🌽 🥕 5-Point Update! (Snowden - traitor or hero? Marjory's new book, self compassion and more)
Today's Newsletter is Full of Great Stuff!
“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.”
Isaac Asimov
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you’re having a great week!
Here are the five points I think you will like today...
🗽👁️ FIRST, last week I shared an interesting video from Edward Snowden, and I received a very nasty letter from someone who said that Edward Snowden is a traitor.
So I want to explore this question, “Is Snowden a traitor or a hero?” Let’s be crystal clear about this.
First, I want to state that I am a patriot. I love this country very much.
But what exactly do I love about the USA? What makes us great? Is it our government? Our politicians? Our people?
What makes America great are our principles of individual freedom, equal justice, peace, prosperity and the free market. More than this, it’s our recognition that our freedoms are given to us by God, not by government.
Our political representatives are not our masters, they are our servants. We the people are sovereign. We own this country, the government doesn’t own us.
This is what makes America great.
And this is why the Constitution is so important. The Constitution doesn’t grant us our rights, but it does protect our rights by limiting the power of people in government, because people in power ALWAYS want more power.
This is why our Constitution is a divinely inspired document.
Edward Snowden was a whistleblower who exposed the highly illegal activities of people in the US Government. These illegal actions of the US Government were specifically used to gain power over “we the people” by illegally spying on us, which is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment.
The US Government turned it’s technology on its own people, and has violated every American’s rights. Not only was this spying illegal, but when testifying in front of Congress, the general who was running the NSA operation lied to Congress about what they were doing.
And the government is still wielding this illegal power over us. These actions by the NSA are at the root of many, if not most, of the hacks of large corporations and governments, because these highly sophisticated hacking programs that the NSA created were stolen by hacking groups and foreign countries and then turned on US firms and used against US citizens.
Edward Snowden risked everything to expose what the government was doing, and is absolutely a hero. This is crystal clear in my mind, and I hope in yours too.
💻🔐 Second, yesterday I sent you an email about my Privacy Action Plan course that I hope you will forward on to your friends, family and associates. This email directed people to the PrivacyActionPlan website where they could sign up directly for the course. Just to be clear though, anyone who is a premium member to this newsletter will get free access to the Privacy Action Plan course. I thought it was best to keep the message in yesterday’s email simple and separate from my political views, which I share in this newsletter.
🌽 🥕 THIRD, I want to share an announcement from my friend Marjory Wildcraft.
Marjory has a new book coming out titled, “The Grow System. The Essential Guide to Modern Self Sufficient Living - From Growing Food to Making Medicine.” I got an early release copy, and it’s awesome!
As you know, one of the main messages I’ve been trying to convey is that now is the time to start becoming more self reliant. We are looking at inflation, currency collapse and all kinds of major disruptive changes.
I’m loving this book, especially the chapter on how to raise chickens in your backyard (if anyone has advice on how I can convince my wife to get chickens, please let me know).
In her book, Marjory shows you how to grow half your own food in your backyard and how to treat the 12 most common ailments with herbs or even weeds from around your house. She has really dialed it in for beginners and shows you the gardening system that's best for you, how many chickens you need and the design for the chicken coop.
The book is available for preorder right now, and with your preorder you’ll get some great extra bonuses. I highly recommend this book!
🦠🪤 FOURTH, for over a year now I’ve been saying that governments around the world are using the virus as an excuse to seize your freedoms. They don’t really care about keeping you safe, only that you submit to their rule. Case in point…
“After four hours of debate yesterday in the House of Commons, the United Kingdom has approved an emergency measure that will, among other restrictions, fine Brits who LEAVE the country without a qualifying reason.
Starting on Monday, anyone who leaves England must submit papers making a certified declaration of their reason for leaving. The authorities will then retain the discretion to fine travelers £5,000— nearly $7,000, if the reason isn’t valid.
The government has provided a list of 14 valid excuses, such as a professional football team traveling for a match. This is totally fine.
But someone who wants to attend a religious pilgrimage is forbidden to travel. So is someone who wants to visit an elderly parent they haven’t seen since 2019, unless it is a parent whom the traveler “reasonably believes is dying.”
How magnanimous.
By the way, these new rules come despite Members of Parliament acknowledging in debate yesterday that 95% of Brits over the age of 60 have been vaccinated.”
So, just to be clear, governments have been telling you to wear masks to lower the curve, and then it was stay at home to lower the curve, and then it was just wait until the vaccine comes out. NOW THESE RULES COME OUT AFTER 95% OF THE VULNERABLE POPULATION HAS BEEN VACCINATED!
When are people going to wake up that the governments of the world are not acting in our best interest. They don’t care if you are healthy or not. They are stealing our freedoms. They want you to submit to their rule. That is their only goal.
And at the heart of all of this are the central banks. Here is a video from an investor who has an interesting take on how the central banks have engineered the economic devastation that is here (and coming).
❤️🙂 FIFTH, I wanted to share an article with you titled, “Self-compassion is not self-indulgence: here’s how to try it.” From a young age, we learn how to be a good friend to others. Yet many of us are nasty to ourselves. One thing I’ve tried to impart to my son is that I want him to be kind to himself and to love himself. That is my wish for you too. Please remember to be compassionate with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Don’t judge. Don’t belittle. Don’t wallow in guilt. Love yourself because God loves you.
Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter! Have a great week!
Glenn 💛
💬 P.S. If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. It’s only $5 per month (or give more if you can). I am an independent voice. I don’t work for anyone else, so the only money I make is from people who become premium subscribers. I think it’s important to support independent voices who are actual truth seekers, because this is a rare thing in our world today. Journalists have lost their way, and many commentators stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country. Your support will definitely help.
Re: "...(if anyone has advice on how I can convince my wife to get chickens, please let me know)."
Learn from our government: Give your wife one fertile egg; then ask her to incubate it under a light bulb; then ask her to house it in the basement until mature enough to face outside elements; then ask her to feed it when put into the pen that she builds in the yard; then ask her to prepare the forthcoming eggs. [Omit what happens when hen stops egg production.]
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 until the number of hens are what you intended to have in the first place.
Step 3: You take credit should the plan go well -- blame her if it turns into a fiasco.
Step 4: If a fiasco happens, tell her that pigs are easier.