God is always in control - always seek His wisdom first in speech and action. Nothing of what is going on is a surprise to Him - it's we that need to be strong and maybe surprise ourselves!
100% agree with Glen's assessment, but will also add that the only hope for the U.S. is for people to drop their divisions and unite against this monster. And for church folks - especially - to stop "waiting on God" to come back & do the job for them. We were born in this age for a reason, and that is to be God's spiritual warriors against the massive evil in this world that is on the verge of taking us all prisoners. Sadly, the church has been deceived by the same evil ones who've deceived every other facet of society! The church has been satan's greatest foe, so of course he had to find a way to make it ineffective in today's greatest war of all time. Here is a brand new webpage from my dear friend David Sorensen, a former minister for 30 years - explaining how all of this came to be, and what we need to do going forward... www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception
First psychopath was Satan the Devil himself...he desired control and total worship from Adam and Eve...he lied and deceived and got what he wanted and we inherited sin and are still paying for that. He is fully aware his time is very near so he is accelerating his attacks
Revelation 12: Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.β
: to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding
though it is difficult, we must endure
transitive verb
: to undergo especially without giving in : suffer
endure hardships
endured great pain
enduring does not mean you do nothing....no we have to keep going, enduring, opposing the devil as the apostle James told us, but the reality is our opponent, the devil is a mighty creature, we cannot defeat him, but God will help us endure to then end so we do not break our integrity to Him, and He will deliver us one day soon...
even angel have difficulty with Satan...one needed Michael, Jesus himself to come and help him
Daniel 10: 12β―He then said to me: βDo not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God, and I have come because of your words. 13β―But the prince of the royal realm of Persia (Satan himself) stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then MiΚΉchaΒ·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me
100% agree with you, Glen. God wants warriors, not wimps who sit on the sidelines and watch the show. Here's a brand new webpage on that very topic... www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception.
enduring does not meant doing nothing...even one angel could not battle with the devil and needed Jesus, Michael, to come and help him
Daniel 10: 12β―He then said to me: βDo not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God, and I have come because of your words. 13β―But the prince of the royal realm of Persia stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then MiΚΉchaΒ·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me
Yes, they have lost a part of themselves - perhaps we call it a soul - and care not what they destroy so long as it seems to profit themselves. Sadly, I have lost a lot of trust, and grieve the loss of trust, which is a need to maintain a belief in benevolence in the world. Not gone, but it seems to take faith nowadays to believe in it to the extent of trusting. That is painful.
On a slightly different tack - politics, which is not my best suit- there is an ongoing "battle" nowadays. Our two party system has produced twin unsuitable - dare I say evil? candidates for the upcoming election and seems determined that one of them will win, that we should have no real choices in a two party system controlled by the psychopaths. There is a viable independent candidate - more candidates than one in independent parties - but the viable one is being deliberately excluded from the ballot. He is the only candidate (in history) to not be afforded security protection, which costs millions of dollars. He is required to provide petitions signed by a certain number (varies in each state) to even get on the ballot. That process, too, is expensive, and the traditional parties do not have to undergo the petition process to get on the ballot. In several states, he has had to go to court to get his completed petitions recognized because the rules were changed after he had complied with them. Whether or not one agrees with him or wants to vote for him, the point is to be allowed the choice, and not be forced to not vote or vote for a candidate one does not want, and who is backed by the psychopaths.
He is currently - and I sense a note of desperation - asking supporters to give him money to continue. How sad, that our elections go to the ones with most money - who are indeed the psychopaths who are destroying the middle class and vacuuming the money to the top, and who want all of us to be governed by CBDCs.
I refer to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Look him up if interested. My point is that I want us to have a choice.
Glenn, I am not trying to campaign for someone, but if you feel that I am promoting too much politically, you can delete the comment. I do think this is an aspect of what is going on.
Thank you Elisabeth. A couple points. First, I have absolutely lost faith in pyschopaths. I see them for what they are, and I trust very few people who are in power. BUT, I have not lost faith in my fellow man. Most people are very good people.
As for RFKjr, I like him, but I am very skeptical of his VP pick. She is connected to the WEF and she was married to one of the founders of Google, which is king evil in my opinion.
