I’ve always loved astronomy. When I was eight years old I remember walking around the neighborhood showing other kids pictures in my little pocket book of astronomy. No, they didn’t care, but I didn’t care that they didn’t care. I loved it then and I still love it.
We are living in a golden age of astronomy, as you can see in the videos below.
FIRST, I want to start with this amazing video about our sun. It’s not just a simple ball of flames. It’s an incredibly complex stellar object.
SECOND, this is a great video that demonstrates how big the known universe is (hint, it’s REALLY big).
THIRD, this is a video that shows the speed of light, which is the fastest thing in the universe, but it’s still incredibly slow when you’re talking about huge distances.
FOURTH, this is a fun video that shows the sizes of moons in our solar system.
FIFTH, this is a very interesting video that discusses the reality of warp drive. Yes, it is theoretically possible, even within Einstein’s rules of how the universe works.
Do you think this is as cool as I do? Leave your comments below.
Space videos as these mesmerize me. Unfortunately, humans will annihilate themselves before achieving these dreams. So many wonders exist, yet we concentrate on the petty.