If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington
Hi from Glenn!
Freedom is our God-Given right.
Government does not have the right to take our freedoms away.
Rather, the purpose of government is to protect our freedoms.
The intent of the Constitution is ensure our freedoms by restricting the power of those who seek power.
We must always remember that those in power ALWAYS want more power.
We the People must stand up for ourselves by protecting the integrity of the Constitution.
Here are the five points I think you will like today…
🚛 FIRST, I want to celebrate the brave truckers who are standing up to an out of control, tyrannical government in Canada!
Watch this video and you will see how deeply people want freedom. The Canadian truckers are not violent, they are not racists, they are not Russian plants, and they are not protesting because they are frustrated with COVID.
They simply want freedom!
They want to ensure freedom for their children and grandchildren!
They are PEACEFULLY protesting against an out of control government.
So what is Trudeau’s answer? Threats. Freezing bank accounts. Crushing the trucker’s livelihoods. And evoking an emergency powers act.
These are the arrogant elites who want endless power for themselves. People in power always want more power. We must have one global voice and like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, that voice must yell, “FREEDOM!!!”
🗽 SECOND, what does victory look like?
So the question for the USA and all freedom-loving countries is… “what does victory look like?”
They want us to accept fewer freedoms than we had before this virus shell game.
In reality, we need to demand MORE freedoms than we had before the propaganda started. They have been slowly encroaching on our freedoms for decades now, and now they are speeding up the process.
How do we take our freedoms back?
By returning to the Constitution.
The Constitution gives very few powers to the Federal government, and all powers not given to the Federal Government are reserved for the States and for the People. They don’t have the authority to have a Department of Education, a CDC, USDA, etc. In EVERY instance, these bureaucracies overstep their bounds and infringe upon our freedoms.
We need governors who will stand up to the Federal Government and protect the people’s freedoms. Period. That is their responsibility.
No, we do not need to call a convention of States to modify the Constitution. Rather we need to uphold the Constitution as it stands.
😡 THIRD, the most upsetting thing is the CHILD ABUSE in our schools.
We have known from the beginning that COVID is not dangerous to children. In fact, the science shows us that only 0.2% of COVID deaths have happened in people under 25 years old. In fact, anyone under 20 is 1,000 times LESS LIKELY to die from the virus than an 80 year old!
Children are simply not at risk. Here’s the proof…
Forcing children to wear masks is absolutely inhumane. It is not based on science, nor has it ever been based on science. We have known from the beginning that children at not at risk from this disease.
“When the history books are written, we will not look wise or kind for insisting that kids and toddlers wear masks for hours on end, year after year, without ever testing this policy with controlled trials. We will look ignorant, cruel, fearful, and cowardly. We might even look worse than our primitive ancestors who, when faced with great plagues, engaged in all sorts of bizarre, superstitious behavior—but which rarely included making kids suffer most.” (Source)
So why all the fear mongering?
Why is the CDC and public officials lying about the danger to children?
Why aren’t local journalists actually investigating this and questioning what the authorities say?
Why aren’t teachers teaching children critical thinking skills and to question what the authorities say?
Why don’t Governors and State Senates making it illegal for school boards to abuse our children like this?
Why aren’t parents questioning the propaganda that they are being fed?
This heartwarming video gives a hint at the damage we have done to children over the past two years…
There is a reason that government authorities are attacking our children with these brutal policies: they want to teach children at a young age to comply. Teach them young that they must obey.
What can we do to correct this injustice?
It starts with parents. We MUST teach our children that our rights come from God, NOT from the government. Teach them that what is happening is wrong. Teach them critical thinking skills, and ask them to ponder why the government, big tech and the media are trying to censor top-level scientists about this subject. Hint: Censorship corrupts science, because science requires an honest and open discussion.
Parents need to make their voice heard, as many have. YOU are responsible for your child’s physical and emotional health, so stand up and speak your mind. Get together with other parents. Share the truth with people and help open their eyes. Stop listening to the news, which is simply propaganda. Seriously, stop listening to it. Instead do your own research. Two very good independent journalists who actually follow the science about COVID and show you the scientific studies are Alex Berenson and Justin Hart.
Teachers should question the harmful rules, speak up against them and go out of their way to teach their students that their freedoms are inherent in who they are and are not dictated by the government. As for school administrators, they need to be kicked out over this issue!
Arguably, the biggest offenders are the journalists. The purpose of the media is not to just say what the authorities tell you the truth is. That’s actually the definition of propaganda. Journalists MUST be truth seekers. They have to be bold, question their own assumptions and question authority. Here in Lincoln, NE not one local paper or journalist that I know of has questioned the narrative. Yes, some AM radio hosts have, but these people are not investigative journalists. Stop reading and watching news from sources that just parrot the authority’s narrative.
Before I make the next statement, I want to remind you that a) we are not a democracy, but rather we are a Constitutional Republic, b) the Constitution is at the heart of all of our laws, c) any law that is contrary to the Constitution is an illegal law, and d) the Constitution gives very few powers to the Federal Government, while all other powers are reserved for the States and the People. The Federal Government does NOT have the legal authority to create the bureaucratic agencies that now rule over us, such as the CDC or the Department of Education. Governors and State Senators need to kick these agencies out of their States until each agency proves that they have the Constitutional authority to exist and exert power over citizens in their State (they don’t). We need to remove the corrupt influence that these agencies have in the State.
In addition, Governors and State Senators should speak up loud and clear on this issue. They should immediately prevent school boards from abusing children like this. But this isn’t enough. They need to prevent this type of thing from ever happening again, which will require radical changes to the way schooling is done. We are failing our children on so many levels; this was (should be) the straw that broke the camel’s back. The need to emphasize as many options as possible for parents to take back the right to teach their children, such as home schooling, micro-schooling and private schools.
VERY IMPORTANT! If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please become a Premium Member. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country.
🎨 FOURTH, great advice!
Young adults have a very difficult time in the world right now. They get bombarded by conflicting messages. They see young people making millions of dollars by being stupid on YouTube or Twitch. They are on the front lines of the cultural war. I think it’s harder to be a young adult now than any time in history.
I don’t know who Elizabeth Gilbert is, but her advice is profound for everyone of all ages…
🎨 FIFTH, wonderful music!
This is wonderful music. Who will be the first person to see something special about this video? Hint: it is done in the same way as this video.
Please forward this issue to everyone you know who loves freedom!
Glenn 💛
Excellent Newsletter Glenn. We are in a very important time in history. History does repeat itself and we are in for a battle for our FREEDOM again on the time track of history. I support the Truckers and hope the USA joins in . WE WILL WIN .. but it will be hard fought on many levels.
To peace and freedom for all nations. Stay the coarse even when it is uncomfortable.
Support the Constitution and let your representatives know we want our liberties preserved and not overtaken any longer. United We Stand.
I met Elizabeth Gilbert by reading her Eat, Pray, Love and The Signature of All Things -- both marvelous, I think. She writes from her HeartMind and Soul. I recommend her books as excellent studies in human character, and I know she believes in Freedom.