I have read similar ideas regarding people in power and it makes sense to me. However, I don't agree with your assessment of Canadians. I don't think we believe that the federal government grants us our rights and in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms it clearly states what we have as rights. Covid and the government's response to it has awakened people to realize that they need to hold politicians accountable for their actions, especially when trying to enforce unreasonable rules.
Gwendolyn, I've received a lot of comments from Canadians who are upset that I said this about Canadians. Of course, it is a generalization. Yes, there are some Canadians who believe that their rights come from God, but I think the number (or percentage) is quite low. I had a lengthy discussion with Brian Peckford and I asked him why Canadians have let the government infringe on their rights so dramatically. We both concluded that it's because, in general, Canadians don't believe that their rights come from God. American is far from perfect too, but it is in our DNA because of the Bill of Rights from 1776.
Like a gun in the hands of a mentally ill person, the power of big money in the hands of psychos is just the same if not more dangerous. Good people are responsible with money, psychos use it to control, harm and enslave (ie the WEF, more accurately the World Slavery Forum). We suffer from constitutional and monetary illiteracy, instead of a "great reset" where the power shifts to the hands of the few psychos, we could benefit from a "Peoples Monetary Reset. " Extreme times, such as now, call for equal and opposite counter action. This debt structure is the problem, it has been weaponized against good people. This 30 Trillion debt can never be paid down, it is broken. When an engine is broken, it needs to be turned off, so it can be repaired. We are the vehicle, money is the fuel, yet the engine is over-heating, instead of driving and burning it to the ground, it needs to be collectively stopped for repairs. For the ignorant masses to learn and gain control of a rogue monetary system a lesson in "monetary mastery" must commence. The lesson must include the truth about money...at the core...money is a game...all games have 3 parts...the start game, middle game, and end game...like chess. We are abused because we dont know all the rules, and the rules of the game are secretly manipulated (See "The Great Taking") we are abused bc we have yet to experience a collective, peacefull and coordinated "end game" πmonetary mastery. That is where, when and how the man behind the curtain is exposed. This discussion alone, over a peoples reset, is capable of a paradigm shift, it will empower, educate, uplift and unite the ignorant majority. It will provide a window of opportunity for ideas, innovations and restructuring to happen. It sais on the dollar bill "Trust in God", and it is said that "the truth shall set you free", a peoples reset is how it can democratically happen. Think about it deeply, perhaps you will agree, perhaps the majority will agree...when we the majority agree...guess what...it will happen. What is better, a psychopath led "Great Reset" or a people driven "Peoples Reset"?π€ In summary, End the money game democratically via a "Peoples Monetary Reset" to restore the Republic peacefully.π€
I think the very first step is to stop trusting psychopaths (politicians) and stop listening to psychopaths (the media). We the people have to take the power back, ensure freedom of speech and hold people accountable.
Glenn, thank you for your strength, wisdom and courage to call out tyranny. I always have mixed feelings of sadness and anger mixed with hope and gratitude when I read your great articles. I pray that the 80% of the population that was brainwashed into accepting the government propaganda will come to their senses before itβs too late. If we do ever succeed in stopping a total takeover of American democracy, it will be because of you and other brave freedom fighters. God Bless You!!
This is one of the more insightful and important essays that one will ever read. You nailed it here, Glenn.
Thanks for being a role model, showing how you can be brave enough to call-out tyranny, even in gory detail -- and to contrast it against American Exceptionalism.
You outlined the problem really well. What's your solution for keeping the psychopaths out of the next system we devise? The world's indigenous populations have some pretty harsh solutions, should we adopt those?
Stop listening to pyschopaths. Stop trusting pyschopaths. Stop listening to the media. Protect freedom of speech. Reject CBDCs. Reject Digital IDs. Work on the State and local level to take control back and hold psychopaths accountable.
I wish I could agree with your conclusion but if you have ever read the book of Revelation, you would realize that the US, as we have known it, is doomed. There is no mention of us as history winds down. But it does tell of a one world government, a global currency and the alliance between China, Russia & Iran, which is already in place and fortified today by Israelβs bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Make sure that you & those you love have admitted that you are a sinner and have placed your faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He is risen and so shall we who believe!
