Some basic grammar: a noun is a name (NAME, not the thing itself) of a person, place, thing, action , idea or feeling. To name something is to gain control over it, to define it, to say what it is. Adam was given the job of naming the animals (and one would assume plants and other things, too) As such, he was given a control over created reality. because he could name them and their interactions. Without naming something, we cannot control or define it. Current power seekers are endeavoring to change the names of things, so that they no longer mean what they used to mean. That naming of things gives immense control. Beware the mandatory naming process.
Govern-control ment-mind We need to gain control of our own minds. This will not take place as long as we look out. We must begin to look within our own minds for what we need, want and desire rather than government controlled corporate advertising. All the agencies of that government are subcorporations of US Inc.
Right on point; it's going to take the states exercising their power GIVEN to them by the Constitution before we're going to be able to stop the Federal Government. Most people do not know this, as you said. We've all been brain washed over the years to think that the Federal government has all the power. They have only the power given to them but over the years the people have ignorantly given them much more than they should have.
The best, quickest, easiest way to limit the fed is to use your lawful power of the purse and cut off its funding. Get educated on how to do this at In a nutshell, several hundred thousand honest, law-abiding Americans have, over the last 18 years, secured over $2 billion in 100% refunds from the IRS and over 38 state revenue agencies by simply distinguishing, in a legally meaningful manner, the difference between private sector earnings and federal income. One is protected from the indirect federal income excise tax, and the other is subject to it. The private sector did not start paying the federal income tax until the 1940s, when a program called "withholding at the source" was implemented to a willing publish enthralled with war fever. Prior to then, Abraham Lincon's income tax of July 1, 1862 was only applied to federal workers or those investing in federal railroads or otherwise received federal income. From 1913 to 1940, only about 4% of working, money-making Americans filed income tax returns, but after the private sector started paying into the system, the number of working Americans filing tax returns rose to over 90%. And this had nothing to do with how much they earned, but the fact that in the 1940s, private sector payroll departments started issuing 1099s, W-2s, and such information returns on the private sector. Virtually all of these are fraudulent, and 26 USC 7434 provides for civil damages for fraudulent information returns, because 26 USC 6051 requires that these information returns ONLY report "wages as defined" in sections 3121(a) and 3401(a), and those sections where "wages" is defined in the federal income tax code consist primarily of exceptions of the types of payments from federal employers to federal employees which are excempt from the definition of "wages". The term "wages" absolutely does not apply to payment from private sector companies to those who work for them. And, by rebutting these fraudulent W-2s and 1099s, informed Americans have for nearly two decades exercised their power of the purse and defunded the federal government. But it requires more than just a few hundred thousand Americans upholding the law and requiring the IRS to respect the limits of its taxing authority. There need to be several tens of millions of Americans informed and educated. Having the federal government and its department of education running school curriculums has been a disaster, preventing Americans of knowing this type of information that would put a limit to its power. Having enumerated powers in the Constitution is nearly meaningless if you provide it unlimited funds, and that's what we have done for nearly 80 years. Everyone reading this, please, do your part, go to the aforementioned website, peruse the Bulletin Board page and the tiny sampling of 100% refunds issued by the IRS and state governments all over the country. Get educated and do your part. Your country is just about gone if you don't pick up the tools that the Founders of this Constitutional Republic gave you and put those tools to use. It will be scary, but there are hundreds of thousands of folks before you who have reclaimed our inheritance provided for by this great document called the Constitution.
Brian, this comment goes beyond the scope of what my post is about, and I want everyone to understand that I do not endorse this approach. While I haven't done much research on this, I know that Irwin Schiff, Peter Schiff's father, was a staunch believer that the Federal Income Tax was illegal and he wrote many books about it. He may have been right, but he died in jail because of his views. If people follow your advice and stop paying taxes and then get arrested, are you going to bail them out? Are you going to take responsibility for their lost income, and legal expenses? We have to keep our priorities straight, and that means that we have to ensure that the Constitution is upheld and freedom is preserved, which will happen via the States and the people. There are ways to address the tax issue, but that is secondary to maintaining our freedom.
Hi Glenn, I apologize if I veered off topic more than you intended without tying my point more closely to your theme..
