"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts."
Richard Feynman
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you are having a fantastic day, week, year and life!
Sometimes life humbles us, and sometimes we humble ourselves, right?
I rediscovered this the other day when my 24 year old son convinced me to go to his kickfighting club and work out with him. I went, and quickly (very quickly) figured out that I am not even close to being in good enough shape to handle such a class.
Yes, life can be humbling, but it’s important to be humble.
Here are five points I think you will enjoy today…
Please join me Thursday at noon central for a live stream interview with Tony Heller. Tony runs the site realclimatescience.com and is one of the “bad guys” who actually questions the official narrative on climate change.
My view on climate change, and anything else, is that it is wise to be skeptical about anything in which the only solution is to give more power and money to the government.
One thing I can tell you is that science is about questioning the narrative. It is about critical thinking. Science is NOT about accepting what the experts tell you is truth.
Please join the livestream, and if you have any questions, please come prepared to ask them.
WHEN: Sep 14, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
TOPIC: Glenn interviews Tony Heller from Real Climate Science
HOW: Please click here to join the webinar.
Webinar ID: 841 2578 3280
Passcode: 918783
Or click here to find your local call in number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbU9OcSgeS
I hope to see you there!
Yesterday I wrote a VERY important article.
If you care about freedom and want to do what you can to protect freedom for your children and grandchildren, please read this article. It is one of the most important articles I’ve ever written.
Please help this article go viral!
Here is a simple way to be grateful for your life: look at how nasty, stinky and disgusting life used to be. I am fascinated by looking back on how people used to live.
Please note that I try to never link directly to YouTube if I can help it (the above link takes you to a proxy server). I don’t publish on YouTube, because by publishing on there I provide them with revenue. I don’t watch YouTube in any way that shows me ads, because I do not want to support them in any way. YouTube is owned by Google, and Google is an evil company that is paving the way for technological slavery of the human race.
IMPORTANT! If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please support me. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country.
This is a fantastic video that will bring you happiness. Watch it here (alt link).
Here are four eccentric songs that are not for everyone, but I like them. Have a listen…
Song One: Konoha Senpuu by Gravy Beats (alt link).
Song two: Blue Angel by Squirrel Nut Zippers (alt link)
Song Three: Them Changes by Thundercat (alt link)
Song four, Lonely Boy by the Black Keys (alt link) - this is an awesome video too!
Let me know what you think of my music choices!
Have a fantastic day, and don’t forget to join me Thursday at noon!
Glenn Meder
I've loved the Squirrel Nut Zippers for many years! So, good choice! Also Lonely Boy from the Black Keys is awesome! One of my favorites as well! Good job choosing 'cool' music! Thank you for all your offerings in your newsletters! They make me smile and think.