I completely agree! If people can get off grid, do it! People living offgrid might stand a chance! People need to learn history and not the history we were taught in school! Some what we learned in school about history is true, but not all of it! If people look back on history about these ancient cultures, especially Babylon, Canaan, Rome and think about what ruled over these cultures and look at the psychopathic rulers, emperors and kings of these cultures and what they all did! It's history repeating itself! These Kings, rulers and emperors conquered and took over other nations of people, their cultures and enslaved the people of the conquered nations! Do people today in modern life believe that the ancient conquering of nations like that ended! Of course it hasn't ended! It's just done differently today! What about the Ancient Roman empire, did that really fall?, of course it didn't, Ancient Rome just transformed itself and modernized itself and instead of an emperor having power today the Vatican has taken over that power! Once emperor Constantine decided that Christianity was going to be Rome's religion then so goes the rest of the world! The Christian religion became the source of control! People really need to do some research! All of the nephilim didn't die in the flood! People need to take another look at the Greek gods and what they really were! What actually ruled ancient Babylon and these nations that loved to Conquer and take over other nations and cultures? The fallen angels, nephilim and the offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim continued on and their descendants became the kings, emperors and
rulers of nations and these beings considered it their divine right to rule over other people and nations! I haven't even mentioned the offspring of Cain yet, but they are doing their damage too! Maybe the surviving nephilim and the offspring of Cain decided to work together? But this conquering of nations is still going on because Cain's descendants and the descendants of the nephilim have infiltrated every aspect of human life on this planet and they've corrupted everything that humanity holds sacred! They are these elite families today and they still believe that they have a divine right to rule! They inbreed and stick together to keep the bloodlines pure and they've been doing this for millennia! The inbreeding has made them insane along with the evil that they already have and they are psychopaths! They killed Jesus! I believe that Jesus came to tell humanity the truth about what was really going on! I believe it was the pharisees that had Jesus killed because the pharisees worked for Rome and the Emperor! There's a lot of history that's been covered up and nothing has really changed because it's business as usual with this evil! But this time around their goal isn't conquering individual nations and enslaving its people, these evil bastards want to conquer the entire planet and enslave the entire planet of humanity! So nothing has changed! It's just history repeating itself and they'll do it again! But I agree with Glenn, America is in the way of their goals, but I don't believe that America will be for too much longer because people in America are to divided! The evil offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim and the offspring of Cain are well educated in the history of planet earth so nothing has changed! The evil and their plans are just more sophisticated! That's why people need to educate themselves in the history of this planet! Just ask the younger adults today and definitely ask children if they understand what "Divide and Conquer" is and what it means and who perfected it! I guarantee the majority of young people in America today are probably clueless to that! It's the same age old practice being used in America! So no I don't think that America will survive either and neither will America's freedoms! I just think if people want to survive, get offgrid! That's where I'm putting my energy!
It's so easy to be negative when power mongers are running things. But they are still in the minority. America is most assuredly worth fighting for and being positive about. The Dems have slid off the rails into Evil and we have to push back. The CCP, Soros and others has co-opted many many Americans. If Hallie Biden (Briben's former daughter-in-law) is to be believed regarding her tweet on the 2020 election: "President Trump won that election and my entire family knows it... there was a deal worked out. If Trump got too far ahead, stop the count to rush in fake ballots."
The most secure election in history. What a joke! And the J6 Committee. Another joke.
Yes Trump won! We all know it and they know it! The majority of Americans know it! It's all a big joke! Voting is a joke! America's presidents are selected, not elected! The last time I voted in the election was for McCain/Palin because I really liked Sarah Palin! Then I woke up and learned the truth! I'm not Voting every 4 years for a person that's been pre-selected to rule over my life! People need to learn the truth! We are sovereign beings and we don't need power hungry psychopaths telling us how to live our lives!
God is always in control - always seek His wisdom first in speech and action. Nothing of what is going on is a surprise to Him - it's we that need to be strong and maybe surprise ourselves!
