8 Ways to Kick Back and Relax
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If you are looking for some ideas for kicking back and relaxing, here you go…
THIS IS SOOO COOL! I love European Castles. Warwick Castle in England has an amazing virtual tour. Check it out here.

You are stuck at home. No one is watching, so dance like these people.
If you don’t have an Audible account, GET ONE NOW! Audiobooks are awesome, and the acting on them is so much better than it used to be. I recommend these books…
The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku. This is an AWESOME book!
Star Wars: The Path of Destruction. The best Star Wars books are in a series called the Old Republic, which occurs about 25,000 years before any of the Star Wars movies. This means that you can have stories that aren’t polluted by any of the overused characters. This series of three books follows a Sith Lord called Darth Bane. It’s fantastic.
Harry Potter. All of the Harry Potter books are awesome for all ages, but the acting on the audiobooks is unparralled. It is truly superb. I probably don’t have to mention this, but they are MUCH better than the movies.
Ready Player One. Speaking of audiobooks that are far superior to the movies, Ready Player One is great. I’m amazed that someone can be this creative to come up with such a fantastic story.
Red Rising. If you want a fantastic, fast-paced sci-fi story, you should definitely listen to the Red Rising Series.
You’ve heard that the Japanese Giant Hornet has been found in the USA now, right? How nasty are these things? Watch Coyote Peterson get stung by one in this video. Why would he do such a thing? Because now you know who Coyote Peterson is.
But it doesn’t just stop there. Mr. Coyote has been stung and bit by the worst nature has to offer. He has single-handedly re-written the pain index for stings. Check out his videos here.
It’s a great time to catch up on TV Shows. Here are five shows you should check out…
FRASIER. Yes, you’ve seen it before, but Frasier is one of the very few comedies that has aged very well (unlike Cheers which has definitely not aged well). You can watch all 11 seasons of Frasier on Hulu.
MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE. It looks like a kids show, but it is FUNNY! Some of the episodes will make you roll on the floor. Here’s a taste…
PSYCH. Psych is one of my favorite shows of all time. It’s lighthearted and has great characters. You can watch all seasons of Psych on Amazon Prime.
STARGATE ATLANTIS. Stargate Atlantic is a great sci-fi show! Watch all seasons on Hulu.
THE UNIT. If you haven’t watched The Unit, this is a must. Absolutely awesome. The only bad thing is that there’s only 4 seasons, but you can see them on Hulu.
Watch the movie “Snatch”. Absolutely one of the best movies of all time by Guy Ritchie. You can rent it on YouTube here.
Would you rather be stuck at home, or would you rather be climbing along this trail?
This is a very interesting documentary about how to improve our justice system. I like solutions like this that handle things on a case-by-case basis, and is much more personal and has better results.
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