But if I may please respond, I would like to add that Mr. Hendrickson has very detailed pages dedicated to all the so called gurus out there like Mr. Schiff, and explains in detail why their arguments are incorrect. While Mr. Schiff believed the income tax code was unconstitutional, Mr. Hendrickson goes into great detail explaining why the federal income tax IS entirely lawful and constitutional as written (it is because of certain key terms and definitions, designed to fool the masses who don't read them, that it is constitutional, while making it largely benign for most people). Noone has gone to jail for upholding the letter and intent of the law by rebutting fraudulent W-2s and 1099s when they file their returns and force the IRS to provide 100% refunds. A handful have been harassed, with the IRS trying to intimidate them into changing their returns, but ultimately the IRS backs down and returns the overpayments. If enough people upheld the law and stopped the IRS from misapplying this equitable, fair, desirable income excise, then the feds would resort to direct taxes (which would be apportioned and make the fed dependent upon the states for funding) or they would rely on import tariffs, which have a free market limit. The result would be a return to the fed's inability to reach over the state governments directly into the pockets of citizens of the states and try to offer that money to the state governments with strings attached that would harm the citizens of those states. Without defunding the feds by massive adherence to the limits on the federal income tax, there is just no way the states will be able to kick out better funded feds. I respectfully request that you please invest at least ten minutes on the bulletin board page and peruse the correspondence between the IRS and those individuals to whom they furnished 100% refund checks posted. Back to your topic, I just received an ultimatum yesterday from Westinghouse to get an experimental gene therapy shot by December 8th or be terminated. The bottom line is because they see themselves as a federal contractor they are going to submit to Biden's executive order solely because they're afraid of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to help them in their crony capitalism to unfairly compete in the global marketplace. Federal overreach and why they must be defunded if states are going to assert their rights.
I could not have said that any better Glenn. I agree 200% with everything you said. I am gonna copy and paste and send this to the Governor of my state of Ohio as well as many others. There are many people, like myself, who are not in a position to do a whole lot. I am a retired grandma with custody of my twin grandchildren trying to raise them and taking care of my 83 y/o mother with Alzheimers. I know there are countless people in every level of society who are very able and capable of doing something especially at the higher levels. We also need the followers of Messiah to wake up from their comas and feel the fire under their bottom ends. There is strength in unity and together the people of this great nation can take it back and take it back NOW! Thank you for being a light.
If the law doesn't fit their agenda anymore, they will change the law. For instance by saying the Constitution was written by White men for White m'en, and that a new constitution needs to be written to "reflect the changes of the society". Remember that in one or two generations, White people will be a minority in the USA. And that several countries had already several constitutions. France got already 5 since 1789...
Of course they are going to say that. So what? Power seekers hate the Constitution because it limits their power. The Constitution is the law of the land, and we have to defend it. As far as your point about white people being a minority in the US soon, again I say so what?! The Constitution protects people's liberty. That has nothing to do with race, or whether people are gay or straight or anything. We are free, and people want to be free.
The French 2nd Constitution was almost a copy/paste of the US, but it lasted only a few years. And don't underestimate the power of some minorities : if amendments cannot be added, they'll change the whole thing by telling people they'll be "freer and happier", or " safer". Ans they'll take the bait.
While I agree with pretty much everything you've stated, there is one issue that prevents most of this from happening and it's the one place where the law (federal law, at that) works against us. The power of the federal government to tax us and do with that tax money whatever they choose. And every year, they choose what to do with that money (and more) with no regard for the original intent and purpose of the taxes which raise the funds. And for decades Congress and the Treasury have chosen to take that tax money and bribe the States into doing the will of the federal government. Just like all of us individuals (as a whole), the States have become reliant upon money from the feds. Money they took from us to bribe the States to make laws against (yep, not for) us because the feds cannot, by law, make those laws happen. Now, if you can find a state that has enough non-federal money to support the school systems under its jurisdiction, a state that can afford to tell the Dept of Education to get the heck out, then the rest of us need to look at that state and follow their model. God bless you, brother, I hope that you're seeing something that I'm not and that my estimation of the power of federal dollars is greater than that influence really is. I would love to see you write that post in your newsletter!
Yes, that is an issue, but it's not the primary issue. We need to ensure our freedom and defend the Constitution, and then we can deal with the taxes. We need real people to run for office while trumpeting this message.
you will be pleased and hopeful once you read my comment above. You DO have much more power than you imagine, if you will invest the time to get informed and have the courage to act.
