, it can hold gold, silver and commodities that will hold their value much better than the dollar, which is, in fact what China is doing.
In addition, a few months ago, Trump threatened in his cavalier way that he was considering selectively defaulting on the US debt that China owns, as well as allowing US citizens to sue China for damages related to COVID. In other words, Trump threatened to not pay back any of our debt that China is holding, which would make China lose all of that money. So, even if the US dollar wasn’t collapsing, China’s holdings in US dollars and their assets controlled by the US are at risk.
Trump quickly backpeddled the next day (obviously because an advisor told him how dangerous it was to create doubt regarding the stability of the US dollar as a reserve currency). The damage was done though.
This created a hot potato for China. China is holding all of this US debt, and the US could seize its US controlled assets.
What can China do? China has to drop its US dollars and US holdings as quickly and as quietly as possible.
This is VERY bad for the US. The US is deeply in debt, and the only way we have any financial power is by convincing other countries to hold this debt, which we’ve been remarkably successful at (mainly because of our military). But if China stops buying US bonds, the US dollars that we have exported to them comes back to the USA, which will speed up the dollar devaluation. This will hasten the inevitable hyper inflation of the US Dollar.
More than this, if China drops US bonds, that is going to send a huge message to the rest of the world to also drop US bonds. Thus starting the final stages of the collapse of the US dollar.
The fact is, this process has already started. China is reducing its debt from over $1 trillion to $800 billion, but this is only the beginning. China will dump US debt quickly, because the longer it waits, the less its $800 billion will be worth.
Now keep in mind that the strength of the US dollar is why we have such a high standard of living, why we have a strong military and it’s why we have so much clout in the world. But the strength of the US dollar is a house of cards that’s about to collapse.
When the dollar collapses, the US military will collapse, as will the US global intervention policy. The fact is, the US is an Empire. We haven’t ruled as cruelly as past Empires, but we are certainly an Empire.
So what happens when Empires fall? War. Our military leaders will want to grasp at their fading power as it slips through their fingers. So as the US dollar collapses, there will be chaos and panic like we’ve never seen, and the US military will lash out at other countries.
I believe that war with China is very likely, and the pieces are carefully being put in place right now. The media and the government are building a case for the virus being man-made in Wuhan, China and they are saying that it has been used as a biological weapon to crash the world economy. When the dollar collapses, blame will be focused in two directions; China and capitalism.
But remember, the collapse of the dollar was a foregone conclusion even if COVID never happened. The Fed had printed too much money. It came within a day of collapsing in 2008, but the Fed pulled a rabbit out of its hat and extended the reign of the dollar another 12 years, while magnifying the problem significantly during this time.
The purpose of this article is to convince you not to get caught up in the hype about China. This is a distraction and a scapegoat. Our real enemies are within the USA…
At the core it’s the Fed and other foriegn central bankers. These are the people who are at the root of all the problems, the destruction of our free markets and the chaos going on right now.
It’s also the Marxists who desire to destroy the principles of the USA,
the politicians who only care about their own power,
the bureaucracy that is so firmly entrenched that it’s almost impossible to remove their power and
the media who is full of barely concealed Marxists.
But I say that it’s less important to worry about these cancers than it is to focus on the solution; a renewal of individual freedom and the Constitution.
We need to stop seeking power and exerting our power over others within the US and overseas. We should stop the wars and bring our troops home.
We need to become educated about money and Austrian economics so the Fed isn’t able to scam us and steal our purchasing power anymore.
We should all own gold and silver, we should return to sound money and we should embrace free markets.
We need to look past the coordinated lies that the media tells us everyday. We need to question what we hear and we need the courage to speak up.
We need to educate our young about how wonderful our country is and how unique our freedoms are.
We need to live a self-reliant life.
We need to cherish the Constitution.
This is the only way we will survive as a country that even remotely resembles the USA.
Questions? Comments?
Glenn, I agree with you, except possibly for this: One cannot eat gold and silver. I think the best investment, if one can get and use it, is arable land. The second is like it. Yes, we need to live self-sustainably, but the way to do that is in cooperative community, extended family, tribe and the like. The seeds of this are already quietly present, in the numerous self-sustaining and many environmentally sound communities that exist. They do not follow gurus, they are self-governing, many are inclusive, they come in all flavors, and one basic tenet is the skill of cooperating with each other and valuing each individual. I don't think we need to be divided, one from the other, each a bubble unto him/herself. I also do not believe in big government. Elizabeth
Excellent insight of the seeding of our impending doom. I disagree with the survival optimism, however. History proves that empires share one common denominator: They all end.