💛 5-Point Update! (My Excuse, The Lesson, a Property, and More)
Sorry for the delay in getting this newsletter out to you!
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
Winston Churchill
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you are doing well! And I hope you had a great Christmas and New Years.
Please enjoy today’s newsletter. Remember to forward it to your friends and family!
Here are the five points I think you will like today...
😇 FIRST, sorry for the delay, here’s my excuse, and what I’m working on for 2022.
You may have noticed that I haven’t sent you a newsletter for a few weeks. Sorry about that. The reason (my excuse) is that I’ve been working on a very important video that I believe will shock you. But it’s taking a lot longer to create than I thought it would. When you see this video, everything that has been happening over the past two years will instantly make sense. No one else is talking about this, and I think it’s vital that it be said. But I want to make sure that I say it right. Stay tuned…
I have taken stock of 2021, and I am proud and grateful that the Privacy Action Plan has helped so many people. For example, we just received this 5-star review two days ago, “A Life Changer. You gently guide us through the rabbit hole. I felt I got my money’s worth by the end of lesson three. My brain hurts from all the information but it feels great actually taking action.”
Comments like this make it all worth while. I know that a lot of people are benefiting from the Privacy Action Plan, so in 2022, we plan to greatly improve the service that we provide. Currently, we have three people on staff. By the end of the year, I want to have seven to eight people on staff so we can provide more individualized help for people.
Beyond helping individuals get private and secure online, I believe that privacy is essential for freedom. One of the main tools that power seekers have to enslave us is the total surveillance that they have put in place. We must break free of this if we, as a free people, want to remain free.
And this brings me to my newsletter and other actions that I want to take to ensure that we remain a free people. I want to do everything I can to protect our freedoms, now and for future generations. I don’t think there is anything more important for our society right now, and I am inspired to take action, so that is what I will do.
Thank you for continuing to read my newsletter. I am grateful for you.
P.S. If you want to join the Privacy Action Plan, please go here and use the coupon code: privatenewyear. This will give you 35% off lifetime membership (this coupon is good until Feb. 1st).
🦠 SECOND, the narrative is crumbling. Here’s the main lesson to learn.
As I hope you are aware, the false narrative that the CDC and mainstream media has been forcing on us for the past two years is crumbling. Their lies are being exposed. Here’s a look at some of the lies…
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the lies they have been telling us. But it’s interesting to see that some in the media are now apologizing…
As is this paper in Denmark…
I believe that those first two apologies are sincere, but they still have a lot to atone for because by blindly following the narrative they have hurt many people and have contributed to a downfall in our freedoms, which will be very difficult to get back.
In this clip, however, Jake Tapper and Sanjay Gupta don’t apologize, but they seem to have a moment of clarity in which they are waking up to the lies, but I don’t buy this for a second. Both of these people have been instrumental in peddling the propaganda for the past two years…
The Lesson?
I think it’s important to note that there’s a significant difference between Red States and Blue States (also note that the rest of the “free” world is acting like the Blue States). Blue States continue with the authoritarian practices, while Red States are back to normal and are practicing freedom. But it’s more than this. In Blue States more people are truly scared of this virus, while in Red States most people are not living in fear.
Why is this? Why are Blue States and the rest of the free world still living in fear, when they can see the example of the Red States, which actually have better numbers than Blue States?
This divide comes down to one thing; do the people trust the media and the government? If yes, then they are still living in fear and they trust the government to take care of them. If no, then they have learned to not trust the media or the government, thus they see through the lies.
So why do the Red States not trust the media? Because for the past 5 years they have observed how the media really works. They have observed that the media is not about reporting the truth, but rather they have an agenda.
And you can see this around the world. New Zealanders trust the media and the government, which has allowed the government to spread fear and impose totalitarian mechanisms, while 85% of the population approves of the leader.
Germany, the one place in the world in which we all agree that the people should question government and media propaganda, doesn’t. They have fallen hook, line and sinker for the narrative, and so the answer to the age-old question, “How could a population of tremendously good people be turned into monsters who murder millions of their neighbors?” has been answered.
The lesson that we all have to learn is to not trust the media. They are liars. They use fear and propaganda to spread lies. So, for the sake of your peace of mind, and for the sake of our freedom, turn off the news. Stop watching daytime and late night talk shows. Drop it all.
I did. I don’t have cable anymore. I stay informed on what is going on, but not from mainstream media. I seek out independent journalists who challenge the narrative, who value freedom and seek truth. I don’t watch Jimmy Fallon or any of the other talk show hosts. I don’t care what celebrities say.
Don’t let others infect your thoughts. Be discerning with what information passes into your brain.
🙏 THIRD, remember to open your heart.
Another thing I try to remember every day is to open my heart, detach from the daily strife of the world, calm down and find gratitude. This is how I pray, but if you don’t believe in God, it’s simply the process of finding inner peace.
Put your phone down, and silence it.
Close your eyes and relax your body.
With every breath, let your problems go.
Focus on the love you have.
Feel gratitude. This can be hard at first, but if you have health, be grateful for that. If you have someone in your life that you love dearly, and who loves you back, be grateful.
Feel God’s love and feel peace.
Know that everything is in it’s rightful place.
VERY IMPORTANT! If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please become a Premium Member. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country.
🍇 FOURTH, looking for a home in Colorado?
Are you looking to move to a small farm where you can grow your own food and be independent? Marjory Wildcraft asked that I share this with you in hopes that someone is looking for a perfect hobby farm home in Colorado. It’s packed with fruit trees and a wonderful garden, and it’s smack dab in a beautiful part of the country.
Check it out here: https://community.thegrownetwork.com/discussion/847879/1-acre-hobby-farm-in-organic-farming-village-for-sale#latest
🔓 FIFTH, I found this channel recently, and it’s very interesting…
This is probably something you’ve never thought of at all, nor did I. But it is really interesting. I found the YouTube channel of the Lock Picking Lawyer recently. Give it a quick watch and tell me what you think.
This is a lock that he likes…
I would love to hear what you have to say.
I hope you liked today’s newsletter! Have a great week!
Please remember to forward this issue to everyone you love!
Glenn 💛
💬 P.S. If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. I am an independent voice. I don’t work for anyone else, so the only money I make is from people who become premium subscribers. It’s important to support independent voices who are actual truth seekers, because this is a rare thing in our world today. Your support will definitely help.
Very soon, many will jump onto the apologizing bandwagon so we now have another dilemma on our hands; whose apology should be accepted and whose not, for many have actually contributed to widespread death and large-scale suffering by broadcasting a fear-narrative without the slightest hesitation or investigation. And, investigation is why a news source exist so that it can reveal the truth; what good is an apology now? The trust is broken!
Glenn: You must read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book on Fauci and Bill Gates, It will sicken you. When I saw who the author was, I was somewhat turned off ordering the book. I am glad I did not let the Kennedy name sour me on reading an astounding book. There is a swamp in the District of Corruption (I never realized how accurate that distortion of the name is) and Fauci is one of the swamp creatures. I urge all who follow Glenn's news post to read the book. It will outrage you which should turn into a flow of molten outrage and burn Fauci out of office. Of course with a $400+ thousand a year salary and untold millions in royalties on patents that he owns as a result of his "public" service — that is such a misnomer — he will be on easy street for however many years he has left. Let's hope it is not many.