I have read your comment above and, while it would definitely change my lifestyle, I don't think employing a legality to reclaim the $20,000 in taxes that I pay out each year will make much of a difference in a budget of several trillion dollars. And I'm reasonably certain (given the pervasiveness of the jab) that there aren't enough folks who can/will stand up for this to make a dent.
Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time.
As Henry Ford is credited with saying, "Whether you think you can or think you canβt, youβre right." Never underestimate the power of yourself acting, to impact others in a positive way. A large percentage of early Americans did not participate in or support the American Revolution, but the small percent made it happen. I estimate that once 6 million Americans get on board and utilize their lawful power of the purse, that will be enough to turn the tide, if not for greed on the part of the bystanders, to where more will pile on and show some integrity. At a minimum, all who call themselves Christians should be willing to obey Jesus' command and stop paying God's things to Caesar (which involve ceasing and desisting from perjury on their tax returns every year--yes, it is perjury to falsely state that your private sector earnings are federal income, when they are not. The fact that people don't get punished for perjury in the favor of the government is irrelevant. It's still perjury, unwittingly or not). I offered my comment to your post because I hoped I might offer you hope. I respectfully request that you please spend about ten minutes reviewing the 100% tax refund checks on the bulletin board pages, and read some of the hilarious correspondence between the individuals involved and the IRS. It is VERY telling.
JP was not funny. It was too true. Very sad that the powers in charge are forcing with coercion and guilt those of us who will not comply. Unnecessary deaths are happening because of denial of timely and proper treatment.
I don't bother with much online. That being said, I do enjoy most of your content. Today you hit it out of the park, btw. Pity I have a past that would make it difficult to successfully run for any office. Maybe impossible even.
Some basic grammar: a noun is a name (NAME, not the thing itself) of a person, place, thing, action , idea or feeling. To name something is to gain control over it, to define it, to say what it is. Adam was given the job of naming the animals (and one would assume plants and other things, too) As such, he was given a control over created reality. because he could name them and their interactions. Without naming something, we cannot control or define it. Current power seekers are endeavoring to change the names of things, so that they no longer mean what they used to mean. That naming of things gives immense control. Beware the mandatory naming process.
Thank-you Glenn, for speaking truthfully and declaring βWhatβs So!β
The world needs More people with platforms like yours to stand up and be clear so others may learn what you so obviously have. Bless youππΌ
Excellent, Glenn!
Govern-control ment-mind We need to gain control of our own minds. This will not take place as long as we look out. We must begin to look within our own minds for what we need, want and desire rather than government controlled corporate advertising. All the agencies of that government are subcorporations of US Inc.
Right on point; it's going to take the states exercising their power GIVEN to them by the Constitution before we're going to be able to stop the Federal Government. Most people do not know this, as you said. We've all been brain washed over the years to think that the Federal government has all the power. They have only the power given to them but over the years the people have ignorantly given them much more than they should have.
Yep all that would be a good thing for this country and the world.
The best, quickest, easiest way to limit the fed is to use your lawful power of the purse and cut off its funding. Get educated on how to do this at In a nutshell, several hundred thousand honest, law-abiding Americans have, over the last 18 years, secured over $2 billion in 100% refunds from the IRS and over 38 state revenue agencies by simply distinguishing, in a legally meaningful manner, the difference between private sector earnings and federal income. One is protected from the indirect federal income excise tax, and the other is subject to it. The private sector did not start paying the federal income tax until the 1940s, when a program called "withholding at the source" was implemented to a willing publish enthralled with war fever. Prior to then, Abraham Lincon's income tax of July 1, 1862 was only applied to federal workers or those investing in federal railroads or otherwise received federal income. From 1913 to 1940, only about 4% of working, money-making Americans filed income tax returns, but after the private sector started paying into the system, the number of working Americans filing tax returns rose to over 90%. And this had nothing to do with how much they earned, but the fact that in the 1940s, private sector payroll departments started issuing 1099s, W-2s, and such information returns on the private sector. Virtually all of these are fraudulent, and 26 USC 7434 provides for civil damages for fraudulent information returns, because 26 USC 6051 requires that these information returns ONLY report "wages as defined" in sections 3121(a) and 3401(a), and those sections where "wages" is defined in the federal income tax code consist primarily of exceptions of the types of payments from federal employers to federal employees which are excempt from the definition of "wages". The term "wages" absolutely does not apply to payment from private sector companies to those who work for them. And, by rebutting these fraudulent W-2s and 1099s, informed Americans have for nearly two decades exercised their power of the purse and defunded the federal government. But it requires more than just a few hundred thousand Americans upholding the law and requiring the IRS to respect the limits of its taxing authority. There need to be several tens of millions of Americans informed and educated. Having the federal government and its department of education running school curriculums has been a disaster, preventing Americans of knowing this type of information that would put a limit to its power. Having enumerated powers in the Constitution is nearly meaningless if you provide it unlimited funds, and that's what we have done for nearly 80 years. Everyone reading this, please, do your part, go to the aforementioned website, peruse the Bulletin Board page and the tiny sampling of 100% refunds issued by the IRS and state governments all over the country. Get educated and do your part. Your country is just about gone if you don't pick up the tools that the Founders of this Constitutional Republic gave you and put those tools to use. It will be scary, but there are hundreds of thousands of folks before you who have reclaimed our inheritance provided for by this great document called the Constitution.
