A Simple Change In Perspective

The snowfall felt like it buried my house.
A couple days ago I woke up to multiple feet of snow covering my driveway (notice I say "my" driveway, because when it has snow on it, it's my problem to deal with). It wasn't light, fluffy snow either. It was the heavy, stick-to-the-shovel type of snow.
As I was shoveling, I complained to myself, "What a pain-in-the-ass!" But then I caught myself, took a breath, and changed my perspective.
Instead of being frustrated at the work load in front of me, I was able to change my perspective and see it as a great way to exercise and get fresh air. I wouldn't have to go to the gym because this was my workout. Instantly by changing my perspective it transformed my day from bad to good.
Then I pondered the power that each of us have by simply changing our perspective. In fact, I think this is one of the secrets to life.
I remembered another attitude change that I made years ago...
I used to be impatient while driving and would often get frustrated at slow drivers. One day I was behind a slow driver and I let out an oath of anger. I changed lanes, zoomed past the slow car and looked in the window. The person looked exactly like my elderly father. I thought it was my father for an instant, but it wasn't.
I remembered another attitude change that I made years ago. I used to be impatient while driving and would often get frustrated at slow drivers. One day I was behind a slow driver and I let out an oath of anger. I changed lanes, zoomed past the slow car and looked in the window. The person looked exactly like my elderly father. I thought it was my father for an instant, but it wasn't.
But that one moment changed how I looked at other drivers from that point on, and indeed, it permanently deflated my frustration with other people. Very rarely do I get frustrated or angry with others anymore. Because that person is someone's father, spouse, son or daughter, and if it were my father or son, I would want people to have more understanding and patience with them.
Changing your perspective is how we grow and become better people. Ultimately, I think this is one of the main reasons God put us here.
So how can we use this "change in perspective" to improve our lives?
I believe that GRATITUDE is the key to happiness. Make it a habit to stop focusing on what you don't have, and instead be grateful for how awesome your life is. I have to laugh sometimes because no matter what happens in life, my wife will say, "Well, at least (such and such) didn't happen."
Get in a car accident, and she will say, "Well, at least you weren't hurt."
Get a bill we weren't expecting, and she will say, "Well, I'm grateful that we can afford it."
Not feeling well and she'll say, "Well, at least you've got me to take care of you.
No matter what you're experiencing, you can see the good in it.
Oprah says it like this...“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
Here's an interesting article on gratitude.
Just as a final point to the story, soon after changing my perspective on shoveling the snow, my neighbor came over with a snowblower! I almost said, "No, I'm good. I'm getting my exercise." But then I got my sanity back and gratefully accepted!