100% agree with Glen's assessment, but will also add that the only hope for the U.S. is for people to drop their divisions and unite against this monster. And for church folks - especially - to stop "waiting on God" to come back & do the job for them. We were born in this age for a reason, and that is to be God's spiritual warriors against the massive evil in this world that is on the verge of taking us all prisoners. Sadly, the church has been deceived by the same evil ones who've deceived every other facet of society! The church has been satan's greatest foe, so of course he had to find a way to make it ineffective in today's greatest war of all time. Here is a brand new webpage from my dear friend David Sorensen, a former minister for 30 years - explaining how all of this came to be, and what we need to do going forward... www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception
Fantastic, spot-on assessment, Glen - thank you for your work and your integrity π.
I am absolutely with π―percent united we stand against tyranny and against pure evil! Thank you and god our creator stand is in us!
First psychopath was Satan the Devil himself...he desired control and total worship from Adam and Eve...he lied and deceived and got what he wanted and we inherited sin and are still paying for that. He is fully aware his time is very near so he is accelerating his attacks
Revelation 12: Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.β
All we can do is endure to the end....
I don't agree that "All we can do is endure to the end."
Every minute of every day we can choose whether to be courageous and selfless and let our light shine through to the world, or vice versa.
endured; enduring
Synonyms of endure
intransitive verb
: to continue in the same state : last entry 1
the style endured for centuries
: to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding
though it is difficult, we must endure
transitive verb
: to undergo especially without giving in : suffer
endure hardships
endured great pain
enduring does not mean you do nothing....no we have to keep going, enduring, opposing the devil as the apostle James told us, but the reality is our opponent, the devil is a mighty creature, we cannot defeat him, but God will help us endure to then end so we do not break our integrity to Him, and He will deliver us one day soon...
even angel have difficulty with Satan...one needed Michael, Jesus himself to come and help him
Daniel 10: 12β―He then said to me: βDo not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God, and I have come because of your words. 13β―But the prince of the royal realm of Persia (Satan himself) stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then MiΚΉchaΒ·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me
100% agree with you, Glen. God wants warriors, not wimps who sit on the sidelines and watch the show. Here's a brand new webpage on that very topic... www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception.
enduring does not meant doing nothing...even one angel could not battle with the devil and needed Jesus, Michael, to come and help him
Daniel 10: 12β―He then said to me: βDo not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God, and I have come because of your words. 13β―But the prince of the royal realm of Persia stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then MiΚΉchaΒ·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me
Yes, they have lost a part of themselves - perhaps we call it a soul - and care not what they destroy so long as it seems to profit themselves. Sadly, I have lost a lot of trust, and grieve the loss of trust, which is a need to maintain a belief in benevolence in the world. Not gone, but it seems to take faith nowadays to believe in it to the extent of trusting. That is painful.
On a slightly different tack - politics, which is not my best suit- there is an ongoing "battle" nowadays. Our two party system has produced twin unsuitable - dare I say evil? candidates for the upcoming election and seems determined that one of them will win, that we should have no real choices in a two party system controlled by the psychopaths. There is a viable independent candidate - more candidates than one in independent parties - but the viable one is being deliberately excluded from the ballot. He is the only candidate (in history) to not be afforded security protection, which costs millions of dollars. He is required to provide petitions signed by a certain number (varies in each state) to even get on the ballot. That process, too, is expensive, and the traditional parties do not have to undergo the petition process to get on the ballot. In several states, he has had to go to court to get his completed petitions recognized because the rules were changed after he had complied with them. Whether or not one agrees with him or wants to vote for him, the point is to be allowed the choice, and not be forced to not vote or vote for a candidate one does not want, and who is backed by the psychopaths.
He is currently - and I sense a note of desperation - asking supporters to give him money to continue. How sad, that our elections go to the ones with most money - who are indeed the psychopaths who are destroying the middle class and vacuuming the money to the top, and who want all of us to be governed by CBDCs.
I refer to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Look him up if interested. My point is that I want us to have a choice.
Glenn, I am not trying to campaign for someone, but if you feel that I am promoting too much politically, you can delete the comment. I do think this is an aspect of what is going on.
Thank you Elisabeth. A couple points. First, I have absolutely lost faith in pyschopaths. I see them for what they are, and I trust very few people who are in power. BUT, I have not lost faith in my fellow man. Most people are very good people.
As for RFKjr, I like him, but I am very skeptical of his VP pick. She is connected to the WEF and she was married to one of the founders of Google, which is king evil in my opinion.
