Another Perspective on the Gun Issue

There is a lot of talk about fake news lately, but I think that the "fake news" is really a problem of trust. Many (most) people don't trust the media anymore.
Why? In my humble opinion, it's because the news organizations and the journalists themselves have an agenda and they don't even attempt to be objective anymore. Their goal is to try to get you to submit to their perspective.
There is no issue that brings out this more clearly than the gun issue. The media and journalists believe that the problem is guns, and the solution is gun control. All they talk about is gun control and they ask "why can't we lock down the guns?"
But here's what they NEVER talk about...
While mass shootings have increased over the past 50 years, people's access to guns has not increased. Guns have always been readily available.
This simple fact uncovers a significant point; there are other factors that are causing the increase in mass shootings. This is what is never discussed on CNN or other media outlets.
If you are truly interested in uncovering the truth, this is the question that must be studied.
If we were to look into this, there are some obvious places to start connecting the dots...
In the past 50 years there have been some significant changes in how people live their lives, such as electronics, cell phones, social media and more.
Here's an article I read over the weekend: Over 20% of millennials claim to have no friends! That's an incredible snapshot into people's lives today. When my son was younger he was one of the rare children who actually wanted to play outside. The problem was that while he had a lot of friends, his friends never went outside. They sat inside and played video games ALL THE TIME!
I observed his friends get very little exercise, eat horrendous junk food and energy drinks all the time, and they had very little purpose in their lives.
When my son graduated high school, he told me of a shocking number of his friends were seriously depressed.
Yes, drugs are a problem in our society, but the problem is significantly deeper. People have forgotten how to live and be social anymore. In his new book, Cal Newport talks about the human brain and how much of it is hardwired to process face to face social interactions with people. Not texting. Not clicking on a "Like" button on Facebook. Not talking on a headset while playing a video game. We are truly social creatures, and this hasn't changed because Facebook came along.
This is not a minor issue. I believe that lack of real social interactions is one of the most significant factors facing us today. This is why college students want to silence ideas - because they have no clue how to interact with people and understand other people's perspectives.
If people in the media were honest, they would discuss the problem of depression and the loss of a sense of purpose that people have nowadays. This is the discussion that needs to be had because this is at the core of the mass shooting problem. But you won't hear this discussion anywhere because it doesn't fit into their agenda.
What do you say about this? Please comment below.
Also, here is an interview with the gentleman I mentioned above, Cal Newport. It's a fascinating look into how our brains actually work, and how modern electronics are interfering with our brain functions.