Back Pain Solutions

When I was sixteen I was in a serious motorcycle accident. I was in critical condition intensive care for about a week. Since that time, I've had serious back problems.
I've spent tens of thousands of dollars at chiropractors over the years. I've tried all kinds of solutions, and I've sorted through all of the junk (most back solutions are junk), to find the real solutions. Here are some of them...
FIRST, I recommend two books. "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back" by Ester Gokhale is a fantastic book. One of the best. Also, "Healing Back Pain" by John Sarno is great.
SECOND, the right exercises. This YouTube channel was recommended to me by a chiropractor I trust. I have found these specific exercises to be tremendously helpful - but very difficult at first.
THIRD, chiropractic. I don't need chiropractors as much as I used to, but sometimes I find that chiropractic is the only solution. Here's the truth; there are good chiropractors and bad ones, and it can sometimes take months to determine if the one you are going to is any good. I have found that some chiropractors seem great in the beginning, but long-term they actually do more harm.
I have two chiropractors that I go to, for different reasons. The first chiropractor is simply a really good, back-cracking chiropractor, and I go to him for immediate relief. But the second chiropractor is a specialist in "Active Release Technique". and he is a God-send! A.R.T. works with the muscles, and I've found it to be far more effective than physical therapy. Here is an explanation of it, and here is how to find someone in your local area. Trust your gut. If you have any hesitation when you think of going to your chiropractor, maybe it's time to change it up.
FOURTH, this product from Kacelia has really helped me. I recommend it. (Please tell them that you heard about it from me.)
I can tell you that the above wisdom was achieved through much pain. Please share what you have learned about back pain in the comments.