I have read similar ideas regarding people in power and it makes sense to me. However, I don't agree with your assessment of Canadians. I don't think we believe that the federal government grants us our rights and in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms it clearly states what we have as rights. Covid and the government's response to it has awakened people to realize that they need to hold politicians accountable for their actions, especially when trying to enforce unreasonable rules.
Gwendolyn, I've received a lot of comments from Canadians who are upset that I said this about Canadians. Of course, it is a generalization. Yes, there are some Canadians who believe that their rights come from God, but I think the number (or percentage) is quite low. I had a lengthy discussion with Brian Peckford and I asked him why Canadians have let the government infringe on their rights so dramatically. We both concluded that it's because, in general, Canadians don't believe that their rights come from God. American is far from perfect too, but it is in our DNA because of the Bill of Rights from 1776.
Like a gun in the hands of a mentally ill person, the power of big money in the hands of psychos is just the same if not more dangerous. Good people are responsible with money, psychos use it to control, harm and enslave (ie the WEF, more accurately the World Slavery Forum). We suffer from constitutional and monetary illiteracy, instead of a "great reset" where the power shifts to the hands of the few psychos, we could benefit from a "Peoples Monetary Reset. " Extreme times, such as now, call for equal and opposite counter action. This debt structure is the problem, it has been weaponized against good people. This 30 Trillion debt can never be paid down, it is broken. When an engine is broken, it needs to be turned off, so it can be repaired. We are the vehicle, money is the fuel, yet the engine is over-heating, instead of driving and burning it to the ground, it needs to be collectively stopped for repairs. For the ignorant masses to learn and gain control of a rogue monetary system a lesson in "monetary mastery" must commence. The lesson must include the truth about money...at the core...money is a game...all games have 3 parts...the start game, middle game, and end game...like chess. We are abused because we dont know all the rules, and the rules of the game are secretly manipulated (See "The Great Taking") we are abused bc we have yet to experience a collective, peacefull and coordinated "end game" πmonetary mastery. That is where, when and how the man behind the curtain is exposed. This discussion alone, over a peoples reset, is capable of a paradigm shift, it will empower, educate, uplift and unite the ignorant majority. It will provide a window of opportunity for ideas, innovations and restructuring to happen. It sais on the dollar bill "Trust in God", and it is said that "the truth shall set you free", a peoples reset is how it can democratically happen. Think about it deeply, perhaps you will agree, perhaps the majority will agree...when we the majority agree...guess what...it will happen. What is better, a psychopath led "Great Reset" or a people driven "Peoples Reset"?π€ In summary, End the money game democratically via a "Peoples Monetary Reset" to restore the Republic peacefully.π€
I think the very first step is to stop trusting psychopaths (politicians) and stop listening to psychopaths (the media). We the people have to take the power back, ensure freedom of speech and hold people accountable.
That is a good article and expository of the facts or truth.
Thank you Peter.
Well written to the point & truth of our crumbling country.
Thank you Sue.
Glenn, thank you for your strength, wisdom and courage to call out tyranny. I always have mixed feelings of sadness and anger mixed with hope and gratitude when I read your great articles. I pray that the 80% of the population that was brainwashed into accepting the government propaganda will come to their senses before itβs too late. If we do ever succeed in stopping a total takeover of American democracy, it will be because of you and other brave freedom fighters. God Bless You!!
Thank you Vikki
America is not a democracy! It's a constitutional republic!
This is one of the more insightful and important essays that one will ever read. You nailed it here, Glenn.
Thanks for being a role model, showing how you can be brave enough to call-out tyranny, even in gory detail -- and to contrast it against American Exceptionalism.
Thank you very much!
You outlined the problem really well. What's your solution for keeping the psychopaths out of the next system we devise? The world's indigenous populations have some pretty harsh solutions, should we adopt those?
Stop listening to pyschopaths. Stop trusting pyschopaths. Stop listening to the media. Protect freedom of speech. Reject CBDCs. Reject Digital IDs. Work on the State and local level to take control back and hold psychopaths accountable.