Brian, this comment goes beyond the scope of what my post is about, and I want everyone to understand that I do not endorse this approach. While I haven't done much research on this, I know that Irwin Schiff, Peter Schiff's father, was a staunch believer that the Federal Income Tax was illegal and he wrote many books about it. He may have been right, but he died in jail because of his views. If people follow your advice and stop paying taxes and then get arrested, are you going to bail them out? Are you going to take responsibility for their lost income, and legal expenses? We have to keep our priorities straight, and that means that we have to ensure that the Constitution is upheld and freedom is preserved, which will happen via the States and the people. There are ways to address the tax issue, but that is secondary to maintaining our freedom.
Hi Glenn, I apologize if I veered off topic more than you intended without tying my point more closely to your theme..
But if I may please respond, I would like to add that Mr. Hendrickson has very detailed pages dedicated to all the so called gurus out there like Mr. Schiff, and explains in detail why their arguments are incorrect. While Mr. Schiff believed the income tax code was unconstitutional, Mr. Hendrickson goes into great detail explaining why the federal income tax IS entirely lawful and constitutional as written (it is because of certain key terms and definitions, designed to fool the masses who don't read them, that it is constitutional, while making it largely benign for most people). Noone has gone to jail for upholding the letter and intent of the law by rebutting fraudulent W-2s and 1099s when they file their returns and force the IRS to provide 100% refunds. A handful have been harassed, with the IRS trying to intimidate them into changing their returns, but ultimately the IRS backs down and returns the overpayments. If enough people upheld the law and stopped the IRS from misapplying this equitable, fair, desirable income excise, then the feds would resort to direct taxes (which would be apportioned and make the fed dependent upon the states for funding) or they would rely on import tariffs, which have a free market limit. The result would be a return to the fed's inability to reach over the state governments directly into the pockets of citizens of the states and try to offer that money to the state governments with strings attached that would harm the citizens of those states. Without defunding the feds by massive adherence to the limits on the federal income tax, there is just no way the states will be able to kick out better funded feds. I respectfully request that you please invest at least ten minutes on the bulletin board page and peruse the correspondence between the IRS and those individuals to whom they furnished 100% refund checks posted. Back to your topic, I just received an ultimatum yesterday from Westinghouse to get an experimental gene therapy shot by December 8th or be terminated. The bottom line is because they see themselves as a federal contractor they are going to submit to Biden's executive order solely because they're afraid of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to help them in their crony capitalism to unfairly compete in the global marketplace. Federal overreach and why they must be defunded if states are going to assert their rights.
Thanks Brian. I will look into it.
I could not have said that any better Glenn. I agree 200% with everything you said. I am gonna copy and paste and send this to the Governor of my state of Ohio as well as many others. There are many people, like myself, who are not in a position to do a whole lot. I am a retired grandma with custody of my twin grandchildren trying to raise them and taking care of my 83 y/o mother with Alzheimers. I know there are countless people in every level of society who are very able and capable of doing something especially at the higher levels. We also need the followers of Messiah to wake up from their comas and feel the fire under their bottom ends. There is strength in unity and together the people of this great nation can take it back and take it back NOW! Thank you for being a light.
