Are You an Entrepreneur?

As you know, I am an entrepreneur. And I'm proud to come from a long line of entrepreneurs. My father runs his own manufacturing business. His father owned a small boat building company in Dunedin, New Zealand. His father owned a general store. As far back as we look, we were entrepreneurs, and I have aunts and uncles who are farmers, bakers, etc.
I am grateful for entrepreneurial freedom, because this is what truly creates wealth in our country. Capitalism gets a really bad rap nowadays, but at it's heart, capitalism is about service. It's about creating solutions for people.
So if you are in my audience and you are an entrepreneur, I want to celebrate you.
In the comments, please tell us about what you do. Tell us your story. Share a link. Be proud!
NOTE: When you write your comment, write it in a way that I know it's not spam!