I wish I could agree with your conclusion but if you have ever read the book of Revelation, you would realize that the US, as we have known it, is doomed. There is no mention of us as history winds down. But it does tell of a one world government, a global currency and the alliance between China, Russia & Iran, which is already in place and fortified today by Israelβs bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Make sure that you & those you love have admitted that you are a sinner and have placed your faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He is risen and so shall we who believe!
I completely agree! If people can get off grid, do it! People living offgrid might stand a chance! People need to learn history and not the history we were taught in school! Some what we learned in school about history is true, but not all of it! If people look back on history about these ancient cultures, especially Babylon, Canaan, Rome and think about what ruled over these cultures and look at the psychopathic rulers, emperors and kings of these cultures and what they all did! It's history repeating itself! These Kings, rulers and emperors conquered and took over other nations of people, their cultures and enslaved the people of the conquered nations! Do people today in modern life believe that the ancient conquering of nations like that ended! Of course it hasn't ended! It's just done differently today! What about the Ancient Roman empire, did that really fall?, of course it didn't, Ancient Rome just transformed itself and modernized itself and instead of an emperor having power today the Vatican has taken over that power! Once emperor Constantine decided that Christianity was going to be Rome's religion then so goes the rest of the world! The Christian religion became the source of control! People really need to do some research! All of the nephilim didn't die in the flood! People need to take another look at the Greek gods and what they really were! What actually ruled ancient Babylon and these nations that loved to Conquer and take over other nations and cultures? The fallen angels, nephilim and the offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim continued on and their descendants became the kings, emperors and
rulers of nations and these beings considered it their divine right to rule over other people and nations! I haven't even mentioned the offspring of Cain yet, but they are doing their damage too! Maybe the surviving nephilim and the offspring of Cain decided to work together? But this conquering of nations is still going on because Cain's descendants and the descendants of the nephilim have infiltrated every aspect of human life on this planet and they've corrupted everything that humanity holds sacred! They are these elite families today and they still believe that they have a divine right to rule! They inbreed and stick together to keep the bloodlines pure and they've been doing this for millennia! The inbreeding has made them insane along with the evil that they already have and they are psychopaths! They killed Jesus! I believe that Jesus came to tell humanity the truth about what was really going on! I believe it was the pharisees that had Jesus killed because the pharisees worked for Rome and the Emperor! There's a lot of history that's been covered up and nothing has really changed because it's business as usual with this evil! But this time around their goal isn't conquering individual nations and enslaving its people, these evil bastards want to conquer the entire planet and enslave the entire planet of humanity! So nothing has changed! It's just history repeating itself and they'll do it again! But I agree with Glenn, America is in the way of their goals, but I don't believe that America will be for too much longer because people in America are to divided! The evil offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim and the offspring of Cain are well educated in the history of planet earth so nothing has changed! The evil and their plans are just more sophisticated! That's why people need to educate themselves in the history of this planet! Just ask the younger adults today and definitely ask children if they understand what "Divide and Conquer" is and what it means and who perfected it! I guarantee the majority of young people in America today are probably clueless to that! It's the same age old practice being used in America! So no I don't think that America will survive either and neither will America's freedoms! I just think if people want to survive, get offgrid! That's where I'm putting my energy!
There's no mention of the US in the bible anywhere. Their world was the Eurasian and African continents, with a smattering of nearby islands.
It's so easy to be negative when power mongers are running things. But they are still in the minority. America is most assuredly worth fighting for and being positive about. The Dems have slid off the rails into Evil and we have to push back. The CCP, Soros and others has co-opted many many Americans. If Hallie Biden (Briben's former daughter-in-law) is to be believed regarding her tweet on the 2020 election: "President Trump won that election and my entire family knows it... there was a deal worked out. If Trump got too far ahead, stop the count to rush in fake ballots."
The most secure election in history. What a joke! And the J6 Committee. Another joke.
Yes Trump won! We all know it and they know it! The majority of Americans know it! It's all a big joke! Voting is a joke! America's presidents are selected, not elected! The last time I voted in the election was for McCain/Palin because I really liked Sarah Palin! Then I woke up and learned the truth! I'm not Voting every 4 years for a person that's been pre-selected to rule over my life! People need to learn the truth! We are sovereign beings and we don't need power hungry psychopaths telling us how to live our lives!
Thank you Linda.