Hi from Glenn!
Tomorrow morning I am having a discussion with the amazing Pastor Artur Pawlowski. Please join me and come prepared with your questions!
I have tremendous respect for Pastor Art. He is an amazing orator, freedom fighter, and lion, and he is on the front lines standing up to tyranny. If you missed my first interview with him, please watch it here. You will be totally inspired!
Here are some things you need to know about Pastor Art…
Like all freedom-oriented people, Pastor Art does not try to push his views on others. On the contrary, his message is to live and let live. Give me freedom to live and worship as I choose, and I will do the same.
But Canada is not letting people live and let live. They have taken extraordinary steps to try to silence Pastor Art and shut down his church, including throwing him in jail for 50 days - for NO CRIME. Not only did they throw him in jail, but they threw him into solitary confinement.
But even with all of these steps, the Canadian government was never able to shut down their church. They peacefully worshiped through the entire pandemic fear campaign.
Please join us and get ready to ask your own questions…
WHEN: Dec 9, 2022 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
TOPIC: Q&A Webinar with Pastor Artur Pawlowski
First, click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89771429584?pwd=TkNMMHhnaUorc2hxaTBXdXNCOGI5UT09
Or second, you can call in. International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ks2ZRpHiZ
Webinar ID: 897 7142 9584
Passcode: 204675
See you there!
P.S. There is a limit of 500 who can join, so please be on time.