Thank you!
If the law doesn't fit their agenda anymore, they will change the law. For instance by saying the Constitution was written by White men for White m'en, and that a new constitution needs to be written to "reflect the changes of the society". Remember that in one or two generations, White people will be a minority in the USA. And that several countries had already several constitutions. France got already 5 since 1789...
Of course they are going to say that. So what? Power seekers hate the Constitution because it limits their power. The Constitution is the law of the land, and we have to defend it. As far as your point about white people being a minority in the US soon, again I say so what?! The Constitution protects people's liberty. That has nothing to do with race, or whether people are gay or straight or anything. We are free, and people want to be free.
The French 2nd Constitution was almost a copy/paste of the US, but it lasted only a few years. And don't underestimate the power of some minorities : if amendments cannot be added, they'll change the whole thing by telling people they'll be "freer and happier", or " safer". Ans they'll take the bait.
The Constitution protects us as long as we protect the Constitution.
I liked your 2nd point so much I emailed my Governor and told him that he should kick the Feds out of Oklahoma.
Great! I have been trying to get a meeting with my Governor for months. I'm not giving up.
While I agree with pretty much everything you've stated, there is one issue that prevents most of this from happening and it's the one place where the law (federal law, at that) works against us. The power of the federal government to tax us and do with that tax money whatever they choose. And every year, they choose what to do with that money (and more) with no regard for the original intent and purpose of the taxes which raise the funds. And for decades Congress and the Treasury have chosen to take that tax money and bribe the States into doing the will of the federal government. Just like all of us individuals (as a whole), the States have become reliant upon money from the feds. Money they took from us to bribe the States to make laws against (yep, not for) us because the feds cannot, by law, make those laws happen. Now, if you can find a state that has enough non-federal money to support the school systems under its jurisdiction, a state that can afford to tell the Dept of Education to get the heck out, then the rest of us need to look at that state and follow their model. God bless you, brother, I hope that you're seeing something that I'm not and that my estimation of the power of federal dollars is greater than that influence really is. I would love to see you write that post in your newsletter!
Yes, that is an issue, but it's not the primary issue. We need to ensure our freedom and defend the Constitution, and then we can deal with the taxes. We need real people to run for office while trumpeting this message.
you will be pleased and hopeful once you read my comment above. You DO have much more power than you imagine, if you will invest the time to get informed and have the courage to act.
I have read your comment above and, while it would definitely change my lifestyle, I don't think employing a legality to reclaim the $20,000 in taxes that I pay out each year will make much of a difference in a budget of several trillion dollars. And I'm reasonably certain (given the pervasiveness of the jab) that there aren't enough folks who can/will stand up for this to make a dent.
Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time.
As Henry Ford is credited with saying, "Whether you think you can or think you canβt, youβre right." Never underestimate the power of yourself acting, to impact others in a positive way. A large percentage of early Americans did not participate in or support the American Revolution, but the small percent made it happen. I estimate that once 6 million Americans get on board and utilize their lawful power of the purse, that will be enough to turn the tide, if not for greed on the part of the bystanders, to where more will pile on and show some integrity. At a minimum, all who call themselves Christians should be willing to obey Jesus' command and stop paying God's things to Caesar (which involve ceasing and desisting from perjury on their tax returns every year--yes, it is perjury to falsely state that your private sector earnings are federal income, when they are not. The fact that people don't get punished for perjury in the favor of the government is irrelevant. It's still perjury, unwittingly or not). I offered my comment to your post because I hoped I might offer you hope. I respectfully request that you please spend about ten minutes reviewing the 100% tax refund checks on the bulletin board pages, and read some of the hilarious correspondence between the individuals involved and the IRS. It is VERY telling.
JP was not funny. It was too true. Very sad that the powers in charge are forcing with coercion and guilt those of us who will not comply. Unnecessary deaths are happening because of denial of timely and proper treatment.
I agree. But it's still funny.
This is a great course on the Constitution
Thank you John!
I don't bother with much online. That being said, I do enjoy most of your content. Today you hit it out of the park, btw. Pity I have a past that would make it difficult to successfully run for any office. Maybe impossible even.
Thank you Russ! Very kind words!
Thank you!!!